Getting the XB1 and the PS4 so I can call it like I see it.


CRank: 6Score: 39000

Only played 1 and 2 but 2 was simply amazing. Very fond memories of that game.

3622d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, people like me who have been supporting gaming for over 30+ years (longer than you've been alive I'm willing to bet) are the biggest threat to gaming. How so exactly? Too bad you can't reply with your one bubble used up but allow me to say that I think people who feel so entitled that they can dictate what the gaming press should and shouldn't be reporting on are the threat here, a behavior which you seem to be in favor of. So who's the real threat here?

3624d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Dude, you're more concerned with arguing against me than you are against the very people who are derailing the GamerGate movement with their poisonous comments and behavior! Go after them, not me! What concerns me and should ultimately concern you is that people on the outside are looking at all this and judging gamers as a whole based on the words and actions of a minority group within the movement. It seems like most of the people who would even bother with GamerGate are those who get p...

3624d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

You probably thought that Gamer's Bill of Rights that was written recently was a work of genius. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you on this but what I will do is direct you to an article on Medium that puts things in proper perspective.

3624d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

To me, the more devout GamerGate backers are the equivalent of that one guy at the anti-abortion rally who thinks it's totally justifiable to kill a doctor working at an abortion clinic.

3624d ago 7 agree19 disagreeView comment

I simply don't understand the need for certain PS4 fans to constantly attempt to prove that the PS4 is the better system of the two. I know with a lot of them, they're just immature kids but every time I come in here, I feel like there's no range of intelligent discussion anywhere to be found and sadly enough, this is why our community is looked down upon. Bunch of neanderthals, banging their clubs on the floor grunting, "My club better than your club."

3632d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

On the rare occasions that I come to this site, I immediately remember why I stopped coming back so often when I look at comments threads like this one.

3632d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

The games are balanced in PvP. You're misinformed.

3650d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Watch Dogs shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as Destiny. If any game was a failure, WD was it. The game is incredibly boring and plays like a less interesting GTA/ Assassins Creed mash up. Destiny is loads of fun and is only getting better with every passing week.

3654d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Every one has their own opinions but all this griping about Destiny is just weird to me. I've been having a blast with it pretty much every day since I've bought it. It really seems like a lot of people ruined the game for themselves by overhyping the hell out of it. Frankly, I'm digging this game and I can't wait to get home and play some more later tonight!

3660d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Uh, no. Don't get me wrong, the game was pretty damn good but I didn't think it had much replay value personally. The story was great but the gameplay had flaws, especially in regards to the AI and a slight case of repetitiveness.

3671d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

The crazy thing is, it always seems to be the more die hard PS4 people who put out this crazy, angry vibe constantly. Had the shoe been on the other foot and this ad had been a PS4 thing, it would have been hailed as the most amazing thing ever to be put to page. The mentality in here is why I've been visiting this site less and less.

3671d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

Between the comments on this thread (let alone the whole site) and the recent treatment of female gamers by those who call themselves "gamers", I'm getting more and more ashamed to call myself a gamer. I get the idea of console loyalty, really I do, but there's a way to go about it and not look like a complete tool with your thoughts, actions and comments.

3671d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Why is it that this site is host to so many "reasons why PS is better than..." articles? It's actually kind of pathetic, in all honesty. You'd think the consoles that were trailing in the race would be the ones trying to convince everyone why they're the better system yet every day, I come on here to see another piece on why the PS4 or something else Sony related is better because (fill in the blank). It's suspect whenever a certain person or core group feels the nee...

3679d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

He always came off as seriously whiny. One look at his face tells you all you need to know, dude looks like he's on some serious behavioral meds.

3685d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They should just release a proper Dragon's Dogma sequel already.

3687d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Imagine someone making a statement even more ridiculous than that one on this thread!

3687d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because if it has nice graphics, that automatically makes it a great game.

3687d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

As usual, I come on this site just to get annoyed. The negativity on here just sucks.

3688d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wish I could have seen what the reaction would have been had the shoe been on the other foot. If this had been announced as a Sony exclusive, the gloating would have reached insane levels. This announcement in general brought out the true colors of many, not to point fingers.

3694d ago 6 agree15 disagreeView comment