
CRank: 5Score: 7640

There are currently more Xbox 360 owners worldwide than PS3. And that doesnt look like changing in the next year or two. Suck that.

(Turns off fanboy mode)

Seriously, both are selling well. Who cares about 100k difference worldwide? Particularly when its fairly unsubstantiated.
On top of it, people are completely forgetting software sales which potentially make up a bigger part of a consoles success.

5310d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are the people who actually own a 360.

5313d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your argument that reviews are not opinions is massively flawed. If its some sort of "science" then why don't the game sites that (supposedly) aren't biased have exactly the same scores and exactly the same summaries.

Every game will provoke different cognitive reactions for different aspects. Some may get engrossed in presentation whilst some may get engrossed in gameplay nuances like counter systems.

Reviews are opinions, same as movie reviews, same a...

5313d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

One, why is everyone moaning about the scoring when they haven't even played it yet? Particularly when its still getting 9+.

Secondly, don't use high Bayonetta scores as an example of a flawed/biased review system. In my opinion Bayonetta is a great game. And thats what reviews are, opinions. Some you'll agree with and some you wont.

5313d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment


Now, I don't completely have a problem with this. In truth, the passion of the fanboys can really make the site a energetic place to be and its good to have irrational fanboyism sometimes mixed in.

whilst I like to dip into the current format I'd really N4G to create a area where I can have healthy discussions about games. There doesn't seem to be any conviction behind "gamer zone" and "open zone" at present.

5315d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Completely agree with you.

5317d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


don't know where to begin so I wont.

5320d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are there any comments section on N4G that actually discuss the quality of the games rather than whether or not they're "bull$hit "console exclusive" but real "ONLY-ON" exclusives" You know what I mean?

Anyway, I've still got an unwrapped AC2 next to me (work life balance needs addressing!) but after that I think I'll get stuck into Just Cause 2. Still feel Metro could be anything from average to amazing so I'll wait and see on that one.

5320d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is this game actually going to be any good? Looking at Gamespots critic scores its averaging 8.3. Solid score but the amount of mudslinging and hysteria seems disproportionate considering its (probably) not going to be as critically acclaimed as GOW3, Alan Wake etc. I do appreciate that all reviews are opinions and entirely subjective but for N4G to become a battlefield over it you'd think it was an 360/ps3 version of Uncharted 3!

5321d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

172% more of a life than the people interested in "head polygon counts"

5322d ago 16 agree6 disagreeView comment

Yeah, this guy must be the most honest, unbiased gamer I've ever had the displeasure of sharing a website with. Funny how he can only produce "facts" which are negative for the 360 and positive for the PS3.

Im going to wait for the Natal to actually be released before I start mouthing off for or against.

5323d ago 11 agree6 disagreeView comment

Looks like a huge amount of time and talent has been invested in this game. I like the fact that it doesnt seem to be just about graphics but its coupled it with some real imagination.

However, don't be a child and try to use this to slate the 360. Just focus on the game.

That being said this adds weight to my prospective purchase of a PS3.
If GT5 is as immense I'll get one.

5324d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ditto. The 360 is my favourite console alongside the N64. I especially agree on the controller part. The xbox 1 controller was the size of dish but I really like this one.

5325d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Personally anyone who thinks that the 360 hasn't been a success for MS needs to not only take a closer look at bottom line profits but also at market share and other important long term business concepts(e.g. operating costs). In terms of a five year plan Microsoft has now locked 35m people into its products and services. Microsoft can now continually draw on this cash cow whilst the previous "bumps" were easily absorbed by the company as a whole and now repaid by the division itsel...

5325d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

So let me get this straight about how the 360 version is a disaster-
a) The game is not full hd but still looks good.
b) The game is on a few disks meaning you have to get off your ass and change it every 8+ hours. (Alternatively you can wait for a more able bodied person to come home.)
c) IF YOU WANT TO you can install the game but itll take up alot of space. But this is not mandatory!

So N4G has been churning up this anti-360 FF stuff for weeks and it boi...

5326d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The fact you got 35+ agrees for that fanboy comment epitomises the pondlife on here.

2010 has already shown the 360 has a lot of life in it (i.e games actually released) with more to come. Final Fantasy does not define the system just as Bayonetta didn't the PS3. I find it amusing when PS3 owners think that 360 owners should be jealous. I'd love to have a PS3 (God of War looks brilliant) but I'm very happy with my lot at the moment.

5332d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

After seeing this, getting ME2 with Splinter Cell on the horizon I just have to reiterate that despite how much certain people try to knock it....I love my 360!

5332d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Stop comparing versions and actually start talking about whether or not this game will be good. Initial opinions have been lukewarm so all this "my version is better than your version" nonsense is redundant if the game itself is average. The PS3 version is by all accounts better than the 360 version. The only real reason I'd be "green eyed" is if it turns out to be "the best rpg this generation". If that was the case I'd want to be playing the definitive version ...

5334d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

No, I think you need to read SL1M's original post today. You're criticisng one gamer for stating that all QTE's aren't true games. Yet your not criticising another gamer for stating that only those of a high intellect appreciate QTE's. 2 generalisations yet only one you have umbrage with. Contradiction, no?

5338d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Xbox owners conspiracy theorists? You must be kidding right? Every time I log on here the place is swarming with PS3 fanboys claiming there is some evil bias against the system. Whether that be VG Chartz underplaying sales figures or Gamespot, IGN etc being paid off by Microsoft. Just look at recent reviews for games like MAG and see how many comments kick off at the relevant reviewer as being swayed.

Anyway, as for Heavy Rain it looks interesting. I'd imagine that as you beco...

5343d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment