CRank: 5Score: 10285

The horrible score this game would have received from them if it was the PS3 version that lacked mod and input support.

I mean, thats 50% of the Unreal experience and they still give it an 8?

5928d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This game makes Untold Legends:Dark Kingdom look good.

5973d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

Good news for PS3/F1 fans, like you guys seem to be. You owe it to yourselfs to at least rent F1 Champ ED.

Its very sim heavy if you want it to be (it's all adjustable) with a top notch physics system and a fantastic sense of speed with great motion blur effects and lighting.

Also the career mode rocks.

If you wanna. *shrugs*

5985d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Spread the word.....GG's got "the man" on AI case.

Hierarchical Planning for Paths, Improving Sensory System, Animation Integration...The man is on his game.

5985d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You think thats cool, check this out!

5985d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its comming out 1 month into 09.

So whats that? An extra month or two after people were guessing it would come out. Not a big deal at all, just do it right GG.

5985d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is just jaw dropping....the lighting, the animation, the frame rate , the particles!!!!

This is a VFX artists dream game.

What an atmosphere!

I like this vid even more.

EDIT: Oh and don't worry about the AI. It's in good hands my friends cause of this man
Geeze. The internet gives every little female-dog a place to complain.

"On the other hand, if it doesn't work like that and if all it does is end up using the faster graphics chip to make existing games run smoother... OK, fine, that's cool."

Lets just nip that one in the bud right away.

They're not going to upgrade the Graphics chip in any way other than making it smaller/cooler. There will be no performance increase across models. Sorry.

Edit: Oh and folks, this is the inquirer. A total POS web site.

5987d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...a hacked "original" Xbox (not 360) media center. You know, the good one.

Remember ?

5987d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So, the xbox has a web browser. You just need to buy a PC to use it?

Thats just pure Microsoft right there. LOL

5987d ago 20 agree2 disagreeView comment

Mark is using the 360 fanboys to help sell his game.

Pulling their little strings with comments's gonna look a little better, we promise. Now it's, ummm...yeah, were going to try to put mods up...somehow. Even though it impossible to keep up with the scene considering all the red tape (ie certification and such) they have to go through for any type of addon pack.

He'll saying anything to get them worked up and its sad that allot of them will fall for it. ...

6003d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

They are almost 10 years behind in this tech.

Apple, im sure we can all agree, is going to make the most off the DD craze. The only reason you dont see them releasing a press snippet every week about how it "gonna be teh future" cause they are doing it now.

They already have the software and the hardware in 100's of millions of homes.

6019d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

HD-DVD players to its customers knowing they'd get screwed over down the line??

Thats much better then saying something like "hey, we took a gamble and we lost".

...and people say Sony is arrogant.

6019d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Watching you and the usual suspects run around these last few pages trying to convince everyone....well i dont know what, but you guys are in such a panic.

...and don't worry, episodes are coming for PS3 as well. You seriously think Rockstar won't want to make extra millions off PS3 users.

This is not a MS ip. They have NO say.

6023d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
6027d ago

"don't look for lots of physics or background movement, but the trade-off is some of the nicest-looking textures in any game."

"On the artistic side, Dark Sector is nothing special, with lots of gray and brown environments, enemies that feel like 20 you've seen in other games, etc."

"So it's not for multiplayer fans or story fans or innovation fans, but Dark Sector is certainly a good game."

Sounds like an "A" to m...

6028d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was in the beta for Warhawk and i am currently doing home.

Perhaps Capcom was suggesting the infrastructure isn't available for 3rd party dev's?

6036d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

150 GBP is 300+ dollars.

Edit: Ooops, beat me to it Palo!

6043d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This tech was in an EyeToy game on the original PS2 called Anitgrav.

Here's one of the many youtube vids.

Not so far fetched now is it?

6052d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment