
CRank: 5Score: 7640

And why are you pleased that there won't be 2 more AAA quality titles in the gaming arena? Oh right, because its on the 360 and you're a PS3 fanboy.

5303d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Completely agree. I've just joined up to the postal video game service Love Film as I want to fire my way through some older games like Prince of Persia and Dead Space that I haven't had a chance to play yet. Do I care that their not full hd? Hell no, I can still enjoy a great gaming experience instead of counting pixels.

5303d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is great news. Hopefully a Slim would be a quieter version.

For $149 you get the opportunity to play Gears of War 1 + 2, Alan Wake, Halo 3, Halo Reach, Forza 3, Splinter Cell, Mass Effect 1 + 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Fable 2,Dead Rising.....list goes on.

If you have neither a PS3 or 360 you'd also be able to get to play all the great multiplats that are out there.

In saying that I doubt it'll reach $149 that quickly.

5303d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looking forward to this. Although a demo is rarely any way near as good as the final game.

Any actual 360 fans got a review? I've seen a few below, but from people with dubious motives, so would like a few I could believe.

5304d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I appreciate what you're saying but lets not start the PC/Console exclusive stuff! ;) he figures I used (dubious as the source may be) were for 360 sales only mind.

In the end both consoles have got large hungry install bases and no developer is going to pack up and stop developing on either system. I think its great that new IPS like LBP get 3m+. It gives incentive to innovation rather than regurgitation. I'd like to see similar recognition given to Alan Wake (if its deserving...

5305d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah, but in your assessment you've included Halo 3.

Anyway, what was your source for those numbers. According to VG CHARTZ (Yes, I know)

Halo 3 = 10.88
Gears of War = 6.03
Gears of War 2 = 5.62
Halo 3 0DST = 4.71
Forza Motorsport 2 = 3.97
Total= 31.21m

MGS4 = 4.61
Resistance= 3.67
GTP= 3.62
Motorstorm= 3.51
LBP= 3.13

Total = 18.54m


5305d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

This article isn't necessarily a stupid premise but it chooses data selectively. I'm sure any fair assessment would include Halo 3 rather than ODST?

Despite this it surely logical that 360 exclusives sell more as there are 5m+ more consoles. Attach rates are more valuable assessments.

Anyway, whilst its good to have high sales numbers as it encourages developers the PS3 will get there soon enough and its certainly not affecting the conveyor belt of good games on ...

5305d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah I read it. 18 of the 30 360 games were either equal or LOWER than the metacritic. Boo hoo hoo I now hate Edge also.
Why dont you just ignore Edge if you believe so strongly in this conspiracy? Its just one site!

You might get companies paying to have games "viewed favourably". You wont get companies paying to have a game downgraded like everyone whines about.

Want to give me a list of other sites? Im all ears...

5306d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

To be honest bud, there may even be some truth in these bias claims. I personally wouldn't completely rule it out. Its probably very likely that 1 reviewer does have a vested interest in promoting 360/demoting PS3. I just find it tiring when its a repeated accusation across multiple sites.

5306d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Its isnt just Edge that is accused of bias, its IGN, Gamespot etc. The list goes on...

In saying that the article you've linked still isn't proof of anything. From the graphs you can see plenty of 360 games rated lower than metacritic and some (not many) PS3 games rated higher. Its nothing concrete and what no one has been able to state is why?

Why would Edge etc want to be biased? Is there a financial/corporate link from these publishing houses back to MS? Does ...

5306d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Was never going to be a flagship title for the 360. I think alot of people werent even aware of it until this year.

The people trying to poke fun need to remember that.

Alan Wake and Splinter Cell are games that need to deliver 9+ scores in order to meet expectations, not this one.

5306d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Its all a big conspiracy against the Xbox 360!!! Sony has blatantly paid off IGN to give a bad review. 7.5 for graphics?? I mean come on! This game is a 10 and I will accept nothing less than that!! I mean, I know I haven't played the game or anything but its a well known fact that the gaming media is biased towards Sony and they were afraid Metro would be better than Killzone 2. I demand justice!!!!!!!

Annoying when fanboys make up nonsense like that isnt it?

5306d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

I liked Bayonetta alot. The first 20mins I was a bit miffed and wasn't buying into the theme but as I progressed I got really hooked into it. The nice thing about Bayonetta is there are different elements slipped in there (e.g.flying a rocket). The controls are the best bit. I don't think it's a button basher although you'll probably end up using the same combo's but only after doging left right and centre to get in position.

I think GOW3 has undoubtedly better visuals and I f...

5306d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You need to choose a more appropriate difficulty setting.

Game looks great either way. However, what I've always found with games like DMC, Bayonetta etc is that I complete it once on normal then start another game on hard but get bored and stop half way through.

If GOW3 can buck this trend and keep drawing gamers back to play it again and again then it'll show it truly is something special. (and make any 8 hour debates redundant)

5306d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"They even told us it was still early and things are ever changing. They said what you see today doesn't mean you won't see a change 3 months from now. It's all up in the air until we find a happy medium with ourselves and the consumer."

Generic PR nonsense.

5306d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment


5306d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still think the "problems" with the 360 version are massively overated by PS3 owners. If I had the choice I'd get the PS3 version though.

5307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bet half the posters (360 or PS3)who are whining and pulling console bases and sales figures from the ether wont even buy this game.

5307d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If PS3 developers (people who actually know what their talking about) don't rip 360 hardware. Then why do PS3 fanboys on here?

5308d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

are here to slate another great 360 game. I would take their opnions seriously if they ever said anything positive.

5308d ago 14 agree14 disagreeView comment