
CRank: 5Score: 2630

Fking xbot fanboy that is who.

PS3 GTA4 is the highest rated game ever with an average of 99%. This review is clearly trying to bring that score down.

Honestly, GTA4 doesnt have the best graphics. It doesnt have the best of everything. But who the fk in its right mind would rate this game lower than a 9?

This game is pure fun. 75 lmao. Fking xbot. If PS3 gets 75, quick someone rate the inferior 360 version. Probably worth a 50/100 that one.

5987d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Lol I dont need confirmation from 20 websites that Sony PS3 version of GTA4 is superior.

ROCKSTAR, the guys behind the game, is OFFICIAL source and thousand times more credible than all these sites bundled together.

And they have clearly said so on many occasion that the PS3 version is the BEST one yet. It takes a fking moron to think Gametrailers is correct but Rockstar (the guys who made the game) are incorrect.

So whats it gonna be, xbots. Fking moron...

5987d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do they look like they are in need of a few measly million they are going to make anyway.

Dumb xbot. Not everything is about money in this world. I know when you dont have a buck, 100 bucks seems a lot. But when you already spend millions, a few million is worth next to nothing. Im sure Sony is jumping up and down for MS when the rest of the companies around the world wants Blu Ray. Youre delusional.

Just deal with it. Crap60 isnt getting any blu ray this generation....

5987d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The total amount of PCs around the world are in the several hundreds of millions.

And ONLY a very small percentage are actually used as GAMING devices.

Offices and business used the most amount of computers. They dont run counterstrike on those comps, little boy.

That computer of yours in your home runs counterstrike (or SIMS whatever suits you). Thats only a very small fraction of the total amount of PCs used worldwide.

5987d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

before you xbots finally get it through your thick uninformed delusional skull.

Are you fking borderline stupid or what. 360 WONT ever get a Blu Ray drive.

5987d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

PS3 owners get the biggest choise in genres. Always have been always wil be.

We have the best fighting games, best RPGs, best stealth, best action, best racing, best casual, best MMO, best puzzles, best adventures and best FPS.

Whereas flopbox has always been known for its FPS genre only.

And look at where you are at now. PS3 rivals 360 FPS with SOCOM, COD4, Resistance, UT3, Killzone and soon Gears of wars 3.

Yes, thats a multi platf...

5987d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

There arent even 40Million GAMING PCs out there WORLDWIDE.

So you gotta be an idiot if you thought it was a real story.

5987d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Disgruntled xbots now: "MGS4 sucks", "MGS4 will be 8/10"

5987d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gamers: "we are not Valve games players"

Enough said.

5987d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Or do anything for your condition.

Merely swinging your wiimote is not exercise. If thats exercising, everytime I reach out and grab a bottle of beer, is exercising.

Sorry, but youre being fooled.

And losing muscle is not my idea of "losing weight".

PS you can do push ups with wiifit. Yes, I know. Or you can chose to do push ups without wiifit. Seriously.

5988d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

shows how unprofessional, lazy, dumb, biased and high low their standards are.

If you cant even write a proper article praising (or attacking a game), dont even bother fking amateurs.

My 3 year old nephew could have done a better job. And your boss is paying you to do that?

5988d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Many who have experienced this problem, have reported that they use a wireless router to connect their PS3 online.

Thats also why more PS3 owners experienced this problem and less 360 owners.

Because 360 is not future proof and does not include WIFI. Most 360 owners use wired connection and it seems like in this particular instance, it worked out better for them.

But who are we kidding. 2 weeks from now, Rockstar will come with a patch and all problems w...

5988d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

And this is bad? How?

Stop crying. You knew this was coming. Now you have to buy just like everyone else.

5988d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So people think GTA4s graphics are fine but MGS4 graphics which are vastly more detailed, crisp and clear is not?

You dumb or something.

Just Snake's moustache alone contains more polygons than all the characters of GTA4 put together. Dont use double standards. If GTA4 is fine, MGS4 is art.

5989d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But in what way have they been truly utilized. Its been 1 year and a half and not one game can truly say to have taken full advantage of its controls. Not even NINTENDO games have truly taken advantage of its control. Aiming Links bow? So all that gimmick is used to aim a bow that you use once in a while?

Bro, when Nintendos biggest flagship title, Smash Brawl, is best played on a Nintendo Gamecube controller, I think thats enough said.

The wiimote is too inaccurate...

5989d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dont ever say we didnt told you so. We told you so from the beginning.

No God of War, No GRAND THEFT AUTO, No Final Fantasy main series, No Metal Gear main series, no Tekken main series, no Resident Evil main series, no Gran turismo main series, no SOCOM, no resistance, no bioshock, no unreal tournament, no gears of war, no Call of Duty, no mature JRPG, no Streetfighter etc.

Games that you took for granted. But they will never appear on Nintendo wii. You get a wii. A...

5989d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

PSP is simply the best handheld available. The things you can do with that piece of hardware is astounding. And all you need is an extra battery and some software. Hint hint.

And also just like how the PSP turned around, so will the PS3 turn around with the imminent release of PS3's triple A exclusives.

5989d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Remember how in 2007 you had 20 articles popping out claiming how "3rd part developers are jumping on the wii en masse" trying to convince us how "3rd party developers were leaving Sony's PS3 for the wii" and at the same time you had a bunch of articles popping up claiming how "[insert big name franchise like MGS4] was also coming for the 360".

This just goes to show that this generation you have a shiatload of sony haters who would do anything in th...

5989d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cos thats fking retarded. And there is nothing wrong with Blu Ray sales. It won, doesnt mean every will go out and get Blu Ray immediatly.

5989d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like that list. Guess the average Japanese gamer is from my generation . If thats true, then expect massive PS3 spike when FF13 and MGS4 comes out in Japan.

5989d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment