CRank: 21Score: 327900

Lol do you live under a rock? This game was showed centuries ago. There's even a video on youtube like 5 months old.

P.S. Games looks like garbage.


5 Months Old Footage of a Shitty looking PSN games that will supposedly steal the Thunder of something you haven't seen or played.

Slow day on the site huh? hahahaha

5152d ago 5 agree22 disagreeView comment

This is the full top 40. None of the other articles have the full individual list. *sigh*

@ Above, a butthurt fanboy calling others fanboys lol

5152d ago 8 agree14 disagreeView comment

This is the all fortmats chart. Meaning that those fifa numbers are from both ps3 and 360.

Check the Individual track: Alan Wake is #1.

5152d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment

There's no confirmation yet but this is what MazingerDUDE said:

resolution unknown (MazingerDUDE thinks it's subHD-640p)
600MB install
Gamespy for online
exclusive content: gang outfit and gang hideout for US only
Custom soundtrack is supported

P.S. It's pretty funny how MariusElijah *who obviously a ps3 fanboy* now is getting burned by ps3 fanboys for only asking if the ps3 game is sub-hd. This site is so...

5153d ago 12 agree26 disagreeView comment

Don't worry you won't be hurting anyones feeling even if you try this hard since your comment is the perfect example of close minded stupidity. Your comment is as bad as Haze, too human and white knight chronicles all mixed together. Don't like the game? can't get it? cool but don't spit nonsense like this because Alan Wake is a far from average game. Go see if you can find a team of 40-50 guys to make a great game in 5 years. You can open your mouth very fast to criticiz...

5154d ago 5 agree14 disagreeView comment

You mean MTV can't be for Movie Awards? or TV Shows? Just music right :)

Seems like someone doesn't like Microsoft getting any attention. When you want the world to see something, you put it in every single place that could attract future sales and MTV is a big network with a lot of viewers.

and since apparently you don't know much..MTV is showcasing the Project Natal Event and Gametrailers and Spike TV are showing the E3 Press conference.

5156d ago 11 agree18 disagreeView comment

Some basic math.

40.2 - 35.7 = 4.5 ;)

Don't skip school!

5157d ago 8 agree46 disagreeView comment

I bet the PS3 will sell many consoles less than the competition this month *fixed*

5159d ago 6 agree23 disagreeView comment

Alan Wake & Heavy Rain swimming in the same boat - Edge is always entertaining

5161d ago 5 agree25 disagreeView comment

Why does the HHGShow have a 1 star rating when you hit "hiphopgamershow.ning.com +" ? :\

5162d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Alan and Red Dead 1st day

5162d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ouch :\

5164d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wasn't PSM3 last "Huge Big Exclusive" the FEAR 3 reveal? Those guys are worst than geoff keighley

5164d ago 12 agree24 disagreeView comment

No. The future is a glowing Dildo :)

5173d ago 7 agree13 disagreeView comment

:O No Way!

5173d ago 11 agree9 disagreeView comment

hahaha Luke Smith is awesome

5173d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

Just WoW! Another live action short for TV and Cinemas to promote a BETA?! I won't get tired of saying this is marketing at its finest.

5173d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Loving the twin peaks influence! It's starts getting creepy in episode 2 and i can't believe i'm looking forward to seeing more of this...a promotional "series" that actually feels good.

5176d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


Loving the character design. Not a single Fable game that i haven't enjoyed .

5177d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Nicholas Cage

Saying Alan Wake is Jaggy with 4XMSAA for aliasing show how much you know about it and how you fail. Epic :)

5177d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment