
CRank: 6Score: 99800

Yea I am still confused as well.
Blue ray has almost every movie that HDDVD has minus Universal Studio's movies and the Matrix (for now, coming to BR this fall).

I also thought with a such a fierce competition, that movies price would fall down. The only prices that got "Cut" were the Players...
Most High Definition movies still start at around 25$(average when compared to all places). Then you stack that against DVD which are now going even lower, at ne...

6269d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey home will be free however there is a big catch!

For free you get the bare basics, like maybe a couple options for a house and you live in a 1 bedroom apartment. "A bachelor's pad" or Section 8 housing.

For additional Cost you can get a bigger place and each game you buy will come with unique furniture/items (like new achievements).

I just hope they don't try and charge $4.00 for a lazyboy or ceiling fan. I also hope they incorporate a Eba...

6269d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Rockstar has more thant GTA. Granted the rest of the titles fall in the GTA shadow, they do make decent games and are probally the most innovative north american developer as well.

Do not hate what you do not understand.

6269d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I put my youngest on Ebay already...

As They say videogames don't pay for themselves.
Kids don't Either.


Selling Child(s) to pay for videogames is like hitting 2 birds with 1 stone.

By the way I am joking and i do not recommend anyone selling thier kids on Ebay or in Tijuana or in Shang Hai even its pawning them for a Halo on the DS or Duke Nukem Forever.

6271d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

wow a 1 gig demo (compressed, so end file size is bigger than 1 gig).. Yet the demo lasted less than 5 minutes.

It took me over a hour to d/l for 5 minutes....:(

Still better than nothing, So I guess we all shouldn't look a gifthorse in the mouth.

6271d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not bad at all, but damn the demo is short. I expected a bit more to show...but it is better than nothing.

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But can the 360 processors (minus the GPU on card) run graphics as well? It can handle what tasks will come next but it CAN NOT render real time graphics in which the Cell can.

And in the end its a 512 vs 512(256 + 256) + A Graphics handling processor.

The Split Ram does indeed make it harder for developers along with the extra processing cores. However like the above stated example with the hot rod vs the import car...

As Time goes by Developers ...

6272d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Negative. I followed the links and the details match.

This guy actually did the research, and you can see for yourself.

I did however looked passed the ".....100 million triangles" shanigans and looked at the meat of it. Well thought out post despite not being at the best of formats but it did have back up material.

Even if the ps3 is more powerful, the games still have yet to show for it.

"Comparison" in Non ...

6272d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

They both have 512 Ram(GPU).

360 has it 1 = 512
Ps3 has it 2 chips= 256 + 256.

Split Ram + A main Processor that can render graphics.
Whole Ram + Easy to develop software kits.

6272d ago 15 agree4 disagreeView comment

well said, but I think the excuse:

I was late because I left my head lights on last night draining my battery.


[Tomb Raider] was late because [development for a game] for a [last generation system] that is nearly exhausted.

Awesome, perhaps we could blame povery because the ps3 cost 499?
Or perhaps some deceases are incurable because we haven't updated the last Vista software.


6272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is very advantageous to keep a deluxe and lower end model on the market since most people like choice. This is what drove sales in the MS 360 department with having 3 choices. I think it unfortunately will backfire for MS, since games have to be made with the core version
(No hard drive) in mind from the get go.

$399 Ps3 -or- $299 Core 360 = Budget entry into next gen gaming.
This version sounds optimistic and is a great way to pull in PS2 sales and Ps3 sale...

6272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is a duplicate story that is almost a week old.

6276d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea they almost look like computer animated graphics (CGI).

I do suspect though PGR4 did have some pre rendered scenes in it.. I.e. The begining bike and the end bike. The first one has extra animation has way more parts showing vs. the end bike being real basic.

It still looks good though but I think burnout paradise and Midnight club 4(?) will outsell all of these.

6276d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Add a bit of "dragon ball-esqe" fights like some of Jet Lee's movies or even a dab of Matrix fights.

Take a cue from Jet Lee's, "The One". Cool special effects added into fights.

6276d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bingo. Let alone this person is hating on something that isn't even out on the market yet.


" I hate the Microsoft touch table because the glare is great and require me to move my lamp or the table its self to a dark room"

And yes someone already stated that on a website(I forgot) despite it being a ways off from being out on the market.

6276d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

..for their hardware. Perhaps if the 360 waited atleast 6 months and after many product testing cycles things would be different?

Perhaps it was Peter Moores idea, since he rushed the Dreamcast out before the ps2 and gamecube? Maybe, thats the real reason he left before the fingers can be pointed at him? He seems to have small history of jumping from one burning ship to another.

Heck If Madden 09 bombs will he jump to Take Two (2k sports)?

I am a 3...

6276d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yea this fall does have alot of games in favor of 360 but one game will trump them all.

A new Mario Brothers Game.
And since the hype for the wii is running rampant, so will Mario.

More people know who the heck Mario is, than know what the halo franchise is all about. Let alone Microsoft "hardware" failure has made national news on local new channels across the world and on CNN and even "MSN"BC.

The defences are set, t...

6279d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sexy Like Rosie O'Donnel in a g string, yo.

Yum? I think not. :P

6280d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

.....In the end, he will be making PS3 and Wii games.(360 of coarse too)
How F****** Ironic.

6280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lolipop? Wow, that was a bit*#smack at Nintendo.

Then again the Wii is a cute airhead and the ps3 is a fat chick
"Large in charge".

Looks like the Fat lady is singing.

6280d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment