CRank: 21Score: 327900

Hell no! You can't beat HHG at a freestyle because he uses sticky balls and rehashed beats from Requiem For A Dream soundtrack!

you don't stand a chance!

Just kidding bro, do you speak english correctly? If you do, then you've already won, Hands Down.

5013d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

dude who the F*k do you thing you are? calling people out and sending warning as if you were Robert De Niro or Joe Pesci in goodfellas?

My god..the retard that goes to a company and then has an entire episode wearing their game's shirt, dedicated to saying how they are crushing the competition and gives games 11/10 and 12/10.....now is questioning reviewers?

have some integrity and stfu for god's sakes

*FYI.. You are not "crushing&qu...

5017d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

Vanquish is not 60fps is 30fps(and dips below)... HHG is the "#1 journalist" according to him yet he knows less than half the users in N4G *sigh*

5020d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

ODST sold 2.2M in its first week

Halo: Reach sold OVER 4 million in week one

Good to see you edited "ODST sold more than 4" ..to "ODST sold more than 2"

The syndrome is called you're and idiot, do some research before posting.

5023d ago 29 agree12 disagreeView comment

I can't believe people still play MW2...It's sooo boring :(

5023d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

actually it sold 44,000 in japan

5023d ago 11 agree6 disagreeView comment

Analysts back Microsoft's 3m Kinect sales claim, Droid cries of despair

5026d ago 11 agree16 disagreeView comment

..and yet it has no vehicles, no sandbox level design, contained corridor sections, less enemies on screen..etc

That stuff is more important than 128 horizontal lines missing because full HD starts at 1280x720 and Reach runs at 1152x720

5027d ago 9 agree13 disagreeView comment


5027d ago 8 agree17 disagreeView comment


5027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5027d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ths IS Demon Souls 2, exact same team...they just changed name because Sony owns the IP

5029d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

NOthing but truth! word!

Except the other 60 reviews that say otherwise ;)

5029d ago 13 agree16 disagreeView comment

fk the haters, trailer looks great! It will take some time to get used to but i dig it. Gamers are so afraid of change in games...yet if they don't evolve they start bitching again ...and in the end...they end up buying it the first day anyway.


Read the press release, they are changing DMC's gameplay, look, setting....basically EVERYTHING.. that you don't like it or agree with it..doesn't mean they ain't doing new stuff with DMC.

5031d ago 14 agree62 disagreeView comment

Tomorrow is MS keynote, this is their "hardcore Kinect" game from an old franchise

5031d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Case Zero was money well spent, i'm interested.

5031d ago 9 agree15 disagreeView comment

this look good? Pardon me..but this looks like shit if you take in consideration who's making it

5031d ago 15 agree11 disagreeView comment

keep em coming

5032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hahaha so sad when they have to pretend that 9.'s are low scores...what they forget is that by doing this they are discrediting shooters with lower scores than Reach like Killzone 2 and Resistance..haha classic

5033d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ohh! So that's why they gave Halo: 3 and ODST a 9.0 ?

Oh the logic :)

5034d ago 28 agree24 disagreeView comment