
CRank: 5Score: 2630

All old FFs get remade at one point in time. FF7 is no different.

We shouldnt be pushing them or it could ruin the experience. It takes skill, man power and time to remake a game. Most of the guys who worked on FF7 back in the days are doing something else. We shouldnt push. They already said it would come.

FF7 CC is not the end of the FF7 anniversary. Its gonna be the remake.

5924d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can stay in denial all you want. But people will be playing GTA4 by the end of april. Not COD4.

Oh wait let me rephrase what I said.

People WITH MONEY will be playing GTA4 by the end of april. That obviously excludes you so you have to settle for the next best thing which is "10 bucks" additional maps.

GTA4 is one of the biggest games this year and already predicted to sell over 13M copies. Almost twice as much as COD4. COD4 WAS fun for a w...

5924d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

multi platform games that in the not so distant future will look better on the PS3 anyway.

I buy a console for its mega exclusives. And the 360 barely has any mega exclusives.

5924d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I find it funny that they just figured it out now. When all of us have been saying it since...well since the PS3 launched.

Ratchet, Uncharted, GT5, the proof is in the pudding.

5924d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I love the picture lol.

360: old manwhore
PS3: hot chick

As for the install, hey people, thats why we have the harddrive. Its there to make the loading times go kapoosh.

Its no biggie since after you are done playing, you can just delete say DMC4 or something from your harddisk (not the save games of course)...

5924d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

So whatever happened to the "wii outsold PS3 20:1"

So it has come down to this now? 3:1 Hahaha, you aint laughing for much longer.

5924d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Nostalgia on MGS. Sure.

Nostalgia on Jak K?
Nostalgia on Twisted metal?

That aint nostalgia. Thats called "I got nothing better to do with my life but play 5 year old non classic games".

5924d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol_ LOL

Why would ***anyone*** still want to play those games online. Especially with the alternatives available. Man, the life of the dude who still wants to hop back and play 5 year old PS2 or XBOX games must suck tremendously when he doesnt have anything constructive to do at all in his life other than replaying ancient crap.

5925d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

In about a year, no PS3 owner is gonna care about playing Resistance online. Because we will be playing Resistance 2 online.

So yea, we dont care if they cut the servers for Resistance 1.

The funny part here is that only 360 fanboys are actually complaining about this news. Why do you care anyway. You dont even own a PS3 and your complaining about PS3 resistance servers which may or may not get cut off?

It doesnt get anymore ridiculous than this, folks. ...

5925d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They kept the servers up and running for 5 years. PS2 online is outdated and very few people play PS2 online and even fewer people play these games on the PS2.

PS3 is now where its at. Old games get played and eventually people will stop playing. They dont need to keep the servers up and running forever. Only for a few years. When the time comes that nobody is playing anymore, they cut the servers.

Only biotchbots are making an issue here. Just like how they have bee...

5925d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Last year, PS3 sold give or take 10M consoles. Thats with what the xbots call "no games".

You dont think the PS3 with all these heavy hitters this year is gonna do at least as good?

5925d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Being a 360 fanboy is hell of a hard nowadays. They think we got "pwned" for having to wait 3 weeks longer on some additional content of which only two are new lol.

Hey mister, why dont you go buy those maps. I was gonna pass anyway so it doesnt matter when they come. GTA4 > COD4

5925d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

At 10 bucks for only 4 maps, of which only 2 are completely new, Ima gonna pass.

They are retarded if they think Ima still gonna play COD4 at the end of april. GTA4 > COD4

5925d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Yup, biotchbots. Confirmed to be the 360 console destroyer. This June, armageddon begins for the 360.

5925d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Xbots in 2006: HD DVD is teh furere! Teh pron is behind HD DVD. Blueray dies just like Betamax!

More Xbots in 2006: HDMI is something nobody wants and nobody needs just like HDD. Consoles arent PCs.

Xbots in 2007: MGS4 confirmed for the 360! All your gamez are belong to us!

More Xbots in 2007: FF13 confirmed for the 360! Tekken announced for the 360!

Even more xbots in 2007: Halo will mean the end for the PS3. Lost oddysey final fantasy kill...

5925d ago 12 agree5 disagreeView comment

there will be a game that will mark the beginning of the end for one of the consoles.

So it was written in the holy code of gaming. The game would drop jaws and knock even the most hardcore critics of its feet.

In 2007 MS waged a war against Sony and tried to persuade Sonys allies to switch sides. After an absence of over 4 years, one of Sony's ally returns in the form of a old man. MS was quick to react and green dollar flowed around like whine. But after many talk...

5925d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Mr Pachter is only partly correct. If nothing changes as it does today, then yes Pachter might have a point.

The big unknown variable however, is the games and the impact it will have on the consoles. MGS4, KZ2, R2, LBP, Home, FF13, GT5, GTA4 are all system sellers and will push the PS3 into new heights.

Mr Pachter cannot predict the effect these games have on the consoles.
But Mr Pachter is probably right about the 360 sales. Because the 360 does not have any ...

5925d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Vader never had an apprentice. Countless novels confirm this.

And now suddenly here's Vaderssss apprentice!

Damn Lucas Arts is fking shameless.

5925d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

xbots, has it now come to this?
Being an xbot must be hard nowadays. Gloating over generic JRPGs?
You know they gave you this generic piece so that we could get SO4 right?


5926d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Today, MGS4 already attacked the 360 "for massive damage!"

Hahaha. Hey hey xbots, remember all those "MGS4 for the 360 confirmed rumors?"

This game is going to destroy the 360. Hows that for irony. Hahaha.

5926d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment