
CRank: 5Score: 15830

You might as well just say Sony make the hardware and their parties can make the software. While Microsoft can step aside.


The Xbox brand will become literally useless without Halo&Gears. By bringing those 2 games to other platform, Xbox is simply dead. It just shows how little Microsoft Xbox can contribute to Sony.

4823d ago 9 agree32 disagreeView comment

PS3 have way more than just 100 over exclusives. That is if you include the Japanese+Asia base games that didn't get any promoting outside of their region. Don't believe? Just check out the JPN store, you'll find plenty, but I doubt you know how to read.

4823d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I personally believe so long a new IP is well advertise and is good, it will gain recognition.

E.g. GeoW,Uncharted,LBP,Resistance, and now inFamous.

That's not saying those new IPs that aren't selling were bad, cause MOST didn't get much advertising going, and when time passed, they got overshadowed by newly release game, and consumers usually look towards the latest hot stuff in town, then soon forgotten their(old games) existence.

4832d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm disappointed with this generation Horror Genre. There should be more, and there should be least one redefining, but so far there's none!

4834d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is what happen when you only left with Multiplats to write. Kind of a psychology effect.

4837d ago 79 agree5 disagreeView comment

Most used browser? More like the most useless browser ever! Majority don't give a shit about it, only newbs use that crap. I believe the statistic show how many user access the browser rather than the time usage. Cause the only time I ever use that browser was to access the net and download Firefox! The real deal! Btw Microsoft revenue fall in recent time. If not for Windows a user-friendly OS and being renown, it would be dead by now. I'm actually surprise there are no enterprise att...

4842d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Sony like every corporation never said you can't mod or create hacks, you can, until you turn your PS3 into a bomb, then wonder why FBI is knocking on your door.

Just don't mod or create something which can hurt others and everyone can agree. Saying you got the freedom to do whatever you want is nothing more than being ignorant. You can walk into a farm, ask permission and maybe you get kind treats, stealing the corps however you wish, will make you understand why yo...

4854d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

And then they make AV out of her..

4857d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait no mention of StarHawk?!!! I kinda hate rumors and speculation now. It takes away the whole fun. Just think if we never knew about the chances of revealing Starhawk, it would have been a real thrilling announcement. Still it's confirmed and I think that's good!

4857d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm still wondering why isn't there any project about open world games with the implementation of PSMOVE! It would be an awesome idea!

4857d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

No clear winner, but we all know there's a loser, none other than Microsoft, truly a joke conference.

4858d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Funny... Saying you can get a much satisfying price than this, but hardly any evidence. May I remind you this is a retail price, this is first hand stuff, not something USED! Where exactly is the promotion that you speak off so proudly? Can't even find it online? Same Spec REALLY?! Now where is it? You don't freaking have it! Pulling crapshit out of your arse that's what you only know how to do!

Why are you even here if you are not looking for a 3D monitor?! "...

4858d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mey wth is this?

Sony stole the show with

4859d ago 10 agree10 disagreeView comment

I get what you mean. Maybe if this succeed I wouldn't doubt they'd release a much bigger size for other target audience, I personally think it's perfect. The current 24' inch is an excellent use for monitor, and also a television in a small room.

Btw, this is a $499 bundle which include
24' inch 1080p 3D display monitor w/ability to display full HD per person
One set of active shutter glasses
A HDMI cable
Resistance 3

4859d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's ok so long as you are not using your hands as the motion control, with pointy fingers and go pew pew pew. Takes away the hardcore sensation.

4860d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why are you comparing an arcade racing to a driving simulator? Both games hardly even comparable! Maybe if you just want to compare the graphics then yar go ahead, but as a full game, you must be smoking too much weed! This is an absolutely different environmental control in Mechanism and Physics. Its like comparing Modnation, Mario GoKart to Forza which both are categorize racing yes, but serve as a different purpose! It would be most reasonable to compare Forza with NFS:SWIFT as they're...

4860d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

This is undoubtly an interesting idea. Great innovative way to interact on gaming perspective. The only problem is that it looks expensive and huge for being a controller, and definitely not as a handheld. I wonder does the PSVITA is capable of doing the same functions, because I did see some functionality look alike.

4860d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kinect make even Hot shot golf looks hardcore!

4860d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

And some idiots think that saying OPEN DOOR , CLOSE DOOR is hardcore! WTF?!

4860d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment



4860d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment