
CRank: 5Score: 15830

As the argument goes on.. The comments just got dumber. Especially with the last few ones kinda like a script of comedy show.

4962d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

blahblahblah.. Totally off-topic. Love TPS than stick with Uncharted3, Love RPG than stick with Skyrim is that simple. Don't need a debate. Just get both game and play them till your heart's content! The best man win!

4962d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not even a week in KillZone3 release.
You have...
KillZone3 VS Crysis2
KillZone3 VS BulletStorm
KillZone3 VS Battlefield3

KillZone3 is one mothafuking Badass taking all on.

4962d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Being creative and doing what you wanna do in a game is subjective.

Anybody can turn a boring game to attractive so long as they play it in a way of showing some fancy technical and tactical skills.. Running about finding places to camp, jump shot, headshot, grenade, set traps, shooting barrels at a precisive moment and.... The options are there in every game. It all depends on the players whether they want to utilize them or not, and how they execute their tactics.

4962d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looks like fallout3 with alittle bit more action.. So far I see the game turning out to be just as boring as its predecessor. Before you go like Wow an Open-world FPS, such game isn't anything new ok..

4963d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Where exactly have gamasutra been throughout the years? This PS3 is doom article is ancient history.

4964d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

A nameless game trying to seek for some attention. I know how those games usually turn out to be.. Just pure crap.

4964d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow. Finally a list that somehow got it right. Least it is better than 99% of crappy list out there. Still Top 10 list couldn't justify how many beautiful games there are.

4964d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Kinda ironic, because everytime I reply to your comments I felt like I'm speaking to a brick. It isn't a surprise that you can't understand me, afterall you are a junk..

"Trying to hurt my feelings"
You fuking gayshit think this is some sort of drama? Only an idiotic freak would use such expression. 4THELAWL! I want to keep my laughter to a certain limit but I just can't! You take stupidity to a whole new level by thinking that bubs here det...

4964d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Anybody with half a brain cell would know that..

4965d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

HAHAHA! OMGZ! Your immaturity is beyond comprehend. Trying to understand your language is like hearing a street dog barking. Seeing you contradicting with your own speech is wholesomely embarrassing considering that the latter is just at the second scroll to top. For a second I thought, your not a fanboy, sure your not.. Because you stoop lower than that. You hardly even under their foot, hardly could even be compare to their feces. A trash in the lowest league of its own. Reason for it? You ...

4965d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude @Vorgier What failed attempt...

How does fanboys have to do with this? This is between pirating, hackers, gamers and the LAW! Stop with your pathetic fanboism crap. IF you are a gamer than support the gaming community by buying the GAMES! Have common sense and stop supporting Geo loser, GET UR FUK MONEY TO GOOD USE BIATCH! No matter how hard he tries he WILL LOSE! Not because Sony is a corporation, but because this fuking loser has made his intention clear that he is not...

4965d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

What?! I'm completely speechless.. He is totally digging his own grave. Not just embarrassing the hackers community, he know nothing about the gaming community just doesn't take shit from a piece junk.

4967d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


If you would just take your time to check on the new data from vgcrap the new statistic for Xbox360 is currently lying at 51.6M sales! In weeks MS just sold 1.6M? Wow! I didn't even heard any news about that.. Anyway even you know the site is giving all the wrong numbers. vgcrap is so unreliable.. Never take their prediction for real cause it is just nothing but an estimation.


"play alot" and yet to see any damage?!


4969d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

black listed the damn site! Review written by an amateur.

4969d ago 17 agree8 disagreeView comment

I LOL'd the first one. The second one didn't make me laugh cause I just don't get the local's joke. However KB showed a glimpse potential of a rapper.

4969d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The PlayStation MOVE will have a longer leg and more varieties to gamers than what the Kinect could ever provide. Why I said this.. Look at the potential point on gamers aspect, and leave all that has nothing to do with gaming aside such as little features like scrolling the menus and those hacks available(such as making hand puppets on the wall). Those are nothing more than additional bonus of the product. It has nothing to do with gaming or did even revolutionize gaming.(I mean who wants to...

4969d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whether it was for money or not. It still takes alot of guts for someone who criticize and bash PS3 till no end, and to admit that he was wrong. Which almost 99.9% of the fanboys here lacks!

4969d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So now all of a sudden anything that need certain improvement is now considered "broken in the first place?" Pfft...

4969d ago 40 agree1 disagreeView comment