
CRank: 5Score: 9050

Resistance 3 will follow the same success as Bulletstorm and Crysis 2, SOCOM 4.

Insomniac are blind to an obvious, and simple, improvement. If they can't see how much better Resistance would be with freely usable vehicles in SP/MP -- look at Halo, Warhawk, BC1/2 you idiots -- then there's no hope.

R3 will quickly come and go as just another ground only shooter,

Bring on the 2011 shooter of the year ... Battlefield 3.

4813d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

RAM is the key to making true HD gaming with stable high framerates a norm and easier to implement.

But the consoles force developers to use every trick in the book, or find new ways, to get the best out of older technology.

Developers get lazy when developing for PCs as they they can state the required hardware specs(especially RAM and graphic cards) needed to play their games. They develop their games with high specs assumed.

Not so with c...

4815d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah. Dice aren't fanboys but a business so the 360 and Ps3 versions will be the same.

Makes good business sense to keep them the same otherwise the fanboys will boycott your game because they got a crappier version.

4816d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is a good move to lead on the most powerful platform.

The problem is trying to achieve on the Consoles everything on the PC at the expense of total player number .... and eventually gameplay.

Battlefield 2 wasn't successful due to HD graphics and intricate destructible environments. No.

Battlefield 2 was successful due to large maps, vehicles, large number of players, teamwork, ... and the freedom to use all these to wage war. This i...

4816d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Good to see a developer that hasn't lost the plot. Delivering an awesome gaming experience.

4817d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was speaking figuratively.

Socom 4 is yet another "ordinary shooter." The same old plot....when the plot for a developer is to make something exceptional/stands out.

Tango down. Tango down. Boring.

4817d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let's get real here folks.

Consoles account for the vast majority of game sales, not PCs.

Yeah, you can get better performance from the more powerful PCs, but if DICE wanted to make more money and seriously bring down Modern Warfare, then they really need to please the console gamers.

Let the PC gamers have their "best" version of the game on their much powerful machines.

As a console only gamer, I would prefer ...

4817d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yes we do!

And no, it won't slow action down on the ground alot, unless your team is full of kdr obsessed lone wolfers.

It's Battlefield not Modern Warfare. Epic environments not confined.

Ever heard of Team work?! Coordinating your ground and air assets to ensure the accomplishment of the objective.

In BC2 mp, Attacama Desert was the best mp map but was dramatically hindered by only having one helicopter per team.......

4818d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Map size is not the issue DICE.

It's the number of vehicles .... air combat vehicles in particular .... Jets and attack helicopters.

There has to be lots of jets/copters, not just one or two per team.

From experience with Warhawk, 24 player games can still be enjoyable but only with half your team taking to the air ... for air support, combat or transport to target zones.

Since DICE wont be increasing the player count, th...

4818d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Boring. Talking about developers losing the plot.

Another ordinary shooter that will come and quickly go.

Resistance 3....it'll be your turn next.

The good news is, there won't be any disappointments with Battlefield 3 and Warhawk 2. Not unless their developers lose the plot as well. Not!


Aside: I wish Warhawk had these Socom characters, animations, environments, weapons and vehicles. Then...

4818d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Infamous 2

The level maker looks promising.

4822d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Battlefield 3 at least copies everything CoD has and then improves on it, then and only then would it take down or attract the MW fans away from their, precious.

But it's still the better shooter what ever the sales are or popularity.

4825d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I recently introduced a MW fan to Warhawk. He became quickly frustrated getting continuously killed by players in Warhawks, both when he was on the ground and in the air.

He resorted to ground combat and camping mainly... then eventually gave up as the maps were too large to get any action(there are jeeps and tanks in the game), and he kept on getting wasted, and wasn't getting better fast enough. He went back to his beloved MW2 not impressed with Warhawk. WTH?

4829d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Different gameplay

I'm confident to predict that BF3 will never reach the same sales or popular success as Modern Warfare...

...due to different gameplay.

There are just too many shooter fans who like the noobs-friendly, arcade style, confined ground combat that MW offers.

Battlefield is for fans of open, free, skilled, tactical, team orientated, more realistic gameplay.

Huge difference.


4829d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It just better have Move support, that's all that matters.

A little wrist twist and spin that ball, baby. Hell yeah. Table Tennis/Tennis and Move FTW.

4831d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a shame

The Agency had potential to be a quirky fun shooter like Team Fortress.

But the powers that be decided to make it an MMO. Idiots.

Hope they still eventually release it in the future as PSN shooter game.

Also, shame about SOE employees losing their jobs, but you do have to read the market and learn from the competition, provide what the customers want, make those big bucks. Next.

4831d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My thoughts exactly

BF3 will be challenging Modern Warfare not with similar close combat confined ground combat, but with large maps, usable vehicles, and a more open world free-for-all combat.

Now whether BF3 will succeed in pulling the MW fan away from such gameplay has yet to be decided, but you can't deny that BF combat is a helluva lot better than MW.

So sad for R3. Copying the wrong game.

4831d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


Apart from the ugly critters and weapons, you could almost mistake R3 for Modern Warfare.

Reduced player numbers, confined ground only combat, no vehicles .... boring.

Resistance should have been copying from Halo, Bad Company 2 and Warhawk by having vehicles, larger maps, and more players. But you can't deny it looks pretty ... so what? Insomniac has truly lost the plot.

Pass. Bring on BF3 and Warhawk 2.

4831d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Having a campaign in BF3 is a bonus, even if it were short.

But what I'd like to see in the campaign mode is to make it more open world with all vehicle/weaponry available....even if they aren't meant to be used. Think GTA.

Just give us the freedom to complete a level by skilfully using only a knife or with no kills at all....or blasting away through it with a M1 Abrams. Adds a whole new dimension to the campaign mode.

The people cr...

4833d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What? There could be a sniper in the grass. Outrageous. Next thing you'd be telling me is there is a sniper on the roof or on a hill top. Now way!

Also relating to balancing things, the aircraft need to have limited ammo...just like the real fighter/helicopters. In fact, all vehicles that have weapons.

4833d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment