
CRank: 5Score: 24310

Why are they scoring a console 2 days before it comes out, you can't accurately score any console till a year or two in..

3968d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

You are exactly the type of gamer I was referring to above, look at the score and move on. Have no context other than a number to see the positives and criticisms displayed by the reviewer.

3968d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

If these reviews were excellent or much higher we would be hearing the opposite, now it is that gaming media is corrupted with their opinions. While I do believe that they twist and turn people interview into tabloid headings, they are still industry professional with years and years of professional game review experience. Of course that will be downplayed by angry fanboys screaming bias and money-hatted. Launch do not tell the story of the system, but we should not knock reviewers because th...

3968d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

A PS website gave it glowing review, color me surprised. Just like OXM or 360achievements give MS low scores. Can't take this serious.

3968d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ok every site that is giving it a low score is now biased, take off the tinfoil hat and actually listen to the review. Polygon, Gamespot, Eurogamer, Rev3, and several smaller sites share the same opinion. It is just not the game it could have been ;\.

3968d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

I am not too surprised by this, did not look very inspiring. I am however severely surprised that Killzone isn't getting much better reviews. Looks like I made the right choice holding off till the order comes out.

3968d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

I want the case, but I want to be able to hotswap this so I can play a single player game like Ryse or Dead Rising 3 while I queue,so digital is probably the way to go.

3968d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

That is not correct, Major Nelson himself said that the digital swapping is still in the system, but you will be prompted to switch discs if it between two physical copies. That way you can play Ryse single player while waiting for BF4 smart match for example.

"If you have an incredibly short attention span, you can even switch back and forth between games."

3968d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it is digital you can, if it isn't it will prompt you to switch discs.

3968d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Free access to dedicated servers for developers through X1.

Also, the hands free features are a big deal for me.


3968d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Halo 5 is upon us, lol!

3968d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

People used to say the same thing about cell phones, then smart phones came along and now no one can live without them.

Gamers are getting older and MS realizes this, they have families and kids, society has grown up too they want everything now and in one package. Why do you think people shell out 300 dollars for a cell phone over a go phone, or get a car that has hands free features, or any other innovation that keeps adding more features to an object.

3968d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

This will be useful when snapped and you don't want to stop your game to check for something. I was waiting for this confirmation, great news.

3968d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah can't take this joke of a site seriously, they didn't even discuss the framerate or effects that seem to run noticeably better on the X1 version.

3969d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

KI is introducing dynamic music when performing combos and quick movements and it is not F2P, it has several tiered ways to purchase which is a model I like. Rotating free character like LoL if you want to try the full game with one character or you can buy all 8 characters for $20.

Forza is introducing cloud-based AI by creating an AI based version of your driving habits, pretty innovative if you ask me.

Also, I'm sorry but I could understand maybe Killz...

3969d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Excellent interview really like how in depth they got with these film crews and mo-cap studios.

EDIT: Sorry according to the disagrees I guess I didn't enjoy this, sigh trolls.

3969d ago 22 agree16 disagreeView comment

Ryse does look gorgeous and so does Killzone, Forza, and Infamous. However, I play games for innovation and fun factor not the amount of pixels on screen. People put way too much into how much aliasing or pixels a game has, but forget it has to be fun. The X1 lineup is much more diverse and looks much more fun at launch, that may change over time and after the order comes out I will most likely buy a PS4, but right now Sony dropped the ball for their launch lineup and is showing no innovation...

3969d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

No it is the same as every other hack and slash games and all button prompts are entirely optional, if you watch the combat video it alot deeper then you think it is. You are too blinded by Sony to actually see this, so there is no point in typing this, but maybe someone will benefit.

3969d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I just lost alot of respect for Cerny after this interview. He wasn't pressed into this question, he just took a jab at the competition. Shows weakness and vulnerability.

Also, voice controlled integrated TV is going to be amazing.

3969d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

Wow the comments in here, both consoles have big strengths and big weaknesses. MS got off to a rough start because of Mattrick's future, but after they started listening to gamers, this has turned into a solid machine. I think there will be skeptics of both systems and systems that are perfect for both groups. I honestly just wish the bias would die down and give both contenders a chance. If anything we can all agree on one thing, next gen is almost here and I am incredibly excited to get...

3969d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment