CRank: 5Score: 10285

3 game announcements for titles we already knew were coming and a youtube type of homebrew thingy.

Aren't we all sitting at one of those right now, AKA our PC's and i don't care about those kind of games now.

I wanna see something new and actually innovative to show me MS can handle Sony's onslaught this year.

6062d ago 13 agree10 disagreeView comment

Report him/her by going to this on your PS3 and filling out the form that can be found near the bottom.

6082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Go to this page:

...near the very bottom, above the "Backwards Compatibility Software Status" is the "PLAYSTATION®Network File a Complaint Form". Click that link and it will open for you to fill out, This page can (and should) be bookmaked on the PS3's browser for easy referal later.

Don't stand for network abuse people cause you...

6082d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

....but as of the last generation of consoles, Europe is the worlds largest market.

Just sayin.

PRONE pslegiondotcom
"@MikeMicheals: europe is a large market, but due to its structure(difference in language between countries for example) it should be considered a big combo of markets"

Yeah, it's called Europe. *rolls eyes*

6095d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

Only FP on foot.

...unless you pull out the hoverboard (square), then it reverts to a 3rd person perspective and you can see your whole character.

6132d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tiger is a far less realistic system then hotshots. Basically the Tap-tap-tap spin while it's in the air completely kills it for me.

While i prefer Tigers analog swing method, Hot Shots gameplay is more realistic because it's all in the setup. Once your in the air you're at the mercy of the winds and greens. The way it should be. Also, the physics in Tiger have always felt off. Especially during the putts.

Give the PGA license to Clap Hanz and, vai-ola! :)

6133d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Re-downloads to the same PS3/PSN ID are not counted in the 5 download rule. You are not SOL if you delete things.

......So if you want to get rid of some of your lesser played PSN titles to save some space, you can delete them and not worry about losing it forever.

6144d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

2007 will be membered as the year the gaming press lost their credibility. There are far to many basement review sites (run by children, judging by the grammar) giving all kinds of ridiculous scores to lackluster titles, jacking up review averages across the net. The anonymity of the net has allowed anyone to become a professional game reviewer....and it shows.

Nothing that got a 10 this year will be considered a classic even 2 years down the road. It just that we've got more a...

6145d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

This is gonna be pretty big for them amongst the casual crowd.

Say what you will about the games on the PS3 but there is already some impressive variety in the PS3's library.

They've got online/offline shooters, sports games a few RPG's...some impressive 3rd person actions/adventure games, platformers, puzzlers eyetoy stuff and now this.

6151d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Downloadable PSP games on the store now. Impressive.....

EDIT: I don't think this is just a PSP store though, i checked out my DL history (on the PC web page) and it has everything i've ever downloaded to my PS3.

6154d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For the next news post about and hour from now saying, "Disney: We never said anything about HD-DVD blah blah blah"

...thats pretty much the way things go around here. *rolls eyes*

Fanboys, save your self the embarrassment and just read the news without beating your chest for one company or the other.

6154d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Storage. HD-DVD has already hit a wall as far as this goes. Who cares about gimmicks?

6156d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

The PS3 version has both Parties and Voice chat.

...did i mention it's free to play online? ;)

6159d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This actually good news for me since i have one of these 5 mins from my house. Thanks for the tip N4G.

6172d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Distributing consoles isn't working in the industry you tit. It's embarrassing that at 29 you're trying to impress people on an Internet forum....and doing badly to boot.

6172d ago 20 agree0 disagreeView comment

The sites will always play to the biggest part of their demographic (ie kids) and there's no doubt that spouting all kinds of hate in a podcast is gonna cause controversy and hits.

But it's obvious by the conversation were having right now, that some of us of would like a more "mature" source (and perspective for the matter) for reviews and information and the main sites right now, the IGN's, Gamespots etc are not doing that.

Either way, great debate......

6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you can't put your bias aside, you're no good for the job. An unbias opinion is kinda the whole point of a review.

It's as simple as that.

6179d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But i think the maturity level of game media is way below the normal level of any other. You have people sitting on one side of the fence, taking pot shots at the other about console A or B. This kind of behavior is just childish.

The statement below is very true.

"If video gamers and game reviewers truly wish to be respected among their journalistic peers, they must rise above the checklist mentality set forth by the the video game business. It is in this w...

6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats cool. Im gonna check out that AC/DC thing tonight between sessions of Ratchet.

Rock on!

6180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So it's time for another "Wallmart s gonna sell a $199 HD-DVD player?" story.

6180d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment