
CRank: 5Score: 7640

I'm sorry but I disagree with alot of the comments here. I understand what you're saying regarding the levelling of the system being important so as to not "bankrupt" beginners through repairs. Yet on arcade this should be a full blown option.

To not have damage in this context is daft. Also, reviews have commented that you can get damge but only if you go on a full out rampage. I'd like to see a video showing a car start undamaged and go through a co...

5048d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree and disagree. As a beginner you get spoon fed a racing line, if you ignore the advice it gives you then you probably deserve to wipe out.

5049d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with leveling up to be rewarded with new cars etc. I even agree, to an extent, with the damage system being levelled in the game mode. I don't however agree with full damage being unavailable in the arcade mode.

Can anyone actually confirm that you get more damage at a higher level? My thought would be that they'd want to show off a great damage engine rather than inhibit it so heavily. My personal suggestion is what you see now is pretty much what you get. ...

5049d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I haven't actually been able to get online at all. That being said, I only had a quick go yesterday and couldn't actually find the online option! (The menu is a complete mess)

However, as far as my single player experience goes it is decent. At times it seems a bit bland. However, when you have a good tune in the background and make a couple of good turns before entering a tunnel it certainly feels slick.

This games rating really depends on how bi...

5051d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Forget that comment its local!

5053d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe depends on your connection? I only get 2m until fibre is installed at christmas! (UK)

5053d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

As a new PS3 owner I bought my copy at lunch but, considering im not normally a massive fan of racers, Im a little bit apprehensive about the purchase now. Im not really bothered about customisation but am looking forward to some 16 player online races.
The main thing that concerns me is the reference to the AI being erratic causing "bumper cars" and winning races being based on the machine rather than ability of the driver.

However, Im off to play it and...

5053d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Except if you just look at the video and the response of the audience etc, it was a resounding success for the Kinect in terms of US market publicity.

5208d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I logged on here for the first time in ages...it was a mistake.

Simply giving MS praise for at least trying to push forward motion gaming lost me 3 bubbles (not that I care)

N4G is full of little Sony trolls. Its the same pro-Sony anti-MS Submissions on any given day.


5212d ago 5 agree23 disagreeView comment

"Both have their good and bad points"

But lets have a title with a good point for Sony and a bad point for MS.

Whether or not you want to compare Kinect to the eyetoy or whatever, MS is still driving forward a technology which will eventually become wholesale in future gens. They deserve kudos for that. Yes it might mean titles are just "party games" for now but that's probably MS target at the moment. I think "hardcore gamer...

5212d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Can we duplicate this article so that those who actually want to talk about the features of this game can do so? Whereby leaving the people here to waste their lives talking about IGN score averages.

5282d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment
5283d ago

Actually, I wasn't selective about it, I simply went on to the previous Alan Wake article and was ready to see what comments were made. I would have equally acknowledged if there were alot of people bashing the PS3. There simply wasn't.

What makes me laugh is your "trawling" of the internet forums to substantiate your claim that Xboy fanboys are saying AW is better than UC2. If you dig to any extent on the web you're going to find any opinion about anything voiced. ...

5283d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

PS3 fans rubbing what in exactly?? I don't actually see what Xbox gamers have to be upset about? Ohhh, the cutscenes look a bit better than ingame. Riiiiight.

As for the fanboy bit, maybe you need to keep your own house in order.

Edit - I checked out the previous article comments regarding the Alan Wake trailer. Out of all the comments only 2 posters Labwarrior and Halo made any fanboy comments against the PS3 and comparisons to its games. 99% of the rest were s...

5283d ago 3 agree22 disagreeView comment

Completely agree. The desperation of "some" people on here to downplay any 360 game is pathetic. These people arent gamers. They've latched onto cutscenes now? Forget that, the WHOLE game looks brilliant. The cutscenes just add even more gloss. Half the time people who make comparisons with UC2 are actually PS3 fans trying to knock the game rather than Xbox fans knocking the PS3. At any rate, why are PS3 fans so desperate that Alan Wake is not as graphically excellent as UC2?? Just ...

5283d ago 7 agree32 disagreeView comment

Some good games coming out in the next few months. However, just a bit of advice. Take a look at some of the games you missed that have already been released as well.


Picked up Dead Space on rental. Absolutely loving it so far. (Although my girlfriend is not a great fan of the gore). After I've completed it I've got 4 or 5 others (Mirrors Edge, Halo ODST, Borderlands). Good times.

5290d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Amazingly funny... even better the second time its been posted!

PEW PEW PEW, I mean, what a genius! And like the guy said above, so much classier than that Douche Greenberg and his M$ cronies! LOL!

5303d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony did it with Assassins Creed 2 in the UK


5303d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Another FFXIII article about the 360 version. There has been a real lack of them recently. I'm still reeling from the riveting episode regarding load times which showed them to be identical.

Please can someone create another one about how there are less errr, let me think, LESS SEAGULLS on the 360 version in the background of one particular scene.

I'm not going to buy this game but I like talking about it incessantly.

5303d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

They were all supposed to be playing GOW3 for the next few days?

And before someone goes "yeah in all its hd glory". Good for you, go play it.

5303d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment