
CRank: 5Score: 2630

They say it will take a long time before its done.

When this thing hits the world, the world will be one disgusting place to be in.

You dont want to be around by the time this hits.

6003d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I ask again, xbot, are you ILLITERATE OR WHAT!?

Mark Rein: "We know SOME of these great mods are going to play a role on Xbox 360, even IF WE have to get some people and bring them over ourselves," he said. "We'll figure it out."

So where did it say you can make a mod on your PC and port it over to the 360? On the contrary my stupid xbot friend. Rein pretty much confirms here that there is no mod support and that EPIC is uploading some of these mo...

6003d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uh no.

Are you illiterate or just plain stupid.

6003d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

You either extremely stupid or you are illiterate.

Nothing was said in the article that we didnt know about half a year ago.


There is a big difference between the two.

PS3 has a shiatlod of MODS at the moment. You are getting a few out of that shiatload. DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW, RETARDED XBOT.

6003d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Xbots have become desperation itself.

They now resort to attacking the PS3 with every positive news possible (just spin it around and around).

Them bots now claiming that PS3 is a weak machine and it is maxed already.

Come on, who the fk are you trying to convince. This is the machine that gave us GRAN TURISMO 5 which PWNS anything on the 360 graphics wise.

Then there is:
Killzone 2, Resistance 2, FF13, FF13, MGS4, Uncharted, Heavenly...

6003d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

More maps?

PS3 version started with 40 maps. 2 free DL maps in feb. And over 100 extra maps that you can DL through mod support.

We have over 60 mutators not counting the standard ones included with the game.

We have over 40 different characters NOT counting the original standard ones. Including green power ranger. Your idol if I remember correctly.

So what do you have?

5 extra maps? LOL how many maps are you even starting out ...

6003d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Mark Rein: "They’ve [PlayStation 3 owners] got mods! They’ve got their thing. They’ve got easily exchangeable user created mods. Whether this game [Unreal Tournament III 360] gets that or not, it won’t have it at ship. They’ve got they’re thing and they should be happy. They’ve got a great thing going."

So you are getting 5 new maps and splitscreen. Big fking deal.

They on...

6003d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

We started with 40 maps and mod support. We got 2 new maps free of charge dl, that makes it 42. We have over 100 modmaps we can DL, shiatload of mutators and new characters including that green power ranger of yours whom I hear is the nr1 idol of the xbot community.

You start with 5 maps. You get 5 more extra maps, that makes you at 10. So now you get splitscreen mode. You have no mods.

And we had the game for over 6 months, pure exclusive madness.

Whos ...

6004d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

When asked what version of UT3 has the better graphics, Rein replied: "You'll have to judge that for yourself. I think it goes without saying that the more time you spend on a product the more optimisation you get, and you can draw your own conclusions from that.

So where does it state it was graphically superior for the 360? Please dont go make stuff up.

It is a fact that you are getting 5 new maps (PS3 has 40 + 2 extra official free maps + 100 mod maps that I ...

6004d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment
6004d ago

The problem with your analysis is that the MGO DL is a beta distribution.

After May 5th who the fk is still using it? So why invest in expensive servers and use it to distribute FREEBIES to gamers, when P2P is probably most efficient way anyway.

Gamers shouldnt complain so much nowadays. Its a FREEBIE service that Konami is providing us. We DL their product so that we can play it free of charge.

We arent obligated to DL it. So if it bothers you that much...

6004d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Once you played the greatest zelda ever, which is A link to the Past, youll come to realize that you played all other zeldas.

The zeldas arent really sequals. They are more like remakes. The art style changes a little, ie Links pointy ear is pointier or thicker, they add a belt to the suit, they add some more chickens in the game, they change gorons appearances and the graphics get an update.

Everything else is basically the same.
I aint coughing up 60 bucks ev...

6004d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its not every year. Its every 3-4 years.

Zelda games take 4 years to develop.

6004d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

is that GTA, MGS4, TK6, FF series, Ratchets etc truly do feel like new sequals because they go beyond.

Whereas most mario, zelda, metroid feel more like remakes than true sequals.

Everything in those games stay the same. They add a little bit of variety here, a little change there, a new suit here, update the graphics a little, those midi sounds stay the same, they change the art style a little and voila..."a new" zelda. Dude, Basically, if you played Ocari...

6004d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well brace yourself.

Youre not gonna touch it for another 3 years.
And if you live in the US, you would not touch it for another 6 months. You can add another 3 months if you live in Europe.

6004d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

And so it begins.

The most innovative ideas and vision in gaming right now are LBP and HOME.

Nothing from the competitors comes even close. They (competitors) are horribly lacking with their last gen and childish visions and they have absolutely no clue as to what gives.

One, still lives in their own dreamworld where the casual gamers are bringing in billions.

While the other is too busy thinking up ways to blackball PS3 and Sony in the med...

6005d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Surely massive humiliation of this news must have reached xbot ears by now?

So where them bots at. Are they too busy spinning positive PS3 news into somehow negative like "PS3 has mandatory installs so yea OWNED"?

Hahaha. So sad. Lets face it, there has been nothing but positive news for the PS3 since november. While the 360 has been in a negative spiral downwards since november. And still these delusional xbots troll.

But news like these is w...

6005d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment


Because it reduces loading times and make the game more stable and faster.

The only reason why its OPTIONAL for the 360, is because HDD is a luxury that many xbots dont have. Half you dumb fkers dont have an expensive 360 HDD.

You peeps are pretty much last gen. PS3 proves again why it is futureproof.

6005d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

MS going into fury mode?

Lmao delusional xbot, MS is desperate at the moment. They are trying to stop GTA4 PS3 momentum of the last 3 weeks. And you talk like as if 360 is unleashing some sort of might weapon, when they have nothing left.

360 is as good as dead in the water. Its been outsold in the whole of 2007 and outsold even in the USA for the last three months.

All thats left, is to see the total 360 userbase getting surpassed by the PS3 fanbase. An...

6005d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

so you could get free content.

And no, the DLC is not going to be huge. Rockstar already said that the DLC is going to be optional side missions and stuff.

Everyone knows it by now. Its just you xbots that are still claiming that the DLC is going to be fking huge expansion packs.

Probably because GTA DLC is the last shining beacon of hope for the 360.

6005d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment