
CRank: 5Score: 15830

I wouldn't say all duh.. I love the classical Mortal Kombat!

4877d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Both are great games. Shenmue series will never ever be an exclusive on the Xbox. I heard they lost millions because of really low install base. Which is why after so many years, we have yet to hear any news of continuity. SEGA nearly went bankrupt because of their stupid marketing approach. Good thing they are back in business.

4877d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This happen to be my current favorite.

Duh the problem is that it ain't a CGI, but an In-game engine footage! Better than all CGIs listed! Watch it and you will feel overwhelm.

4877d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The giant enemy crab is one hilarious master piece.

4879d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did somebody just miss out on the "multiplayer" experience? Hello... Multiplayer IS not an additional feature, is not a bonus, it is PART OF THE GAME PACKAGE! Dude this review is not even complete! Looks like another one of those ignorant reviewers.

4879d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Look at those games are pretty Meh. This list is rubbish.

FFXIII didn't live up to expectation neither did the overrated GTAIV better than its predecessor. No point keeping DMC4 exclusive since the whole series and the fanbase live with the Playstation brand. Tekken and especially VF5 has and will never get much attention in America. Not even SF could because those games have no guns.

The only game that perhaps would have make real boost is Assassins Cre...

4881d ago 15 agree18 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't say that it is a concept art. It is more like a in-game screenshots, but the pics been tune up a little. I could be wrong duh, basically because the gameplay trailer showcased could be a work done long ago. Maybe the current in-game look exactly like this already?

BTW haven't we all learn through the past years? From MGS to KillZone to Uncharted to GOW. You just can't underestimate the power of the PS3, secondly you mustn't doubt the devs behind the...

4881d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

KillZone3 sure is one huge ass game!

4881d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Couldn't disagree, but you might want to add another matter of fact that they are also comparing KillZone3 to its own system potential exclusives. That means if this game is on the Xbox360 it would probably score 10/10 across the board, and if it is on the Wii it'll be 100/10. It is unfair and unjustic considering that PS3 exclusive games are harder to top. Either go multiplat to get extra 5points or with tag COD that gives instant 9points, KillZone3 just not getting any favor.

4882d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Lol how can you judge the PS3 by date? This beast is and has always claim to be a machine built for the future gaming. No one believe it, yet after 5years and for years to come, it still setting on a new benchmark.

PlayStation make Believe!

4882d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ever see an online so intense? None other than KillZone3! Reviewers who tried to downplay the game didn't even bother to go online experience where it truly matter! They are probably afraid that they just can't give a low score after playing it. Gotta do what they paid for, might of feel guilty.

4884d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

A full review?

You mean like those that gave it 7/10? "I haven't play online and I just started playing the campaign, but I need hits cause my site is drought."

4885d ago 31 agree5 disagreeView comment

We seriously need more horror games this gen! With such a graphical leap they could have make one really scary.

4885d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So... Can we like really play a game using Kinect now??

Ahh... Ic, so it still can't use for gaming huh..

4885d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

What...? Again with the bad images of GT5? I did show how easy it was to make an image look terribly bad. Now they using those craps again for comparison.. Shift2 look great, but hell this comparison is bull and bias!

@below Rashid Sayed
Sure... How do you explain the low resolution in the page 3 comparison? Zoom in and it is easily noticeable.

If I recalled, I remember I used the same image and replicate another one with a slightest effect. Why can&#...

4885d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

nuff affirmative. COD gtg!

FF must not be scrape off just yet. I see alot of potential in FF13V, as I have always been a huge fan of Kingdom Hearts series.

4885d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Instead of blaming gaming, why can't they just blame that their son is being born that way? This world need balance.. Maybe some rapist are just needed to teach some bitches a lesson for what they deserve. Not encouraging.

P.S. Duh if I do see a rapist I would rape him with my chain saw.

4885d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He must have not been informed. Dude is an outdated figurine.

4885d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

100K is alot considering that nobody would thought that the subscription could even hit 5digit! PSN is a free service, and I think that helps alot. It just make user want to in access the service..

4885d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't be a troll if I am that obvious lol.. I have never been a failed troll.

4885d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment