
CRank: 5Score: 2630

When I drive near the internet cafe, everyone runs away screaming the "batmonster is here".

Fking hilarious.

5897d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

about things that they do not know about.

If I wanted information on a toyota, I wouldnt call my meat butcher for advice, ok.

5897d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I was a non believer until a shortwhile ago aswel.

I now have a PSP and it does things that you dont want to believe in your wildest dreams. All you need is extra battery and an old firmware. Hint hint hint.

But theres a lot of dumbasses walking around this site who probably still dont get it. In terms of software PSP is killing too. FFtactics, FFCC, MH2, SOCOM, GTA, MGO, MGOP, GOW, and more. Time to invest i...

5897d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

one day after GTA4s release? LOL

Is it just me or are they talking a lot of shiat lately? Desperationmode?

PS3 hardware got moved. Thats what matters. Youre losing this war Microshaft. 2008 is a very sore year for you. And 2009 is just a slaughter.

5897d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did that xbot just base his troll attempt at how well FF CC did?

Who the hell buys PSP games anyway. PSP is not called BEST HANDHELD ever created for a reason.

A regular FF CC torrent shows 4,9 million seeders and 5,2 million peers.

I guess the xbot just got OWNED.

5898d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

In your stupidity you have failed to realize that Sony has outsold MS consistently since the beginning of 2008.

If MS is now reporting 19 million XBOXses, than what makes you think Sony is still at 10.1 million PS3s.

They have consistently outsold 360 every month. Hell they even outsold 360 last year when they supposedly had "no games" and a higher pricetag.

You xbots are delusional bunch.
I bought GTA4 from the store yesterday. 3 guys in...

5899d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You 15 mins ago: "Wii is the best, you are wrong!"

You now: "Who says I will be owning only a wii in the future! So you see, I get to enjoy the BEST OF GAMING IN THE FUTURE TOO COS IM BUYING A REAL NEXT GEN CONSOLE!"

I rest my case. If the wii is the best, you wouldnt be looking for another console after that wake up biatchslap you just got.

The wii has no metal gear, no good fighting game, no proper JRPG, no hardcore FPS, hell not e...

5899d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

noobs need to go back to noob of duty 4. Tactical espionage multiplayer is way over your head.

5899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is FF:CCB going to suck?

Yes, just like FF Rings of Fates.

"it seems you know nothing at all, How are nintendo owners delusional IF you are the one making claims you dont know sh/t about( "And more of that crap that I dont even know about" )?

>> How did I make claims I dont know shiat about. That list was a pretty good list of games for the wii. There isnt much out there for the wii and that is a fact. Just because you chose not to s...

5899d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

And in reality I am really in awe and disbelief at how "great" that line up is.

A line up that includes

"mario spin me off again 5"
"Harry Lotter"
"Escape from baboon Island"
"And more of that crap that I dont even know about"

I can totally see how wrong I had been now. I am soo jealous at your line up. I cant believe I did not purch...

5899d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Hi, I work for Capcom PR department. Thank you for showing interest in our up and coming fighting game Streetfighter 4. We, at Capcom, have been hard at work. We know that Streetfighter 2 is the most popular Streetfighter. Thats why in addition to redoing SF2 turbo in HD for XBOX Live, we are working on Streetfighter 4. For 60 bucks, you get:

same characters, same bosses, same stages and oh because you waited 15 years, you get 2-3 new totally uninspiring characters aswell!

5899d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Why didnt you do a 360 in the first place"

Because the 360 is piece of worthless crap. I have spoken.

5899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are these kids truly living in an upside down world? They seem awfully out of touch with reality.

They talk about "big things" then they name "Ghostbusters, Sonic and Timehollow".

I am speechless. Truly I am. I feel sorry for you kiddies. And at the same time, I cant help but LMAO hard everytime wii kiddies talk about their "big games or big lineup". Holy shiat man. So it has come to this.

Man Im just glad I never fell for t...

5899d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

are written by people who are paid to do so by MS.

Or they are simply XBOTS in denial.

I mean who the fk do they think they are trying to fool? The PS3 is vastly superior and futureproof than old gen xbox 360.

You have got to be a fool to not see this.

1) the moron claimed how space isnt an issue for the 360 because you can "buy external HDDs for the 360"

False. This isnt an argument. PS3 can upgrade their HD...

5901d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just like how the wii can never do 360/PS3 realistic graphics, so too, can the 360 not do the "total package" style the PS3 can render on screen as shown by Uncharted, Killzone 2 and Resistance 2.

5902d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

looks like a slight, very slight, graphical update over GoW1. Except that they now can include a little more enemies on screen and there animations look slightly better, the textures are little improved, the lighting little improved.

And people think this game "can battle it out" with games like KZ2 and R2 which has everything on screen.

Delusional people.

5902d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game MAY help Sony gain ground?

You dumbasses.

This game was MADE to help Sony gain ground.
4 horsemen baby.

5903d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is "Microsoft OK"?

What kind of title is that. Microsoft will rape you if they find out.


How the hell did this turn into MS again. Some barely minimum wage earning fool answering calls for MS, can hardly be considered someone who can represent MS.

Chances are, that dude doesnt ...

5903d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Remember a week and two ago?

All those shiat ass comments about how Kojima thought MGS4 sucks and how PS3 was maxed and how Kojima was not satisfied with PS3?

Well todays story confirms what Ive been saying: they were mistranslations and taken out of context.

Xbots had a field day but in the end MGS4 is the 360 killer.

Time is running out for you bots.

5904d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment


Ive been saying it since last year summer.
There is no way a company can have a full year of shortages. Especially when you consider the proponents needed to make a wii. Its not like they need a billion super CELL 2 processors. The wii uses Gamecube technology. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE.

5905d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment