
CRank: 5Score: 2630

in a non vibrant city with less pedestrians, less cars, shiat AI, cartoony graphics world with framerate and jaggy issues.

Untill you hit your RROD. Then you would be 2 months behind. Stupid beyond.

5904d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

after all, stinkin bots.

They said it only takes a few minutes to install GTA4 on PS3. And it turns out to be true. NOW WHAT XBOTS? GETTING SCARED YET?


OFFICIAL GTA$ bundle, Sony going to destroy 360. Oh wait, they already have been destroying 360 for the last 3 months and in 2007. hahaha.

5904d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

No true system seller in 2008 for MS so all their last hope is clinged to a multi platform title.

Sorry MS, GTA4 on your console sucks. Best experience? Do you mean getting RROD while playing GTA4 with my friends?

5904d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The DLC for the 360 is nothing more but a few side missions and some extra items. Xbots aint getting an entire expansion. And certainly not for free.

5904d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

...the shortagezzz"

Hahaha now what xbots, youre starting to run out of excuses.

5908d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not only is it a SONY game, but Digital Polyphony is also owned by Sony.

Digital P is a Sony subsidiary. How dense can you get. They own all the shares in Digital P. Thats why Digital P is called SUBSIDIARY.

5908d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And thats exactly why they wont release it for the PC.

Their (SONY) game. They decide. Not going to happen.

Read the word "perhaps". Wow basing a Sony IP franchise going multi on that word is me saying I could break a 400 pound rock with my fist.

5908d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

READING COMPREHENSION, do you have it, xbot?

"“It is very, very improbable that GT will comes out on another console,” he said, speaking to “But perhaps it comes to the PC. Particularly [so we could spread the game in] the Chinese market."

AKA its PS3 exclusive and its a SONY brand title so SONY decides whether or not its coming to the PC. IF they do release it on the PC, AND THATS A BIG IF ("PERHAPS") it would only be for the ...

5908d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played half of those rpgs lol.

Valkyrie profile is available for the PSP with added cutscenes.
Suikoden II I still own.
FF7. No need to say more.
Ogre battle is a SNES game man. I still remember playing it on the SNES. Why even bother with the PSX version lol unless you are from a different generation in which case I will say: HAHA!

5908d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment





5908d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

As a PS3 owner, we dont have to chose.

We get to play both. Ah now thats luxury.

5908d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Blatant Bob from Tekken 6 rip off.

Bob is the shiat. Crazy fat ass, fun to play.

Crapcom running out of original ideas? Im sorry but SF4 gameplay looks outdated and too slow.

The new characters dont have charisma and the game is turning rapidly into a SF EX meets SF2.

5908d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

We have MGS.

You lose.


5908d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

Its already confirmed that GTA4 will probably help out the PS3 more than the 360.

So why suddenly all the "GTA4 advertising only for 360", "GTA4 DLC matters a lot"?

Xbots in damage control mode panicking?

5909d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They toned it down.

I noticed it in Tekken DR even. Because quite frankly, that move isnt hard to pull off anymore. It used to be one of the best throws in tekken 2 and then 3. But I mean come on, in Rambo voice: "its as easy as breathing".

They also increased the powerbar.

Tekken 6 on 360 is never going to happen. Tekken is a franchise that has been made SPECIFICALLY for the PS brand. Since Tekken 1, every Tekkens has utilized the PS motherboa...

5909d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So has Ryu. And Ken. And Chun Li.


5909d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha looking great although the guy playing Lili is kinda noobish.

I dont know why he didnt just spam the LK+RK moves. Thats what most cheap ass lili players do anyway. She isnt strong at all. One of the lower tiers for sure. But the spam moves are so fking annoying and can totally surprise folk with using the same moves.

Or maybe its just me. I have Tekken 5 and she wasnt in there. I just recently got Tekken DR for PS3 and she is totally new to me. Fking annoying as...

5909d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dont be paranoid.

5909d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Without calling names, certain folk need a wake up call.

Digital downloads isnt a Microsoft product and is in no way going to harm the PS3. PS3 owners are downloading stuff from PSN store just like you are dl from LIVE. MS also doesnt get any payments if I decide to download something today on the net. ROFL@ your pathetic attempts at trying to bring down Blu Ray momentum.

That digital download is a thing of the far away future is known since 1990. I dont need you ...

5910d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not just THE system of 2008.

But also THE system of 2009 and beyond.

This is the only system that is truly next gen multi media and futureproof with a shiatload of exclusive games that are unique and belong to the very best of their genres respectively.

The bottom line is this. If you dont own a PS3 now or soon, youre FKED.
End of story.

You hear that xbots. We told ya to start saving in 2007, didnt we. ROFL so now what. Hahaha. Bett...

5910d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment