
CRank: 5Score: 9050


Looking out for jaggies is the least of my concerns when I'm on the BC2 battlefield.

I don't know ... what is it with the modern "online" soldiers these day?

4926d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm hoping they sort out all the online issues associated with BC2

Please, no laggy servers, slowed down controls, nnr gimped maps with no attack aircraft, nor just a single per team.

Then I'll be a very happy chappy.


MW is a great "arcade" shooter, but the real deal is Battlefield.

In BC2 online, just watching and listening to an Mi-28 Havoc take off and fly into the distance is surr...

4927d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Been waiting for this game for soooooo long, that I had actually forgotten about it.

Should be fun.

4927d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

24 players could still work... but just.

Yeah, games in Warhawk are easily better with 32 players then 24, However, smaller player counts could still be fun so long as at least half the team is in the air.... in air to air combat or providing support for the hardy few on the ground.

BF3 will still be a fun experience for console gamers if there are plenty of attack Helicopters and Jets on a map....not just the single attack helicopter -- if any -- in BC2.

4927d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're not getting the point.

Gameplay, gameplay and gameplay ...

... is what made BF2 and warhawk awesome and what will make BF3 -- not how pretty it looks, destructibility, or even by having a campaign.

Warhawk is the best online console shooter due to gameplay not because of graphics(ordinary) or destructible environments(none) or realism(lacking in many areas).

Let the PC fanboys have their optimized version of the ga...

4927d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Warhawk is proof that you don't need destructible environments for a great online mp with 32 players.

DICE should have gimped the destructibility not the player limit.

I'd rather have 32 -64 players with no, or very simple, destructible environments, then have 24 players and complex destructibility.

It is the chaos of warfare with large numbers of players doing all sorts of crazy things that make BF2 and Warhawk awesome games .... not...

4927d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Warhawk engine was an early release version and was never developed further -- ie no Warhawk 2. The developers were more interested in getting the game out quick and delivering simple, but awesome gameplay.

But the Warhawk engine could have easily been improved to include better graphics, physics, and destruction.

Resistance, MAG, and even Killzone 2/3 should have used and improved the Warhawk engine, then they all would have benefited by having fully us...

4927d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


Like B3 is trying to be like Modern Warfare with huge maps, MBTs, Helicopters and Jets you can use, and with more players in a game.


Like B2 reputation was built as a great team MULTIPLAYER game so any Campaign in B3 is a bonus, whatever its length, and isn't all that important

BC2 MP is easily better and more realistic than the kiddie/noobs friendly, lone-wolves filled, kill-streak obsessed Modern ...

4928d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looking forward to B3

It will mostly be what I've always wished my favorite shooter -- Warhawk -- should have been with modern weaponry and environments and as a FPS.

But the laggy servers, gimped maps, lack of modes, and 24 player console limit of BC2, are causing concerns....with B3 not the majestic Warhawk.

4928d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tho whole idea of a new next gen console or Ps4 is stupid. Sony needs to learn from Nintendo how to satisfy the masses with less expensive technology yet still be an improvement over the previous gen.

Sony only needs to make a Ps3 Plus....

.... with 2 Gb Ram, Improved Game Os, inbuilt FM tuner, HDMI input, Improved Cell Processor, in a Laptop sized Slim profile, for less than US$350.

This Playstation Plus would be fully backwardly compatible...

4928d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Other than the bunker info, a rather ordinary list that we would have expected anyway.

Realism and coolness .... and more realism and coolness.

If Warhawk had the same type of "realistic and cool"environments, vehicles and weapons of Bad Company or Modern Warfare, then it would be the undisputed king of shooters

This is the only news I want to hear, above any other improvements to the game.....also, sprint and Bots.

4930d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Squad spawning and spawning off squad leader is such a cop out. The Tactician should be a mobile spawn point(primary skill) not your squad leader/members.

4930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just bring back server lists ... matchmaking sucks big time.

4930d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Actually, I missed the golf carts. I loved hooning around the place in the cart ... until I encountered a tank. WTH!

Bring back the carts .... or a push bike.

4931d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is stupid

The fact that it will be a sequel to Battlefield 2, should extinguish all doubt.

Oh, yeah. Least we forget that it has JETS ... and will improve on everything that BC2 delivered.

4931d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

KZ3 MP -- I've only played the open beta but still regularly play KZ2 -- is one of the best online shooters on the consoles.

But Warhawk is the best online shooter. Nothing on the consoles could match the excitement, tactics, skill, action of a 16 vs 16 CTF match with two equally matched teams.


I mean

4931d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is spawn camping in BC2 .... when you have no spawn points except the main base, and your entire team is being picked off as you spawn by the chopper circling, enemies camping around the outskirts on foot and in tanks.

Admittedly, it only happens with good teams player useless ones, but it's still spawn camping as the base points are fixed.

4931d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Getting rid of the spawn flares was an excellent move.

What they should have done is make the Tactician a mobile spawn point as a primary skill. Each time someone spawns off him, the tact gets 5 xp. Simple.

All the fixed spawn points should be able to be captured by any player like Warhawk does....no reliance on Tact or getting pissed off with idiot Tacts. Simple.

4931d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not a hater

I just don't see that point...

Of what I've seen of the mp gameplay, it's just a prettier TPS version of MAG.

Would have been better just to do a MAG 2 with massive improvements...including adding fully usable tanks, choppers, jets.

4932d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment


the fcks me off too especially when playing Bad Company 2. So lame.

4934d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment