
CRank: 6Score: 99800

The character models are rendered nicely as well. You can see the stiched weaving on some of the uniforms if you look close enough.###

Despite the Cartoonish figures, this game will be the multiplayer game of the year.

Halo 3 killer? Nope, multiplayer wise maybe. Not really fair since one has single player and multiplayer.
Apples and far, Killzone2, Haze, and Unreal Tournament are gunning for Halo 3.

6292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

destroid/joystiq hate sony because of David Jaffe and Ken Kutaguri was such an each target for everyone to ridicule. Like stated Above Kotaku has a right to be Sony bashers, but they haven't really and they seem Bias to me.

Gamespot=Anti-Sony. In fact I think Micrsoft owns Zdnet which owns gamespot. Who needs advertizing when you can pay websites off?

6292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A PS3 redesign will come and I don't think at E3, but sometime in the fall before the Holiday Season.

It will probally Mirror the $500 Sku with less USB ports,(no hdmi?), heck maybe a 10 gig, with the shock rumble controller as the default controller. No memory cards either. Preloaded with Demo's. No BR DVD. Price=(400-429) Speculation. Not only will this deal cut at MS, but at Toshiba as well. Will Sony put more effort against Toshiba or MS?

Microsoft will comb...

6292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same Here, but I think the "The Agency" beta will come before Little Big planet.

Hopefully Sony doesn't screw the pooch and have a "Open" Beta that isn't really open but invite only. Warhawk Beta was awesome, but many many people had to ps3proxy to get in. Despite the bugs, I was really impressed with it. IF they made it a public beta, All PS3 users would be hooked and more sales of the game when it comes out.

They better not go the MS route and ...

6292d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wrong storage capacity wins with blue ray however multiple discs can sorta fix the problem unless the levels are extremely complex and require constant loading.

I honestly think RFOM and Motorstorm could run the on the 360, but not Lair due to the levels being huge and the ammount of graphics that have to keep cycling in the RAM. I think the Load times are going to suck, but it will hopefully be worth it.

Lair so far is the only game that actually shows off what...

6293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea, the game is a Xbox live downloadable title as well.

The Trend in News lately is to tell people games that are canceled on the ps3. I agree though these mediocre games are getting alittle too much attention.
I am curios how the Unreal engine will handle a racing game....
Katmari is different and not a horrible game, will be worth 5-10 dollars though.

6293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No bladestar you are sorta right because Ubisoft hasn't made a decent PS3 game yet. R6:V was a good attempt but after all the delays they still couldn't get it right and the game was shipped with bugs galore.

Let's be honest Bladestar, Ubisoft favors Microsoft to point where they are told to say "things". Cash Dolla will make Ubi Holla.

6293d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game levels is measured in miles not feet what do you expect?

6294d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

where do you live? So i can break in.. I mean "visit" you.

Nice TV, are you a part time Stripper?

6294d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am going through Warhawk withdrawl too.

6294d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm well right now in Japan atleast, they need exclusives.

Golden rule of Console Success
Exclusive games sell systems. Games Sell Systems.
(except the Wii, where the Controller sells the system)

But then again 50mil just for DLC? 50 mil could of went towards 3 or more games.

6294d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea it does copy the halo armor sort of. But I don't think masterchief can go through the Atmosphere, fall 6 miles, and land unscathed....

Unless you have a Pro action replay.

6294d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I ditched school for starcraft once, so I can imagine it is worse now with kids today.

Then again I would ditch school to watch Jerry Springer, when the show had actual fights.

6294d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

E3 coverage will be on youtube the next day... Streaming? I don't think Sony is ready for that on PSN. MS has done a awesome job.

It would really be awesome if they streamed the Killzone 2 show.

6294d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's why Sony fully supports the PS2 still. Sony keeps the ps2 around to combat against the Wii.

If anything is going to get the price cut it will be the Ps2/singstar Pack down to the price of $100.

6295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sega giving advice on consoles ........O wow. Perhaps if they followed their advice they would still be making consoles.

Price cut from $600?
No $#it Sega. Sega is definately 2 cans short of a 6pack.


6295d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

this game looks like its running at 30 frames and not 60.

No sense of speed.

6295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I liked Fzero, but wipeout had it down packed and seemed faster with more detail. The music was awesome too.

I am still wondering if Sony is going to resurrect Jet motto.

6295d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow you are right. Ps2 lost more exclusives than the ps3 by twice as much as the ps3. Including the biggest exclusive lost so far...
Grand Theft Auto

6295d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its from KOEI, they don't exactly make the best games. Atleast the game is coming out to the US in some form or another.

I really don't expect much, but it is the first futurist/wipeout/F-zero Kind of game. It will be nice for this to atleast give gamers of what a next gen futuristic racing experience might be like.

6295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment