I Chill With Kuo


CRank: 5Score: 30100

They can just keep doing what they are doing. It's working!! They need to just keep offering a cheap alternative with fun pick-up-and-play games that those without much experience can get into. The hardcore crowd that wants one has one. I think it's the general public who are still waiting to get one. On a technical level they can't compete with PS3 and 360 so they need to stay in the niche they have been dominating from since release. That's who they are appealing to and who they need to con...

6008d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everybody in console sales. I'm wondering if it will last the year because I did and still do believe it's just a fad but it keeps selling. Anyone I've talked to who have bought a wii play it for about a week when a good game comes out then don't touch it for weeks or months. Granted they are all hardcore gamers but doesn't the general population with the exception of little kids do the same? Anyway kudos to Nintendo for tapping into what they did because they are making BANK.


6008d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It could work but I think Nintendo would have to upgrade the hardware because after PS3 and 360 graphics/games hardcore players will want something comparable. But a console that can do both could have a great marketing campaign and they have already shown that the casual gamers are there and are willing play a console they have fun with.

6008d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because it is all true but you did leave out "1st in shoddy, broke-@ss consoles" under the 360 part.

I like the games I've played on 360 but it gets annoying when someone makes this into a flame war when every console is worth playing. I know you're a 360 fan Jason (obvious by the name not to mention past comments) but don't start the "which is better" crap. All the consoles look strong going into 2008. It's a great time to love video games.

6008d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

You can't judge it at this point by losses because all consoles (except the wii because it's old harware) lose money for at least a year. Production costs drop but not for a little while after the product has been out. Games are where they recoup the cost. If the PS3 does in fact last 10 years as planned they will recoup their costs without a doubt as the other playstations did. Same with microsoft with the 360 that's just the nature of the business.

6008d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whatever platform it's on this is too funny. Poor wall.

6008d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bring it already. I'm tired of having to quit the game to get the buds into it. At least PSN will be catching up to XBL.

6008d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it helps kids feel better and can take their minds off their illnesses and where they are then it's a good thing. Doesn't matter if it's a 360, ps3, wii, or whatever. When I'm sick I'll settle for my old Atari so what they are doing is a good thing.

6009d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That gave me a laugh. Bubbles for you.

6009d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everyone bashed him and Sony even doubted him to the point of firing him but more and more we are seeing his foresight. Blu-ray is proving to be a great innovation as well as the cell with more and more studios praising the cell and better and better games coming out for PS3. Ken got it right as far as I'm concerned. As time progresses I think we will see this more and more. Though a little off the man has has made 3 excellent consoles. Gotta give the respect

6009d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then I expect the next Xbox to have a blu-ray player. It's proving essential to gaming and as hd format becomes more widely accepted you will need an hd player to play movies on the console(which xbox and ps brands all do). It looks more and more like the next xbox will have a blu-ray built in. This gen though I don't know if microsoft would make enough profit off the add-on to justify the licensing fees.

6009d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Considering games are now being made on blu-ray it does have to do with gaming. Especially when you consider that more disc space is being proven to be very useful if not essential.

6009d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly I can't stand the 360 controller. I don't know how anybody ever got used to it. I know fanboys always state how much better it is with asymmetrical analog sticks so your hands are in different positions. I really don't like the L2/R2 trigger buttons as no that does not feel more like a gun at all considering my hand is no where near the position of firing a gun. Plus it's just too clumsy. As many times as I've tried to get used to it... I just can't.

But since the wii ...

6010d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want one but seeing as how I just got a Bravia (beautiful t.v. itself) I'll be holding out for a while. I doubt many if any will be getting their hands on these any time soon especially given the price. But with time... UPGRADE!!!

6010d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bored with Mario for a long time now (Mariokart was the last game I enjoyed). I'll admit I played and loved them on the original nintendo but have not found any interest in him since. The fact that he is all over everything wii related and it's trendy gimmicky feel just gets on my nerves so now I'm more and more annoyed with him. Props though for he is still the most recognizable gaming figure ever. Mario has been around for a long time and won't soon be forgotten.

6011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Quite ironic to say the least. I wonder how this movie will shape up considering the game gave ABSOLUTELY NO background info/story. One of my great disappointments with it.

6011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But the truth is PS3 will not catch xbox360 in 08. The lead is too big. It will certainly close the gap and this race will become much more interesting (and indeed more heated) but if you look at the numbers even if the 360 stopped selling PS3 would have to sell like crazy even to equal xbox. Give it a couple years and I think we will see PS3 take the lead in the end. Not only will PS2 folks migrate over but many xbox owners are now making the leap. Of course all we can do is guess though. Ti...

6011d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

As exclusives go PS3's are better without question. Heavenly sword for example runs at 720p with 4x AA. How many 360 games run at that resolution? None as far as I know even go beyond 2xAA. Not to mention hundreds of enemies on screen at once while every 360 game I've played, especially your highly touted Gears, can only muster 3-4 enemies to come at once.

Uncharted did the cover system better than gears and most people on these threads agree it looks better than any game befor...

6014d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Bashing consoles is one thing but leave any and ALL religions out of the arguments. If you don't agree that's entirely your choice but don't start on areas of faith because it and video games are completely different so no your argument does not hold up.

6014d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That games ported from 360 to PS3 don't run as well as on the intended console. Who couldn't actually predict this before these games came out. Developers need to get a clue. Naughty Dog, Infinity Ward, Ninja Theory, and Insomniac have all shown that great things are possible on the PS3 when you don't just port it from the 360. Same goes for Burnout being better on PS3. I understand developers making multiplat but can the "this version is better than that one" stop already.

6014d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment