
CRank: 5Score: 15830

I too kinda agree with Soldier one
All these rip-off is just looking to get attention and fame from quality games. Which is also part of the reason why they and media would put up comparisons between them. And the fact is One is brilliantly polish while the other was total crap. It's kinda a way of advertising and well putting the game in spot light. Just as visualb said Dante's Inferno a true example... Believe it or not, there are actually people who bought DE and not GOW3 t...

5036d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Then why you buy a console in the first place? Those games can and is ALOT better to be play on the PC! It's a fact. Not only can you tweak to maximize the settings, you even get MODS!

To say your PC can't handle the game is a bull, since you have the money to get yourself a console I don't see why you can't get yourself a new PC or upgrades. To also say you don't like using keyboard and mouse to play is yet another bull because all controller is supported...

5036d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They should have make Kratos tear SubZero apart then charge Scorpion with combos up in air and slice through his throat. Then grip Shao Kahn and have Kratos slowly ripping off his head. Ending with Kratos taunting "I bring CHAOS"! Would've been the best trailer already.

5037d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only notable ones are Resistance3, Uncharted3, and Prototype2 for showing gameplay. The rest is just none other than amusement. But I really like every except for Portal2 which is totally non relevance. And Skyrim is kinda short, more like a teaser. Duh I know what to expect from it.

5037d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So... XbotKing and ObviouslyNotXbotKing, or should I say the same individual you created 2 account just to reply yourself?! When someone once told me that there are people who "live in this world with no life". I never get that. Now I know. Thanks man.

5037d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Next year I'll put my bet on KillZone3 for graphic king in history.

5037d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

PC doesn't own PS3 or Xbox360 or Wii Exclusives.. Damn I sure burst you out with a line. haha!

But what does a system gotta do with a game anyway? The Own everything is by no mean the awards. Even a pea brain would've figured that out. Uncharted 2 did OWN every award, and perhaps the only game that ever did. Uncharted 3 might just follow with the trend and once again set on a new standard.

5037d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Uncharted3 is amazing as always! New Resistance3 gameplay which is awesome, they finally look like railing up to be something.. and New Oblivion!! God I can't wait!

But... Where is this new secret title?
Sony should use this opportunity to showcase their upcoming exclusive titles. It doesn't really matter that they will be showing the same stuff couple more times. Quality stuff is a must, but the verities is just as important. With the Xbox360 only having For...

5037d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Isn't that the inFamous killer? Lol. I remember a friend of mine brought this over inFamous, and hell that game was funny that it turned out just a hulk wearing a human suit with a hoodie. Hope prototype 2 is better, the first was just intolerably funny in everyway.

5038d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Naw.. Hot Pursuit is considered an exclusive now to some parties.

5039d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment
5039d ago

So let me guess. If kinect top the list, you will go like this "Yup that is how it should be, Kinect FTW! MOVE POOOHOO!"

Duh... I would disagree with you all day long if I could, because you don't make any sense! Unfortunately I only got a click at it.

5040d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Success? TO Microsoft maybe with the ripping money, but is the console a success to its predecessor according to us gamers? I think not. Just look at the games, you have like a small trend going Halo,GeoW,Halo,GeoW,Fable,Halo ,GeoW,Fable,Forza,Halo,Fable.. . . and now Kinect?!! You Gotta be kiddin!
Atleast on the Xbox I can see something different from the rest of other consoles, there are exclusives that isn't limited or repetitive and the games are actually better than the 360! ...

5040d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hey don't worry you still have the multiplats at your company then later you can make ridiculous comparison to PS3 exclusives like every year and act with satisfactory.

I thought that the game did excellent with the sales and ratings? What? Oh, so now a new bar is set? That a game MUST sell over 5m and a perfect 10/10 to be a successful mainstream. Ok you got the game on man. You name your games against my games selection in 2011....

5040d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Could this be the secret title they'll be showing at VGA? hmm..

5041d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

LOL! That was awesome man. But seriously one in a million chances to nail this right.

5041d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doing pretty good considering their first game was just simply terrible! Can't blame them duh, overshadowed by the mammoth of Oblivion.

5041d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


MANY ISP has limited monthly bandwidth and MOST of them even throttled P2P connection. You expect everyone in the WORLD to have the same luxury service your friend(Just a dust) is getting?

And not every HDD can last you more than 3-5years if you heavily read&write processing like every week. If that sh!t broken your stuff is GONE. Even warranty couldn't save for what is lost. Just imagine to redownload or even make a backup of a 2TB of data?!...

5041d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

You Don't Know Jack? Michael Jackson: The Experience man! He is The UFC Trainer who Get Fit With Mel B , don't forget to wear SpongeBob SquarePants accompanied by Milo and Kate and the Fantastic Pets that Kinect Star Wars!

5043d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Glad they acknowledge that they should brush up with the storyline. It was rather plain.. And I really hope there will be like a boss stage level, then just shooting Halo's bro masketeer all long way. Give me some WOW factor beside the magnificent graphical explosion man, I'm looking for something more. Online is a blast duh.

5044d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment