CRank: 21Score: 327900

They should wait for new single player pictures to compare with SP Alpha because SP tends to look better than MP.

Anyways...Love the beta screen the most. Looks more detailed with the scratches

5278d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

Suspense and Mystery-Filled First-Person Shooter from Creators of BioShock® 2

new game out of thin air, hell yeah!

5279d ago 9 agree21 disagreeView comment

This guy does have a big mouth. Hope his game delivers.

5279d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lame videos. Can't see anything but this must be a new version because Ricochet interface looks different.

5283d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

It looks rather good but i'm not blown away. Don't like the setting and the artstyle and design it's starting to look really generic. It's like a RAGE/Gears/Borderlands all together : \

Anyway i will wait for gameplay but i'm keeping in mind that this is not from the Gears team like they want people to believe. This is done by Epic/People Can Fly studios responsible of Painkiller and the Gears of War PC port..and its a rather smaller team but let's see what they can do.

5283d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

You consider an XBLA game massive news? :\

As for the first hint i think is COD7 for sure. The second one could be the EA/Other EPIC studio game. Most likely multi platform .

The last one looks reallyyy promising.

5284d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

Not new but updated. Unreal 3.5 the one with the impressive foliage system.

5284d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

hahahaha on the freaking dashboard! Lol good one MS! Good one! They can't keep a secret on their own service hahahaha bravo!

Awesome news anyway!!! Now the haters will start raining!!

5284d ago 5 agree20 disagreeView comment

I don't think Edge giving God of War 3 -8/10 , Heavy Rain-7/10 , MGS4-8/10, Mass Effect 1 - 7/10 stopped any of them from being blockbuster titles and scoring 9+ the majority of the sites.

Plus Edge has Given 8/10 to all the previous Splinter Cell games: Pandora Tomorrow,Chaos Theory and Double Agent. So it should be as great as the others.

5284d ago 72 agree25 disagreeView comment

Splinter Cell and God of War 3 got the same score. Edge being Edge.

Good Scores.

5284d ago 9 agree11 disagreeView comment

Don't level with HHG. He doesn't care if the title is true or false or if the info is accurate as long as he gets hits to pay the bills.

5284d ago 8 agree8 disagreeView comment

Thats from today's trailer and after watching that gif whoever says 360 can't compete is either an idiot or goes by the name of hiphopgamer.

Even more amazing is that Alan Wake doesn't use CG and RemedyPR confirmed that it was all in-game with post processing effects.

Yes Even this 2


Companies need to make profit on their games! and you still believe they are investing millions on m...

Nice Big List you got there! :)

Especially Kojima. The sell out making MGS Rising for 360 that also wants to make a game for Natal and thinks it will start a Revolution.

Seems that Sony got him pretty locked haha

Edit: MGS 5 on PSP hahahahahaha , Next Gen MGS Multiplatform, Appeared on Microsoft's E3 , Making a Natal game. Kojima is whoring out everywhere! Sony is sure taking the best for them only hahaha

It's like letting your girlfriend ...

5289d ago 5 agree29 disagreeView comment

Whoopsi! No there anymore

Marc Demers’s Summary

Currently working on an unannounced title.

Participated in the development of:

Splinter Cell Conviction 360, PC (2010)
Avatar 360,PS3, PC (2009)
Resonance (Neocell Factory 2002-2005)

5293d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

If its pro 360 HHG uses "nice,ok,good,interesting " but if it was vice versa i wonder how the tittle would be.. mmmmm

Sony Willing to let Microsoft use the godly PSN and taste the future to create gaming history! but can 360 run PSN?

5294d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

You can gather all the NPD data since Nov 2006 release and it adds to 11,765,597 millions sooo there's something fishy here.

5294d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

NPD ps3 North America lifetime sales are 11,765,597 (Noc 2006 NPD-Feb 2010 NPD) so unless ps3 sold 2,234,403 in march alone then those are PSN numbers or NPD is lying.

5294d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment