CRank: 21Score: 327900

Must be so nice down there in delusionland ;)

4938d ago 10 agree11 disagreeView comment

Woah..who would have thought that this game had such a great style after those generic looking archetypes they used in the first trailer.

If this is the style they used for the final game, then wow. I'm genuinely excited.

4940d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

Early reviews are too early, late reviews are too late. They need to find the perfect balance to review Gran Turismo 5. Only the 9+ reviews were able to find this balance.

4949d ago 15 agree53 disagreeView comment

Exactly, they didn't play it enough. Makes me wonder, Why nobody called foul on Eurogamer's and Gamepro's review? You know, they also reviewed the game in 2 days.

Can anyone take a guess? I bet it involves a 9/10. It's only enough when it scores over 9. If it's lower then they didn't play it enough.

Am I doing it right? :D

4950d ago 9 agree16 disagreeView comment

Oh noes! Looks like the GT5 Delusion fever is running high!


GT5 Delusion Fever: It's a sickness spreading in the month of November,2010, that makes users feel an unbearable amount shame after not being able to handle the fact that a game they waited for over 5 years, ended up with an 85 in Metacritic, scoring alarmingly lower than a game they used to make fun. The symptoms include, ignoring the above mentioned facts and babbling inside a self ...

4950d ago 6 agree23 disagreeView comment

says the Retro KID *facepalm*

4951d ago 8 agree13 disagreeView comment


4952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why are you so pissed at Videogamer? 90% of the sites scored Forza 3 better, you're acting as if this was the first site.

Take it easy, getting bitchy won't change the score to a 10...ask Alan Wake ;)

4953d ago 10 agree23 disagreeView comment

The media is having a field day with this game. I don't want the game but I honestly thought this game was going to kill with perfect scores everywhere. I honestly never saw this day coming.

4954d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

stfu Geoff, You say the same thing each year and they all suck.

4955d ago 17 agree4 disagreeView comment

ehhh not true. Not saying it goes the other way..but not true.

1. Regular movies tickets go from 6-12 bucks (approx.), Games sell for $60 + Taxes
2. Movies don't require something to play them, just the price of the ticket. Games need a $200 (minimum) console to play them.

Comparing them just as an entertainment medium and not putting this things into perspective is retarded.

4956d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

as fake as this numbers may be.... at least check your dates.

Kinect wasn't out in EU or Japan by the time of this numbers, only NA

4965d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

No one is saying that the game is bad, the article is talking about sales.

It even says at the beginning

"This one hurts, because Alan Wake is a terrific game."

4967d ago 20 agree6 disagreeView comment

All the previous COD games are Sub-HD and somehow they managed to make this one even More Sub-HD and dipping to 20FPS.

Amazing accomplishment Treyarch!

4968d ago 20 agree9 disagreeView comment

Isn't this what you always say? and they all end up being overhyped sh!t?

4974d ago 14 agree4 disagreeView comment

wasn't the PS3 the lead console?

4975d ago 12 agree21 disagreeView comment

Yeah, indie games are hidden underground. Bad move MS.

4976d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

hahahahaha this the amount of spinning is hilarious!

4976d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

There's no time to lose. The game is not even out and they already know it's going to be a hit.

4977d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

umm fans are still getting a new PGR and you're crying. Nothing wrong with the picture if you ask me.

4977d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment