CRank: 5Score: 10285

Tank battle game, scanning tanks into the game.

Further examples that are out now....Eyepet

All that for just $20.

Microsoft should be thanking Sony for all the RnD they've done for Kinect over the years.

5131d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, i haven't even tried out one of those fancy "non man made" computers yet! Un-hackable you say eh?


5137d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not condoning this. Nor am i even interested in bothering with it.

.....but this will make ps3 sales skyrocket!

Plus, they still haven't even hit the magic $199 pricepoint that the 360 has been selling at for the last 2 years (and they're still catching up lol). I foresee some massive Sony hardware numbers in the near future.

Deep down i think Sony it loving the attention.

5137d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...Eyetoys were sold worldwide. M$ will be lucky to sell half that.

Sony decided its time to advance the tech and they knew it had to be more/better then what Kinect is capable of.

5166d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

Tough little intro, but he still gives it an 8. Far from a bad score considering that it should "stay in the underworld"

...trying for hits much???


5315d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Drop the price of the old consoles by 50 bucks and their off again. I dont think a second nub, or a touch screen (aka psp2) is gonna be the savior most people think it would be.

The psp is a wonderful piece of tech with a massive user base that was way ahead of its time.

5337d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


5337d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Must...not....ruin...another.. spoliers.....ahhhhhhh....must. ....resist......

5375d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

...when theres a hot new online game.

The biggest games draw the most people and unfortunately, a higher potential percentage of a-holes, greifers, cheater etc.

The simple fact is no game is glitch free, but when millions of people are playing one game they will become far more apparent and plentiful.

Im not trying to defend IW or the problems, just taking a logical look at the situation.

5378d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Proof is in the pudding...

....end of discussion.

5397d ago 13 agree16 disagreeView comment

They've been in the "top 10 best companies to work for" lists for a few years now.

How are the puzzles and such in this game? I've heard a lot of good things about the combat engine, but i'm hoping its more then just room to room fights with the odd key thrown in.

Thats part of the reason the Ninja Gaiden games never grabbed me, even with stellar combat... and is one of the things i really dig about the GoW series.

PS: Down fanboys, just a question.

5407d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is one line out of a giant press release by Sony. Theres tons of info about the expansion of all kinds of services.

Yay stupid gaming media.

...lets watch the flood of fanboys start screaming OMG they're gonna charge for playing online!!!

5425d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

under 50 even reads Time magazine (or any magazine for that matter).

But it's a little strange considering the only thing thats been shown is a bad tech demo and a video of what 'might' be possible. Seems kinda like jumping the gun.

..but don't let common sense stop you fanboys from arguing away.

Come on those Sonybots what you're made of!! ;)

5432d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

1. Since the game is heavily physics based, any changes could break current levels.

2. Creators are actually using the "glitches" in the system to do some pretty amazing things.

3. None of those said glitches break the gameplay in any way.

5435d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

...the amount of AA and the quality of the motionblur make it apparent and i dont think anyone from PD is running around screaming, "this is exactly what you will be playing!"

But wow, what an article.

So he thinks they're not real. Who ****in cares what he thinks. He's a nobody, At least provide some analysis. I dunno, boot up GT5:p snap a screenshot of a similar car/angle and do a comparison. This is just lazy.

His point could have been made ...

5476d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

...but honestly. wtf do people play? This thing has the saddest lineup ive ever seen and pretty much no online setup to speak of.

Nintendo should thank idiot soccer moms for maing them number one cause they've spit in the face of gamers for the last 3 years.

5481d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5482d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment a big company trying to dictate purchases by blocking your access to a device. This is an attack on your freedom!

They stand to lose millions to DD.

They will do everything they can to stop this movement. The future of their companies relies on the failure of the PSPgo and DD in general.

They make more money off used games then the developers did selling the game originally.

...put aside your console bias, the PSP GO and DD are good for...

5482d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Foraza 8 cars

GT 16 cars.

Better (or comparable) graphics with double the amount of cars on screen/physics being calculated, etc. End of argument.

5484d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment