
CRank: 5Score: 24310

Texas, Kansas, and Utah already have Google Fiber available. This technology is spreading a lot faster than predicted which will make graphic based cloud computing in gaming a reality.


3876d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

They demoed it at E3 showing how it can track asteroid paths in real time with and without the use of the cloud computing power of azure. 40,000 without it, over 300,000 paths with the cloud. Pretty significant potential.


3876d ago 7 agree16 disagreeView comment

Fake smiles... riight. I forgot everything MS does is a PR stunt /s. Just stop.

3876d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Being that you get 200-300 programs for free for a year that work with Kinect that can track it for you yeah, it will save me over 250 dollars a year in gym membership fees. Pretty big draw to alot of people. Also, my wife, friends, and family will be way better connected on this console.

3876d ago 7 agree20 disagreeView comment

This is why I will buy all my multiplats and online games for X1 and my single player games for PS4, but honestly that interface for the PS4 is awful.

3876d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

Pointless features? The fact that I have one box that controls all media, built in fitness, works as an IR receiver, snap, and voice controls that work. Yeah that all sounds pointless along with playing AAA games and being able to switch on the fly. Just don't post anymore.

3876d ago 8 agree33 disagreeView comment

DRM was Mattrick's future for gaming, he is gone now and they are trying to do undo years worth of work. This patch was best solution since the architecture was built from the ground up for a cloud-based future. If MS says it no longer exists then it no longer exists. You are not entitled and do not pay for day-to-day updates on development or get to know everytime there is a fixable problems because of how bad gaming media has become. It is very sad that this is the state of the communit...

3876d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

More rumors and conspiracies, shut it. Over half the rumors about X1 turned out to be true, you trash fanboys want it to be true. I just want two solid consoles as I am buying both.

3877d ago 0 agree12 disagreeView comment

Rumors... How many have been true lately, not many..

3877d ago 0 agree13 disagreeView comment

The original topic when I posted this said user gets banned from XBL which wasn't true. It also now been confirmed that it is a temp ban. What did I say that was wrong... Sigh.

3878d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Had too many apps running, prompted to him to resume the game to keep it stored in memory. These misleading titles sigh.

3878d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

He confirmed on Twitter that his GT is not banned, just his XB1 console from playing online, mostly likely a temp ban. Lock this topic please.

3878d ago 26 agree144 disagreeView comment

Guarantee this is just a temp ban until the console release, there is alot of stuff that still wasn't live. This is going to blow up in MS face, they should probably clarify asap.

3878d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

It is free people, this is to call mobile and landlines. Read the articles before you post.

3879d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

This obviously troll comment having more agrees than dislikes... SMFH.

Ryse not Ryze is the best looking next-gen title graphics wise, says everyone.

Kinect has been said to be a huge improvement by everyone, do some research before spewing trash..

3879d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


read the article, they said themselves it is an older build of the GUI also this was the his first time using it and clearly he wasn't 100% what he was doing.

3879d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Keep trolling kid, yahoo is the only one reporting this , every other preview has been very favorable. IGN, PA, Verge, Gamespot, Joystiq.. I can keep going, but I think you have embarrassed yourself enough here. Also, Verge was on an older build confirmed by Verge in that article!

3879d ago 9 agree12 disagreeView comment

Only in Canada....Damn.

3879d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here is where all the trolls are hiding, Joystiq, Verge, Destructoid, and IGN just to name a few are saying this works perfectly. How about you look at the positive reviews and not just focus on one negative observation, oh wait you can't because you are blinded by brand loyalty.

3879d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

It asks you to put another disc in, it will work between a current disc and a digital game like KI. Keep trying buddy.

3879d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment