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maybe because if you think about it, the playstations were the only consoles (aside from the first) that even come close to looking 'designed to be sexy'

No I'm not a fanboy you idiot. I've had gamecube, 360, DS, Snes, atari... among others and if MS hadn't made such a shit system with Xbox One (yes even now DRM is lifted) I may well have bought one of those too.

"fanboy" is used too quickly and too often these days, kinda losing...

4110d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Jimmy Fallon was the icing on the cake, but I doubt they reacted THAT quickly just to JF. This had more to do with pre-orders and public backlash voting/word of mouth. Jimmy may have sealed the deal but it wouldn't have done anything without us 'voting' with cold hard cash (or lack of)

4111d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

WE did influence this, but our actual text objections may not have. What our word of mouth did do was affect pre-orders massively, so yes we DID do this! Congrats.

Our talk, our protests, our votings and our pre-orders for PS4 all combined to make MS take notice the only way it knows how (by looking at financial forecasts based on consumer interest/pre-orders)

we were 'heard' but not directly by MS from out mouths but from our wallets.

4111d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly, how anyone can trust MS after KNOWINGLY launching RROD on the world and then denying free refurbs for a long time is beyond me. That's some low shit right there. And this latest 'box' has more than enough bad points already before we even wonder about reliability.

They may be hoping a good portion of them fail so xbots can rebuy as they did with 360 and boost sales figures for no reason other than Microsoft's own inability to build a decent, reliable ...

4111d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not to mention the derps who rebought 360s when theirs died (for various reasons). Mine died, I did not rebuy (and before anyone asks, it was BEFORE MS were refurbing for 'free' by at least 6 months)

4111d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

It will also have the worst versions of multiplatform games because it's just simply not as powerful as the PS4. A fact time will prove.

4111d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

@TrickyMic - EA recently said they had no problem with used games and felt no need to restrict them. As Serg says, even if they are BS'ing post E3 no publisher is going to chance such a finanical loss that could come from bad word of mouth or a boycott on the levels we are seeing against the XBone. The 'used game' losses (pah! yeah whatever - they keep the industry flowing like any food chain) are minor compared to a boycott and publisher's bad image.

4111d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

First person yes, third person not so much.

4111d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Well don't trade it in then! sell it yourself (and your games) on amazon or ebay! you'll make far more back that way.

I never gave my games to retail stores as trade in, sell them yourself for best price THEN buy new games. the smart move cuts out the middle man.

4111d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Phil Spencer's idiocy and smugness is only outdone by Don Mattrick's. "hey guys I'm standing around with my hands in my jeans with this jacket thrown on trying to look all hip and with it while trying to trojan horse you this utter clusterfuck of a system"

I don't believe a word MS say about XboxOne.

4111d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

@death? I'm all for innovation but not if it's got privacy/drm/consumer rights concerns attached.

And I don't think kinnect is anything great anyway. I was far more intrigued by illumiroom but that wasn't even mentioned in the end.

Nothing of the XboxOnoes gimmick features is expanding gaming (for gamers) only nerfing it for casuals. If they truly cared about that they would have made THE most powerful system along with their gimmicks and made...

4111d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

where did i say they weren't relevant? read again. I said to SHOWCASE a NEXT GEN SYSTEM? come on! KI wouldn't have looked out of place showcasing the first XB/PS2 but now? get real.

I've got nothing against 2D fighters (good ones) KI isn't a good 2D fighter and makes a poor showcase for a so called next gen system.

4111d ago 16 agree1 disagreeView comment

There are 2 likely scenarios both seeds of which have already been reported as facts on many sites.

1. The Dead Bone is having problems with heat/yield and Microsoft are still unsure what to set the GPU at or how to run with it, thus they are limiting supplies to ensure they don't have millions of dead dead bones on their hand if they launch blindly (Like they did with Xbox 360).

2. Supplies in general are way less on the Dead Bone. PS4 has massive quanti...

4111d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

! interesting, because they know people are going to be cancelling as news spreads towards end of year.

This shows what little faith they have in the DeadBone and is a clear warning sign to stay away from that machine if I've ever seen one.

4111d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

No way will Sony launch late! come on, they are obviously waiting for XB1's date to be set in stone and to leave the early release date hidden as long as possible (just like they left the NO DRM hidden)

Rumours are November but have heard October and even September (though not sure games were due then so..). Sony have reported no supply/manufacturing problems and have stated they are going all out this time to do it right - they won't launch late. They will launch clo...

4111d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

less cars less tracks in the 'free' version. Still good to have something free to showcase PS4 available to everyone who buys PS+ on day one.

4111d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

I still don't understand how in 2013 a game like "Killer Instinct" is being used to showcase the DeadBone? I'm not against 2D but it makes the system look dated before it even starts, a strange decision indeed.

BTW Killer Instinct was never that great to start with
BTW #2 this isn't the 90s, Microsoft.

4111d ago 29 agree5 disagreeView comment

PS3 is 'on top' this gen? Look at the reviews they are getting for a just released exclusive (and the console sold more by the end with a big headstart to Xbox!)

No it's not cool it's not wanting the top dog to fail at all. Had XboxONe been like PS4 where it mattered, this would never be such a big issue, just down to preference and the usual low level fanboy banter. I and thousands if not millions of others do NOT want MS's policies becoming standard in t...

4111d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe to some gamers but not to the mass market TV viewers. KZSF should have been used to wow the audience. Knack doesn't 'wow' even if it ends up a very fun game to play!

Infamous SS would be my second choice, that space needle scene looks true next gen.

4111d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

The man has it right. I never sold my copy of Burnout Paradise (PS3) because it had too much value and replayability. While every game can't be open world and with good multiplayer, a game you may want to replay because it's that good is the first step.

Stop making 6/8 hour linear experiences with dull gameplay and people won't want to sell them on. If a game is like that then make it cheaper. Used games do not harm anyone, they keep the market flowing from top to...

4111d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment