
CRank: 5Score: 24310

Can we stay on topic please. Also, wow this comment needs no punch line, XBL with smart match, dedicated servers, twitch, skype, and so many other useful features. Can't wait.

3976d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sorry, but you have your head up your ass if you think they are going to let him break the embargo date set by MS on all X1 footage showing a final build. This was clearly an older build that leaked later.

@Kayant read above because this common sense.

3976d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

This is an old build and should be updated to reflect this..

3976d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment

This guy... Why are comments like this allowed.

OT: This is fantastic news for all devs since every X1 is also a developer kit. We'll see a lot of great games and Apps from a variety of places.

3976d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

People that are saying no X1 version so problems must be worse. There is an embargo on ALL X1 footage till the 12th so PS4 gets some limelight.

3976d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not at launch they don't.

3977d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Somehow Sony trolls turning this into bad news, this site... Such a joke.

OT: This is going to be such a great change from waiting almost 2-3 minutes till the you were actually playing again with certain games.

3977d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

@sincity - can you be more wrong with a such a simple statement. Diversity is definitely with MS, a racing game, a fighter, hack and slash, and sandbox game. That is all about diversity not "Death and Cars" and that is not including the indies and digital titles on X1 at release.

3977d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is not about what looks good to people it about which system has more diverse AAA titles which is the X1. Which games are the best we will not know until we get hands-on experience.

3977d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

PS4 = 5
X1 = 8



Killer instinct
Dead rising 3
Forza 5

X1 wins in AAA quality and diversity. Any unbiased person would say the same.

3977d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

Mortimer is full of shit, he has been killing his credibility this past month. Pretty obvious to me that everything has been perfectly fine. Not one crash during that live event yesterday, yet everyone is going to believe this idiot. Not the least bit worried.

3978d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

It took so long to actually bring up the enter menu at the bottom, disappointed.

3979d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Day 1 for this game, 19.99 for the full first season is an amazing deal. I'll be maining Orchid and Thunder, can't wait for this.

3980d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think Epic needs to work on a new beast, I greatly enjoyed my time with Gears, but they should just end that series at this point.

3981d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

@karl - do you really think PS4 was going DRM free the entire time? Then you are a sheep, you think Sony doesn't hide truths from you? Then you are a sheep. All these companies are going to do is whatever will give them the biggest quarterly numbers regardless how it effects the consumers, just remember that.


Such a small sample size, surely that has to represent what is going on in the rest of the country. What does this even have to do with this thread? Stop trolling.

3981d ago 5 agree14 disagreeView comment

No Bioware was bought out by EA, what does that have to do with this line of thinking.

3981d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

The double-standard on this site, if this was a PS4 Dev who said this you would be encouraging him and telling MS to take that. It is really sad the level of biased attitude on this site.

EDIT: the disagrees just further prove my point.

3981d ago 9 agree22 disagreeView comment

I don't see anything behind this comment other than to let you know this is a Microsoft exclusive. So the fact you buy it on PC means that it is still MS's product.

3981d ago 37 agree86 disagreeView comment

@Bruce I was talking to you about your comments on ShadowFall.

3981d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment