CRank: 21Score: 327900

Microsoft marketing at its finest

5177d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

You mean 9 multiplayer games, 1 psp game, 1 released PS2 game, and Modnation Racers? Fun times

5177d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

The huge detail in the guns compared to the craptcaular looking guns in halo 3 just screams for you to buy some glasses man.

Just take a look at this sniper comparisons. *using a screencap*


5177d ago 17 agree6 disagreeView comment

Your story got reported because you post a forum link instead of using the original source and can't even write a good description. This story was already submitted before the report.

Edit: It's not my fault that N4G doesn't reflect that quickly but i submitted this before reporting.Just look at the posting time and you cans see mine was posted within seconds of yours. 1 minute tops.

5179d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

sadly the game will suck but damn that chrome engine looks great

5179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol lie to yourself man. The native resolution is not 540p neither is 720p

but why do i waste my time? lol It's obvious you rather take some random guy clarification instead of what Remedy really said.

5180d ago 26 agree82 disagreeView comment

Read first ;)

It says that not all gets rendered at the same resolution because there's a certain combination of techniques and buffers that compose the final detail-rich frames. So not everything gets rendered the same but in the end all are combined to form one 720p image.

The native resolution is neither 540p or 720p but who cares since Remedy's words will get lost with the fanboys saying its 540p no matter what when its not.

5180d ago 33 agree85 disagreeView comment

Let's see what's fun here

-Forza 3 beats God of War 3
-Modern Warfare 2 is still a beast
-Final Fantasy XIII (360) is #26 and PS3 version is out of the top 40
-Heavy Rain is doing pretty good in UK
-ODST is back on the top 40

5180d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment

QJ.NET: "Insomniac Games: "We've got great projects to be shown at E3"

(Insomniac can't wait for E3 to start, and with every good reason. You should be excited too, because the developer company is promising to bring in some heavy-hitters for all of you to see.
Ted Price will reportedly be up on stage to show off their "great projects in development" at the upcoming E3. And no, it's not just another Ratchet & Clank. Sounds like it's gonna be hug...

5181d ago 7 agree11 disagreeView comment

Pff do you think i'm crazy? Do you want my ears to bleed listening to all those.." yo, yo, yo watss up! Dis is da hiphap gaeema! " hell no

Hmmmmm Insomaniac says you exaggerated but because they didn't mention on what now you want people to go hear more garbage to get more hits to find out the truth? ...lol You and the word truth should get anyone banned if used in the same sentence.

btw...is not interesting at all. They have the credibility and they sa...

5181d ago 32 agree14 disagreeView comment

Don't be exaggerating this timee!! You don't want Kojima to own you on his twitter :D

I'm sorry!! I just couldn't hold it!! hahahahaha

5181d ago 22 agree8 disagreeView comment

hahahaha baby i'm not hiding from anyone. I said "CLOSET" fanboys and thats what a lot of people here are. They pretend to be neutral but they're closet fanboys in the inside disguising their words trying to fool people. I have a ps3 & 360 but i obviously have a preference that i don't hide behind "unbiased" opinions and stealth trolling. I have no problem with admitting i like the 360 the most...i just love this closet fanboys that try so hard to fool people.

5181d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment


I'm obviously not "Natsu X FairyTail" but i could explain that to you

1. If you enter any exclusive game thread ( in this case Alan Wake ) you will see tons of people writing things like : ( Alan Flop, 5 years for a flop, this game will.. etc etc ) and those are statements with no fundaments or basis instead of fanboyish logic.

2. He's most likely no talking about every especific fanboy in the world but just saying those words to ...

5181d ago 23 agree32 disagreeView comment


Of course there's no reviews...because there's an embargo obviously

but this "guy" impressions are from THE "guy" that will post HIS review on Telegraph when the embargo is up.

You closet fanboys can't be pleased. If it's an under embargo impression then it's not even a review, if it gets 1 review then it's just one guys opinion and we should wait for everyone else and if every other review agrees the game is great then t...

5181d ago 44 agree47 disagreeView comment

Impressive looking game but taking screen caps from an already compressed video doesn't make it justice

5182d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

The GTTV player is not very good so if anyone wants to see a higher quality video with a crisp image, more details and less compression you can download the footage here.


Link is at the bottom and the file is 416MB but it's worth it.

5182d ago 10 agree7 disagreeView comment

I have nothing buy praise for Ebert because he's an excellent movie critic and even if don't agree with him on this one...i respect his opinion and it really doesn't bother me. He's a strong guy cus even after loosing the lower part of his mouth and the jaw he still does his job without complaining and loves it. People should not flame him or take it personal.

5182d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

just..wow, Beautiful Remedy!

5183d ago 9 agree11 disagreeView comment

Pfffffff hahahahahaha Ownage!!!

5184d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Meaty review ;)

5184d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment