CRank: 21Score: 327900

You should know better than to doubt GfK-ChartTrack. They've been reporting UK sales since 1996, they just don't report hardware sales weekly like they do with software. CVG is just quoting a source.


I think if you do a research of this quote below..you will find the numbers you want ;)

"Over its first two days, the console sold around the same as the original Xbox 360's launch sales total back in week 48 of 2005."...

5089d ago 13 agree38 disagreeView comment

hours to go, hyped

5089d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment


5093d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

look we got a comedian!

5093d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It looks like someone didn't use google before commenting.

RAGE also has multiplayer:

5094d ago 24 agree14 disagreeView comment

Blame the submitter for changing the title and not Kotaku because they don't even mention Kevin Butler on the title.

5095d ago 38 agree4 disagreeView comment

if Kojima eats with the boss of MS japan then everyone goes " uuuuu they're eating! so what? or site is desperate for hits!!"

if kojima eats with Yoshida everyone goes " OMG!! They're signing MGS5 exclusivity deal!! "

haha never change N4G ;)

5096d ago 26 agree28 disagreeView comment

The guy playing sucks, he dies at least 10 times in the water puzzle

5099d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I heard it was funded by your sad tears of jealousness, apparently it makes people want to jump like idiots :)

5099d ago 13 agree11 disagreeView comment

2011 it is then

5101d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

I was sad when i saw that the surprise was just a machinima video....but when it jumped to the Reach engine and they showed Blood Gulch ...i started re-living every single late night drunk halo 1 lan party i had. Fu*kin great memories. Thank you Bungie.

5101d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's good, as long as it doesn't turn into a borefest


What? Being influenced by Rockstar is not good?

There's so much things a game like Fable could learn from R* games without being alike. Better open-ended world, character interaction, gameplay mechanics, mini games, voice acting, story telling and more.

Red Dead Redemption is one of the highest rated games this gen and one of the top candidates for G...

5101d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well deserved. Thats what you get for trying to sell DLC as a full price game

I can't believe i'm saying this but i'm sooo happy this game is failing hard so developers learn to improve their stuff. Ruffian, you can't expect people to buy your game for $60 when other devs are pulling games 10 times bigger in value for the same price with better graphics, story and big improvements.

5103d ago 23 agree3 disagreeView comment

The only one making a mistake in every console is Hulu. Charging $10 dollars for TV rehash with advertisements?

Hulu Plus will fail in every console and on any year released. From iPhone to Xbox in 2010, 2011 or 2012

5103d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sad, but i hope this game fails bad (so something good comes out of Crackdown 3). That should force them to make an impressive sequel that ups the bar to compete with others and not a rushed game done in 8 month with a rehashed city, little evolution and same graphics.

Worst of all is that it sells for $60

5103d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment

Blue is the new brown?

5118d ago 18 agree26 disagreeView comment

You couldn't go wrong with either Portal 2 or Rage..those gasse look amazing

5121d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

no thanks, 150 or no buy

5121d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

Need to see in HD, i still can't believe that is possible at 60fps..wow

5122d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

want it

5123d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment