
CRank: 5Score: 29560

I have a 1080p HDTV (XBR2) and if I try to change the settings form 1080i to 1080p the screen blinks and it jumps back down to 1080i. The component cables that came with my bundle do not allow it to upscale to 1080p. Alson, component does not pass, audio as I'm sure you know. So you're getting an analog audio signal. That's not so bad, for now.

I'm sure you're acutely aware of HDMI 1.3 (PS3 equipped) that has a larger bandwith for more (Truer) colors and HD sound. You can't do ...

6410d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Sony was accurate in stating that you need blu-ray to get next gen games. I'm not arguing with you but for Sony's point (notice my unbiasedness) Blu-ray and Hddvd are next gen. I don't think anyone would argue that 50 gig>8gigs. If you put a game on a larger pallet you can get more out of it. Whether Sony has been succesful in doing that up to this point is debatable but the opportunity exists. DVD (360 platform) has limitations by default in its size. Granted MS did wonders with G...

6410d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this looks like they are recognizing some flaws they may have made in their business plan years ago.

It really would appear that MS didn't think that space would be an issue in the years to come when they sat down and planned things out. MS was not in the dark about HDdvd's or Blueray dvd's a couple of years ago. I'm sure they new about it like Sony did. It would appear they didn't feel it would be so important. Why sell a system without a hard drive when you're going to have ...

6410d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree. This title clearly misrepresents what the author was trying to convey. This title is trying to start contreversy where none exists so there can be a fanboy fight.

I'm guessing the person who changed the title new this would happen...

6410d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

^^^^That...was funny!

6410d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

as a testament to how many people use there console for something other than gaming. It is definitely last-gen and almost everyone has a dvd player but if the Wii goes in the kids room and they didn't have a dvd player before then they do now. Also if your game console plays dvd's then you can move out the old dvd player and save space.

I have never owned a dvd player (except for 3 days as an experiment for something but I digress...) because my original dvd player (PS2) was f...

6410d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't be surprised if Sony isn't taking notes on your idea. Congrats to you.

6410d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What type of logic was used in that calculation? The PS3 has not even launched in Europe and you think they will only get 4 million in sales while they've already attained 2 million in 4 months!?!?!? You're not predicting, you're guessing and rather poorly.

I'm not going to call you a fanboy, or a hater...just don't quit your day job unless you are a practicing psychic.

6410d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have the PS, the PS2, the Xbox, and now the 360. I would say that they all are fairly consistent about not living up to the hype. Few things rarely do. They've all been fun though and that's what ultimately matters.

6410d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and I don't really care who wins. My large HDTV needs some content. I'm happy bluray is winning because I'm about to purchase a PS3. I want Bluray to win so that the format that my games are on will be well supported by movies also and avoid me having to buy a Bluray or HD player also.
If HD wins I would wait to the price went down on their players and pick that up. I have a 360 but find no reason to add $200 more to it. I know fangirls will say "Well, why spend $600 for a PS3?&q...

6410d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Usual Suspects is my favorite movie and Verbal/Keyser skillfully manipulated his story based on his environment. He was ruthless but intelligent. I guess I liked that.

6411d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd better get some pledge wipes for my 360. It may be sitting undisturbed for awhile...

6411d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that's a fair representation of most of the public. Lots of younger people don't touch media and would rather ipod or stream but most of the world has lived with one form a format or another (Records, 8 tracks, tapes, vhs, cds, dvd etc...). Most people do a little of both. I have over 200 cds but I also have many mp3s. I like having the whole album and popping it in but sometimes I like to skip through a variety of songs on my nano.
Most people aren't going to totally dedicate...

6411d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

by most of the comments made by this group. As much as we tend to disagree on consoles and blu-ray vs hddvd, it's good to see that we all agree that being overtly racist is not funny. It's destructive and should be looked at shamefully. Good job guys.

6411d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You shelled out the money for both system and as this race proceeds you will get the best of both worlds.

I hope that you were as upset when you got the 360 (I was) when there a handful of games. It had no competition and there still wasn't a lot of games that had you on the edge of your seat.

Remember March of 06 when we were begging MS for something other than Oblivion, though fun, there still were not a lot of other choices. I suppose Gears made us all forget...

6411d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

seriously dude. I'm not saying that to be rude or mean but I'm trying to understand where you're coming from. Some of the comments you make just baffle me.

Resistance and Motorstorm are magnificent looking games on par with Gears. The difference is that Gears is a 2nd gen game that came out in August of 06. The PS3 came out in Nov. of 06 and Resistance and Motorstorm are 1ST gen games. Does that matter at all to you? I'm just asking...

Why wouldn't developers wa...

6411d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

is ojective and correct about MS being guilty of forcing MS everything on consumers.

What kind of headset can I use on my 360? Hmm...what can I use on my Bluetooth PS3? Hmmm...What kind of hard drive can I use on my 360? What kind of hard drive can I use on my PS3? Hmmm

Like someone said, if you buy a PS3 you're going BR but then you're open to a lot of different choices for your BR player. If you go with 360 (I did) you go the way MS wants you to go with add-on...

6411d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

X-gamer, wha the heck man!?!? You were mad when they went from carbureted to fuel injection weren't you? You were mad when they moved from propellers to jet power right? Were you mad when Sony brought out the PSone and you felt there was no need to switch from catridges to cd's?

Look dude, I can understand you enjoying your 360 (I do) but why would you want to stand in the way of progress? Like someone said, you don't have to buy advanced technology. You do know that advanced t...

6411d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They should be thanking there pink hearts, purple horseshoes, and red ballons that there was a price cut there. I can't say I remember when a console cut it's price the first year it came out (console historians answer the call!!)! I wouldn't expect Sony to even think about lowering their price till after Christmas 2008 or early 2009.

Like the 360 is pick up speed, the software for the PS3 and their enormous development department will pick up speed as well. 3rd party developer...

6412d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In a company with such product diversity and profitablity potential as Sony there's no room for lack of communication. That just violates so many good business practices. He's fortunate that the PS was successful or he'd be fired for something as bad as not reporting that you're going over budget. He was putting his job in jeopardy and it obviously didn't workout as he planned.

I saw an expose on stringer about a year ago and how he was supposed to turn Sony around. I'd say for...

6412d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment