
CRank: 5Score: 7640

Im actually thinking of buying a PS3 at the moment, but I honestly dont know whether or not i could actually call it an informed decision due to the levels of fanboyism on here. Because none of my friends have PS3's i basically have to go on what the internet says. It just seems that every comment is often propaganda in the 360 vs PS3 console war.

5944d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Although if the problem was half as bad as some people make out on here, its amazing that its still ahead of the PS3.

5945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love how supposedly educated gamers on this site get so easily snared by a lazy journalists trap. MGS4 and GTA4 are unrelated topics.

Do PS3 fans not realise the reason their console is selling slightly more than the 360 is because its
a) A newer system
b) Xbox 360 owners have got enough cash together now to buy it as their 2nd system.

Alot of this momentum rhetoric is nonsense.

5945d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Looking at next years lineup in terms of games and its fair to say, on both systems, the best games are coming from Sony and Microsoft rather than third parties. Thats why a higher percentage of exclusives are purchased not because its "exclusive".

Basically, exclusives are usually the best games. Otherwise, whats the point of keeping a subpar game to yourself?

5947d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dead Rising was a fantastic game so I hope your right.

5948d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Heavenly Sword, Folklore, Eye of Judgment, Lair, Ratchet and Clank, and Uncharted. Seeing that list before hand was cool wasn't it? Then the games came out and only 3 proved to be a "hit". "

I agree, the Sony fanboys keep lauding their line-up but theres no condition that these games will definitley be AAA. I hope they are though as, unlike the Sony fans, i think the more good games on the market on either system the better it is for the industry. Im just f...

5948d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think if you gave two developers 5 years to create a game on both the PS3 and 360 the PS3 would undoubtedly be the superior product. In saying that the PS3 is such a pain in the ass to develop for it levels the playing field when your dealing with 2-3 year development timeframes.

5949d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony fans on here like to convince themselves that this N4G fanboy war is a two way street but its far from it. Its not as if there arent Xbox owners who try to wind up the PS3 fans but theyre a drop in the ocean compared to what us 360 owners have to put up with. Every single 360 story is full of Sony fans trying to put a negative slant on things. Its made the whole "agree" and "disagree" options defunct. It should be either "pro-sony" or "not pro-sony"...

5951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im in no way offended by the topic, im all for banter about different hardware. But this was hardly comedy gold, surprised peeps find it so hilarious

5952d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Its pathetic that some people are so desperate to see fellow gamers get a poor product. The fact is that all the PS3 fans on here would buy NG2 if it was on their system and had the cash

5961d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

..But alot of the pond life on here pretend to ignore such details in order to continue their desperate belief/hope that the 360 will fail.

5963d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It seems alot of submissions on here regarding NG2 are linked to low scores. When, in reality, there are plenty of 9/10 scores out there for us to get excited about so i wouldn't fret too much Xbox fans (if there are any amongst the PS3 fans). Its amusing how PS3 fans are all over this, to such an extent that you get the same people posting the same comments on different reviews. End of the day NG2 will be a good game and solid addition to Xbox 360's extensive, and high quality catalogue alth...

5963d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Alot of sites are still giving this game 9/10 with the lowest being 7/10. I think this game, providing you love the demanding nature of it, will still be a definite purchase.

5965d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope im wrong and PS3 fans get a good set of games but whenever they throw their list of games at 360 owners im rarely impressed. Im in the position whereby i have some spare cash and im thinking of buying another console but its always a case of "upcoming games" rather than existing ones with the PS3. I hate saying this sort of nonsense but, yet again, im looking at a 360 topic filled with PS3 fans trying to put down MS and the 360. I have to be honest, from the Amiga 500 through...

5966d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh look, another Xbox topic filled with bitter PS3 fans what joy

5967d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im not knocking MGS4 one bit as im sure it'll be an excellent game and I can see alot of people are very passionate about it. However, whilst the hardcore gamers are taken care of, will these extensive cut-scenes not put off the casual gamers and new system purchasers? For my own personal taste id be happy with an "in-depth" experience but i dont think the casual gamer, which MS and Sony want to pinch of Nintendo, will be happy with it. Im surprised more of a balance wasnt struck.

5968d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Motion control is the way forward, everyone is going to sign up sooner or later. I think MS is right in making it sooner, rather than, later

5969d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bioshock coming to PS3 is good news and im happy that other players get a chance to sample a good game. I dont really see how it should bother Xbox fans though as all our copies have been collecting dust for months now. Plus a new version will no doubt already be in the pipeline. Basically great news for PS3, but theres no need to attempt to try and slag off MS and the 360.

5969d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People are jumping on the Edge preview of Ninja Gaiden 2 and going on about how its camera system will ruin the game. The same people have failed to notice that Edge has also given BK a glowing reception stating its going to be a great game. Yet people are ignoring this? Id love to comment but i havent played the final version of the game but oh wait, neither has anyone here.

5971d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So basically your saying that you know KZ2 is going to play just as well as COD4 simply because it looks like it will? It very well might,(if you read my post it states ill possibly buy a PS3 if it does) but to shoot down my argument on such a basis is fairly misguided. Anyway, I didnt even refer to KZ gameplay, i was simply stating that graphics were not the be all and end all of a games success.

5978d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment