
CRank: 5Score: 9050


DJ's game is way over-rated while DJ's game has and will deliver, without a doubt.

4801d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


Sheez, these anti-Sony/Playstation fanboyz are up to their old tricks again. The PSN outage would have undoubtedly been a godsend for them.


4801d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment


Luckily I only use disposable prepaid Visa credit cards on the Net...

...and the current one on my PSN only has a balance of $1.

This is the way to do it folks.

4802d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As an avid Warhawk fan, I"m disappointed from the supposed leaked info.

They should not maintain the 3rd person shooter and cartoony aspect to the game.

Warhawk 2 needed to go first person, with more "realistic" physics, environments, weapons, vehicles .... and include bots, bots, bots.

A campaign is totally not necessary.

Neither was putting Warhawk in space. But so long as the developers maintain the large ...

4803d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Probably because a lot of submissions are troll bait - not news -- especially the mulitplat screen shot comparisons which N4G gets a ton of.

4807d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


I'd sooner just turn my Ps3 on and find out in less than 20 seconds.

And if it's still not working, just switch off and enjoy the rest of my day.

Luckily I'm just not as fanatical about regularly playing Warhawk and Killzone 2 as I use to be, which makes this PSN downtime no big deal.

4807d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who cares about the Wii anymore?

The Wii was successful due to being relatively cheap AND motion contols and fun/social games.

The 360 & Ps3 now have their motion controllers and motion-centric games.

So let the Wii 2 come. It will no doubt be more powerful than the current 5+ year old technology. But unless it offers something entirely different, it will never have the success that the Wii had.

Sony needs only to qua...

4808d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment


Get compensation for a free service? Idiots.

Just a pity that Sony doesn't have 30 years of experience of fighting hackers like Microsoft has.

Sony will learn.... PSN will become more secure ... eventually...

4809d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


I better dust off my 360 but unfortunately only have Gears 2.

Forget it. Too lazy to go to the video store so will just wait...

4810d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment


IMHO there won't be any Sony Ps4 for a while yet.

The state of world economies, the predictable expensive next gen research/production costs, and the need to continue recoup this gens losses per console sold from the Ps3 will ensure that there won't be next gen console until after 2014.

I mean, Sony has just started making profits from the Ps3 and it is still producing awesome games.

But I wouldn't hesitate ...

4811d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

@ skynidas

I apologized for using fail in my comment.

Your comment did not deserve such an offensive remark.

4811d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ ezcex

No sir. You are the fail.

If you can't understand the fault in skynidas comment/reasoning .... "people that really appreciate this game"... then you should frankly STFU.

Reviewers "really appreciated" Halo1, Gears1, Mass Effect1, Modern Warfare 1 etc with absolutely no need to sample previous games...whether they could or couldn't.

Let a game stand/fall on its own merits without being cons...

4811d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Say what?

Should reviewers have played the prior versions of Mass Effect, Halo, Gears, Uncharted, Infamous, Bioshock, Modern Warfare 1 etc to get a better appreciation of the games they are reviewing?

Now that would be a tad difficult to do.

Epic fail there.

4811d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I commend DICE for wanting to maintain the quality across all platforms. But this has cost us console gamers with the lower player limit.

I would rather have decent graphics and limited destruction with 64 players, than spectacular graphics and intricate destruction with only 24 players.

But they are right that 24 players can still work.

Just hope they get the modes, maps and vehicle mix right and not gimp most of the maps like BC2 did.

4811d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

decision decision ...

It has better gameplay than BC2 with the same number of players and Jets

decision decsion ...

We only play games on consoles

decision decision ...

We don't have an expensive PC gaming rig nor intend to buy one for games

decision decision...

We've played plenty of awesome 24 player games on Warhawk on large maps with tanks, Jets, dropships, jetpac...

4811d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

No kidding they'll be the same.

They want sales and don't want to piss off the cry baby fanboys.

I'm just interested in seeing how they have sorted out the 24 player cap and still maintain the true Battlefield experience.

Get the maps, vehicle mix, numbers and availability right and it should still be awesome gameplay for us console gamers.

4811d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Screw the demo.

Day 1 purchase baby

More interested in getting into any MP beta to help get things sorted for the gimped console version.

4811d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like Microsoft steam rolled Apple out of business in the PC market. Not.

Yeah. I'll stick with my awesome Mac OsX on my equally awesome MacBook Pro, iMac, & MacPro systems for everyday computing needs, and continue my gaming joys on the consoles....still dreaming of an awesome MacBox, iStation, wePro, whatever ;oP

4811d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Apple would be a welcome addition to the game console market.

The products would likely be more expensive but they will deliver awesome hardware and game OS, that will be copied by Microsoft and Sony for their machines... just like Windows copied Apple OS X, and nearly every cell phone maker is copying the iphone.

As for games ... they would be newbies, and we would have to see if they are willing to invest a lot into first party studios like Sony has or buy ...

4811d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

BF3 will never take down MW.

Different type of shooters.

But BF3 will still be the better game, just like BC2 is better than MW2, but just not as popular.

The majority of the FPS gamers like arcade twitch-shooters like MW, while a minority of mature and hardier gamers enjoy and are captivated by the surreal combat experience that is Battlefield 3.

But whatever the popularity, there is no doubt which is the better shooter by ...

4812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment