CRank: 5Score: 10285

Games and gamers have been doing things like this for years, it just goes to show how dumbed down your world is when you think Xbox and Halo are the catalyst for everything.

You're in another class alright. *rolls eyes*

6182d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

"He'll eventually gather allies of his own, including an elf-looking explorer's daughter and her aging robot bodyguards, Cronk and Zephyr, who are patterned after the PS3 and Xbox 360, respectively. No, really. They crack jokes about it and everything."

Thats funny as hell. Can't wait to play this game.

6182d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That i've had on my HDD for months in beta form and it works fine. I don't know why they don't release major bugs that i could detect other than the Left and Right on the stereo need to be swapped.

Right now when you're standing around and there's a TV near by playing a trailer or something on your left side, the sounds come out of the right speaker. Weird LOL

Other than that the voice chat works great with proximity sound, the arcade works well along wit...

6194d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...just don't butcher the game to fit on a DVD9 if this is Multi-plat.

6200d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

....a new XMB icon to me. Interesting.

6203d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

3DO came out at a mid point in a generation, the SNES and Genesis were in their prime when the 3DO was released.....and rumors of new systems from Sega, Nintendo and (new comer at the time) Sony that were actually capable of real 3D/polygons (like Virtua Figher 3D!) were on the horizon. Not a bumped up Mode 7 that the 3DO had for $700.

Plus, who or what was 3DO?

Anyone who's touched a PS3 knows its a very competent system and is the 4-5 million gap really gonna m...

6204d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You can't blame them for trying to sell the 360 version.

This is 100% gonna recveive a patch for online play on the PS3, but they cant say that now or else nobody is gonna buy it on the 360. Duh.

6212d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

Talking about expanding to Wii, you Xtards.

...the 360 is already dead in japan, where as the Wii is thriving in both countries, surpassing the 360 in sales in half the time.

Wii is now the console to beat.

6213d ago 17 agree9 disagreeView comment

All of the buttons of the SIXAXIS are pressure sensitive except for select and start.

6216d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

With the person doing the reviews.

For god's sake IGN. You're one of the biggest game sites on the net, hire some kind of industry professional (be it film or games) to do your reviews, not some kid.

6224d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

Exclusives are important, but not if they're the Bluray ones because they suck?

Spoken like a true fanboy.

Save us the 3 broken paragraphs of garbage next time. Moron.

6237d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment your eyes! What MS gets is using HD-DVD to prolong a format war as long as possible. Giving itself time to establish a Digital Download service on PC/360 and possibly scoop HD movie sales.

If either format wins the HD wars MS can forget about the PC/360's mass acceptance as a media player for the home, it will remain in the realm of AV geeks.

6237d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

...Yes, just good.

But this is also the guy responsible for the laughable DOA:Volleyball and DOA fighting franchise itself, which was about as deep as a puddle.

Guess it pumps up the fanboys though.

6262d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've always thought the Helgast were inspired by "Jin Roh".

Fire that into google images and see what you get. Told ya!

6274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...The real life is looking kinda fake in some shots!!

I never thought this game would look "this" good and i've always had confidence in PD's skills.

Just amazing.

6284d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...the best bit of information in that video. They have support for the G35 as well as the Driving Force Pro & Pro 2 steering wheels.


6284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment Warhawk's rep has been transformed.

Just a few months ago it was getting slagged of as junk since they were dropping the single player and nobody figured the online could be any good.

Now, it's being trumpeted over what many consider one of the best and certainly is the most established online console fps ever.

Good job Incog!!!

6291d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why they would swap the Analog/D-pad? Whats the difference?

...seriously, is it that much harder to "run" in a FPS with the stick located there?

That whole argument sounds like an excuse for fanboys to say "mine is better than yours" to me.

6312d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game would have been MUCH better with the SIXAXIS. May as well just play the PS2 version.

6313d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

"uh-huh that's why software sold on psp is hardly as good as the other un-named handhelds out there..."

...says you. Go look around, fact is the PSP has as good if not better games than any other portable out there. FYI, Sales don't makes games good. Pokemon spinoff's and the countless multi million selling movie/game titles will tell you that. In my opinion i find the whole DS line-up pretty childish and shallow, basically being designed around the 6-16 year old user...

6325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment