
CRank: 5Score: 15830

OMG! Did he just said Sesame Street?! LMFAO! What are ya 3yo?! That wonder why you can't differentiate what's sucks and what's not! Kobe's MOVE demo alone OWNZED the kiddyKinect!

4860d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

$499 for all that is a steal, I'm telling you. Go out there and get yourself a HD monitor alone and see how much it would cost you! This bundle is like a 80% discount!

4860d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is not a good Sony E3 if you are a gamer who just want more games. They just show too little, not many surprises! However if you are a techgeek and is looking forward to way of future gaming, this is your show.

Sony's 3D Television that allows split images(which is new to me)
PSV cost much much lesser than everyone first expected, $299 look like a steal!
PlayStation Suite just spoiled the whole fuck conference! It was the most longest and boring talk ...

4860d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is what happened when everyone gave them the "GOLDEN PASS FOR EVERYTHING", and this year they hit us back in full arrogance!

4861d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And it goes for the rest of the show...

You seriously think any hardcore gamer would buy into this crap? Showing Kinect on E3 for that purpose is a poor excuse to what they have nothing to show! With over 500million dollar alone put into advertising, you would expect even a toothpick selling.

4861d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got a feeling this year might be the end of Xbox360. Next year Microsoft is going to announce a new console. Good luck to all people who brought Kinect, the shit peripheral either gonna cost you more for MORE peripherals support, or you're about to pay for an upgrade. Bunch of money suckers! Hate it when someone treat us like fools.

4861d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO FABLE?! Although many claimed Fable3 was bad, but it was still an overall pretty good game. It's just an upset to its predecessor, and an indication that the series might had reach an end. Don't talk about a slow death now, this one just gave an instant K.O to the series!

4861d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually Microsoft line-ups were pretty good, theoretically. They brought out all their big guns, but unfortunately when the teaser come to an end, you'll see "FOR KINECT" that's when it all went down the drain! When are they going to realize we don't give a shit about that garbage! KINECT SUCKS!

4861d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Tell me you're kidding right? Swapping disc in and out of an open world game!? Well good luck with that, cause I ain't exercising while feeding my console with disc for each sector I want my game to be in. I just want sit back and relax and play the damn game in peace!

I love Bethesda taking their game to a whole new level, but I hope they won't lesser down the spawns just like what they did to Fallout3 because that game is dead boring!

4880d ago 7 agree14 disagreeView comment

Lame, I'll bet it isn't the security that causes the share to fall. The last time I have nothing better to do while I take a look at the market, as a whole it has gone 3 days down in a roll! I didn't know Sony's security breach issue can be such a huge influence to the market..

4892d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

They don't mess with the GAMERS!

4893d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL @ KB! He doesn't even need a mask!

4897d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Disgaea 4 if you know Japanese, will take you countless months of devotion to ever complete the game. LV9999!? U fukinkiddinme.

4900d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And anyone would expect they say the criminals are not amongst them? I thought just recently some boldly claimed anyone can be part of Anonymous, they would give a warm welcome to anyone who is willing to stood against Sony corporation with open hands, and that is the principal massage to all. Just 48hrs ago, a chat log which contain proofs that a small group are discussing and distributing methods to access the forbidden site in their #IRC channel. When all gamers told you cocksuckers to sto...

4900d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Holyfuk this is the first time PS3 news cover up every hot topics! Where the fuk are the rest platform news? They drought!?

4900d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Say WUT...!? @kaveti6616 that is alittle too overexaggerating even I who hardly touch my keyboard can fully understand most of what their conversation is talking about. And "things" meaning the "codes"? Still I understand thanks to their explanation for it.

<infocategory="76&quo t; ;>32&apos;&TVS recognizing a something he connected to his PS3..

I should go get myself a professional computer science certificate already...

4901d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sony should telecast their own PS3 series episode. There are always PS3 stories to tell.

4901d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh wow... Is this a free debugging service for Sony? You people just saved their time figuring what is wrong with their servers. Sony must have replied them with this long maintenance.

4901d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Would you believe that World of Warcraft could have been a fully free online game if there is no console integrity? Dream on I said! The industry just want money, and this moneywhores will make their service. There are no good or bad developers, there are only smart and stupid investors.

4908d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop saying that consoles are hurting PC... PC has only itself to blame thanks to weak OS's security where developers are losing billions and hardware compatibility. Why all the hassle that I have to always keep myself worrying whether I should upgrade my system or not when I could just buy a console for $400 and know every game are available to play.

4908d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment