
CRank: 6Score: 99800

Dude once GOTY comes out the Original Version "trade in value" will drop. Better hurry.

6288d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

totaly agree nice cuppa BUT

The "guts" of the Wii is using gamecube hardware, so by now that hardware is cheap.

I'm sure the cost of the wii is pretty cheap to mass produce by now.

But then again, Sony "PR" can say well the PS2/ps3 can atleast run dvd's and your consoles future is riding on a controller.

6288d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is just a sales Spike.

All the people who were holding off for a price cut did exactly that.

Next weeks sales will decrease and the week after that and so on.

Funny how people are already complaining that they bought the ps3 a week, 2 weeks or even a month ago.

They need to get over it. It's called a sale. Life is full of them. Hopefully Sony is full of them as well.

Wait till the sales of blue ray movies comes in...

6288d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Marvel vs. Capcom/snk 3?

Hellz yea. Good Idea.

Funny how they are making another Marvel Nemesis... and another Street Fighter 2 port instead...

6288d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

good point, but games radar loves making Top 7 list of "stuff".

Ironic yet hyprocritical.

I think this list was suppose to be a joke.

6288d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yea I am confused as well.

I feel like the author of the story only got half of the news with no details.

I know bethseda wouldn't screw people over to the point where they have to buy the GOTY edition, just to play shivering isles on the ps3.

6288d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Quality products sell well in Japan. Something that has 1 in 3 chance of not lasting more that 6 months? Heck Even if I knew that the failure rate was that bad I would of had second thoughts.

But like many people, the 360 was out first...

6289d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its not going to confuse people since on the outside of the box it says in big bold letters...


Honestly what is confusing about that? 1 box says it comes with game and the other one says it doesn't.

The people to get confused would have to all be living in Mayberry.

6289d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Are you serios?

Dude the ps3 got a price drop($499). The 80 gig is just another option to buy.

Please read the whole story before typing non sense. I thought you knew better.

Hurry and Edit before evolution finds you.

6289d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good Job N4g and all the fanboys and flamers that give this website its unique flavor.

I did find it sorta of bizzare that Neogaf is more popular that N4G still...

6289d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Warner announced that the Matrix Trilogy is coming to Blu ray later this year.

This is sort of a "timed" exclusive.

6289d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Horrible Idea.

They should of brought back the 20 gig model starting at $359-399.

Common Sense, since its a beginning investment sorta of like how the core system worked for MS (except each Sku has a hard drive and blue ray)

Edit: Funny how I got disagree's yet my comment made absolute sense.

This "promotion" will bite Sony in the "who yah" when they don't reach thier sales target. A safer bet would of been the on...

6289d ago 9 agree12 disagreeView comment

The ground damage. Potholes, craters, WTF.

If the system can only handle 2 potholes at a time per character, why have them? Cheap pointless effect.

As a Tekken Fan I see no inovation yet (from video gameplay so far) and I hope Namco doesn't do what EA did with Madden 07 on next gen consoles.
*Last Madden was horrible but sold well because it was the first madden to hit the 360 and ps3.... I hope Namco doesn't just spice up the graphics and a...

6291d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes that guy showed proof with multiple references.....

I would say this find is substantialy important since neogaf is suppose to be a haven for gamers.

6291d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Actually this news might hurt it alot.

Remember the Japanese are about quality goods and most of them are against cheap chinese products. Most of the 360 was made in China, and now the failure rates all over the media....

MS must break this market with a real competive cost.

6292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually Snoop, Sony and Nintendo can capitalize on this. Smear advertizing is a powerful tool, Nintendo did it to Sony.

I don't know if Sony will, But Nintendo of America might. With a new
commercial showing a blonde in a bikini as Nintendo and .....

Dare I say what character they will Display as the Xbox is...

6292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

..Take out the console freezing, Warhawk Beta won.

Halo beta only had 3 maps and required the purchase of a 60 dollar game.....

Warhawk was free, but invite only (unless you used the PS3proxy) and has about 20 maps (5 game worlds way larger than any of Halo 3's maps)
and lag free 32 player servers.

Halo 3 of coarse is a complete package with singleplayer, but the multiplayer isn't as good as warhawks. But if Warhawk starts at 30 as a PSN title ...

6292d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am on my second. I never got the RROD but I know a number of people did get disc error, and thier Xbox's won't read certain games.

I sent it and got a replacement, but I was warned that I shouldn't tamper with my 360 or enter non DVD/CD's in the console....

I never did that, hmmm. If you get the Disc Error, I definately recommend you tell them you got RROD. I also see alot of RROD reporting this Fall after Halo Fever.

6292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since most Wii games port over to the PS2, there will still be market.

PS2 price drop, starting at @$99.99.....

6292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bingo, but we should atleast get a trailer or two. I really wanna know what the heck this "clover" movie is that comes out in January.

IT's the first trailer you see if you have seen transformers....

6292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment