
CRank: 5Score: 29560

that comes later on the Super Duper Ultimate Elite Premium 360 (ironically with the name of the console written in Spiderman font...hmm)

6106d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

if you don't like the 360 or MS that's one thing but hold back a little on the imagery, some people eat while reading this site.

6106d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm assuming you are enjoying your PS3? :)

I haven't been on a lot this holiday season. Traveling, family, and friends stuff. I did get Buzz for a New Years Eve party game and it was a lot of fun and very well received. Anyway, see you guys on PSN.

6106d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lair was a dragon game as I expected. I didn't know much more about it nor did I expect more. I didn't buy a PS3 for Lair. I bought it for innovative new IP's and some of the oldy but goody IP's.

I played Halo 2 like they were sending me a check every two weeks so Halo 3 was the biggest disappointment for me. It was not much different and unfortunately not much better than Halo 2. I'm not one of those people that believes the gameplay was already perfect and shouldnt have been ...

6116d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

There have been many great arguments and debates this year. Lets hope that N4G continues to be a place where we find out good news (inbetween flamebait articles) though even some of the flamebait articles are in good fun. Enjoy your families guys.

Merry Christmas to all...

6116d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even though he NEVER has to go into Home he still hates on it. He could play games in Home and meet friends or not but he hates that it even exists. This guy is anit progress and is really a troll. Thats terrible thinking for the game industry.

6117d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

No Chun Li thighs = no money from me

What next, Samuel L. Jackson as Ken?

6118d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played Halo 3 for many days straight after playing Halo 2 up until Halo 3's release. I wasn't as impressed with Halo 3 coming from Halo 2 as I was with Halo 2 coming from the first Halo. There are many good things about Halo like their matchmaking system and forge but COD4 is far more fun.

I hate to be a graphics whore but going from COD4 to Halo3 is very hard to do. Halo 3 is the MS flagship and I expected more from the multiplayer perspective and graphically. Calling in Air...

6119d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


Personally, I don't want to see another Street Fighter movie unless Micheal Bay is directing it and I don't want Chun Li to be the main character because I could give two ***** about her story. Like GamesBlow said, "Out of all the cool characters they have in Street Fighter... This is the one they choose to do a movie about?? Please..."

If they're lucky I'll watch it when it reruns on TNT on rainy Saturday many years from now (not d...

6119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I probably wouldn't have put the slight in about MS because I think that whatever Sony has in their PS4, MS will put the same in the 720. (Lessons learned) We're a few years away from that though.

I wonder if Sony will even change to a higher format with the PS4...
If the PS3 lasts 10years then I say they will but I don't see people buying a 1080p set this year and turning around and buying a 2160p set in 5 years. People generally don't run through tv's like they do cars...

6119d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

about what they have. Remember, most of the people on this site are tech oriented and probably spend their money on technical devices.

I have a 60"in XBR2. My speakers are Aperion (go to their website). I have the 7.1 Concert pacakge. (I like music as well) My reciever is a Denon AVR 4306. (They are a lot cheaper now than when I got mine)

Like some guys have stated earlier, I don't think any of us are rich but if you want it, you save, and work hard to get i...

6119d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bubbles for crackin me up!!!

6119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I throw my hat in with the PS3 and am glad to see it doing well because we're looking at a device that is trying to be innovative. It's bringing more to the table. I have to respect that and promote the growth of products that are trying to push the limits of my hobby.

Do I hate the 360? No. It has very good games and it was like a bucket of water in the face when it launched.

The PS3 brought to the table HD games and movies from the onset. I can appreciate tha...

6122d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never understood why they looked so poor on their trailers and no way near that on my tv. I just figured it was a casualty of the internet but they probably did screw the settings up or didn't use HDMI because it's gold on my t.v. If you don't believe me come to:

123 Somewhere St.
Anyplace, Somestate USA 65432

6123d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

T.C. was hilarious on Living Single. I'm almost certain that the author never saw an episode. It was a great show to a lot of people. Not enough or it would still be on but it was great in it's time.

Props to T.C. for lending his voice to one of the greatest characters in video game history.

6123d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you serious or making bad jokes?

6123d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its an epic game and it show devs that their hard work is rewarded. More games of this quality need to continually be pumped down the pipeline. I like FF and MGS. I'm sure they will be great and sell well but we need to show devs that if you spend time making a new IP instead of the same Madden every year that we will buy it.

Unfortunately most of the weight falls on mainstreamers to catch on to what hardcore gamers already know. As sheperds we have to lead the sheep so that w...

6125d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Super Macho Man...

6125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My PS3 will need a shoulder massage, fresh mouthpiece, and an encouraging pep talk before these games get inside it because this will be a 12 round fight to the finish with only one left standing.

The schedule will be cleared, calls will go unanswered and my work will probably suffer for a few weeks as I take some time off take it back to FFVII days.'re my developer of the year. Phuck it, you're my hero! LOL!!

6125d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Going into somebdoy elses neighborhood with a gun telling them what to do. Also wearing the outfit of the country they dislike the most. It takes a lot of sack not to run like a coward when you are commanded to go fight for something you don't believe in. That's what makes sodiers brave.
Some might say they're dumb for following orders they don't like but that is the life of a soldier. Some people didn't like the politics of WWII but they went anyway. Some soldiers were of German desc...

6125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment