
CRank: 5Score: 9050

I have an xbox 360 but my console of choice is my Ps3.

I enjoy for many reason and keep my mouth shut about the cons of the 360 or Wii.

Unfortunately, the diehard fanboyz don't do likewise.

4944d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The fanboyism really started this generation with the xbox fanboyz ... and unfortunately, the twits are still around.

If they only just enjoyed their console and STFU about the Ps3, how better this generation would have been.

From observation over the years, the most vicious ones are predominately North Americans with PC backgrounds.

Now, the PC fanboyz are starting to be pain on this site with their "superior platform" rants and th...

4944d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

BC2 is better than MW2 .... although it lacks maps and more variety of modes.

But the sales and popularity of MW is just too big....as players just like that sort of gameplay and accessibility.

DICE needs to make BF3 so badass and cool to pull those MW fans away from precious.

Good luck.

BF3 will still be the king of shooters although it may not show it in huge sales or numbers playing online as MW.

4944d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I hate the lack of Jets in Bad Company....and only like the larger maps which have the copters and freedom to roam

Every map for BF3 better be large with all vehicles available.... none of those crappy small maps like in BC2.

4944d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


All shooters will bow down to the greatness that will be ... Battlefield 3.

Just makes no sense to be buying lesser games like this, or MW, Arma or the likes.

4945d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why all the amazement?

It's the pc version, which means that it's going to look great especially when DICE did a decent job of the graphics with the two Bad Company games on the consoles.

It's the gameplay, feel and intricate mechanics of the game that we should be eager to learn more about. These simple things are what probably makes Modern Warfare so popular...ok, and cool looks and sound.

Hope they get everything just right. ...

4945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Warhawk is indeed a MP beast.

This game would have destroyed MW if they simply used "Modern Warfare" environments, weapons, uniforms, vehicles....and of course, been a FPS, not a TPS.

4946d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When will Warhawk 2 be confirmed? This is getting annoying.

At least I can look forward to the next best online shooter experience near the end of the year .... Battlefield 3.

4946d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Then there's those jerks in your team that drive/crash into you when you on the anti-aircraft gun, penalizing you 10 points for suicide. WTF. This bug should have been fixed DICE.

4947d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, like real snipers would never camp on a hill, on a roof top, in a bush


My major hate is the slow reload. No sure if it is my system lagging but I must always have to stop moving before I can reload and the response is slow as.

Still, BC2 is better than MW2 by a mile, but just needed the response of the controls to be more faster....and more maps(large ones with copters/tanks) and modes.

4947d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who cares about this game and a discount?

It's so lame with its characters and gimmicky gameplay.

I won't even be renting this game but will eventually buy KZ3.

Epic would have done better by bbringing us Unreal Tournament 4 with a proper storyline.

4949d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Spawn flares had to go. They ruined the gameplay with spawn campers and nade fests.

Yeah, matchmaking really, REALLY suxs. Server lists ftw.

4949d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Killzone MP is nothing like Halo. It has a gritty, more realistic feel to the combat and environment.

If you are use to Halo MP with it's pretty looks, weapons, vehicles, controls then Killzone takes a lot of getting use to.

Warhawk and Killzone 2 are the only games I have been playing regularly over the past three years. I've gotten use to them and just can't get into the Halo or MW MP.

4949d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment


I'm a console gamer and am a little concerned that the PC maps will be far too big for 24 players.

Warhawk has 16 vs 16 and its largest maps are perfect for 24-36 and could easily handle 64 players .... allowing awesome air battles.

If DICE has console MAPs the size of the largest Warhawk, then things should be fine.

4949d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does it really matter how good the graphics are? After all, ground only warfare is so old school...as is TPS.

Zipper should have known this. Actually, I think they did since they didn't do Confrontation and brought us MAG instead.

They are clearly thinking of the Socom fan base, but this generation is now dominated by shooter fans of MW-style shooters.

Zipper should have been focusing on making MAG a MW beater and an undeniably fantasti...

4949d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Battlefield 3

Now this game will be the best FPS for many years to come, and will force many shooters - including scifi/fantasy - to have multiplayer with huge maps, lots of weapons and a large variety of vehicles.

KZ3 MP is very good but would have been mind blowing with all the vehicles(including the ntruders/aircraft) and weapons of SP in the MP, and huge maps.

GG needs to stop gimping the MP and let loose the dogs of war.

4951d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The Cod fanbase will likely stay loyal to MW ... and its familiar confined ground combat, lone-wolfing, KDR-centric, kill-streak etc that they like.

In terms of fanbase numbers or popularity, CoD won't be dethroned.

In terms of delivering an unmatched shooter experience, Battlefield 3 will be the new leader.

4951d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't wait for the stampede for the Jets and attack helicopters....first in first serve.

Should look very good on the consoles. Hoping they sort out the vibration on the controller as it's not done very good for BF:BC2 ... doesn't add much to the realism which it should.

4951d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"...And also because the frostbite 2 engine is build from the ground up to fit on all of this the platforms. So the streaming system, the animation system everything is build to scale no matter what platform you're on.,,,"

Good news to hear. The PC will definitely be the best version but us console gamers will still get a very decent product considering our older tech.

Very informative interview.


4952d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course, you know how many copies that needs to be sold for EA to make a profit from putting ME2 on the Ps3.

One selling alot more than some other means squat....especially when the sales are not over the same period of time, and one group of buyers had likely bought ME1 and were already fans who were eager to buy the sequel.


4952d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment