
CRank: 10Score: 29180

Peoples behaviour is so predictable when a chic is in the game. There is almost always a "romeo", a jaded a-hole, or a "bodyguard". And usually when two chics are paired together they will fight for attention.

6053d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah Anubis, Xbox Live is to blame for the male sex drive. Geez, give it rest kid. I suppose everything is peachy on PSN though right? I feel sorry for you people when Home becomes known as a perverts playground.

The internet is a toilet kid, it doesn't matter what brand name it has, there is sh*t floating around no matter where you go.

6053d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

So some uninformed writer (COD4 is not a port on any system) for Gamepro is a retarded sony fandroid. Who cares? The other 90% of the gaming media knows the 360 hammers the ps3 in performance. She only managed to discredit herself and Gamepro. Who knows, maybe she's still caught up in false hype sony created with the media prior to the ps3's launch. Either way I could easily see she doesn't pay very close attention to gaming. Even an everyday Joe like me knew that COD4 isn't a port.

6053d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Actually, people have known about FF since 2005.

6055d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

I don't think the 360 has reached it peak yet. It's still not at a mainstream price. I think that some folks think that just because Halo 3 has came and went, the 360 is finished. But people who have owned a 360 for any significant amount of time, know that the 360 has established itself as a potent gaming entity, not simply a I.P. brand. I have owned a 360 since launch. 360 has delivered great games in every genre that I can think of, with the exception of MMO's (fingers crossed for Age of C...

6055d ago 11 agree12 disagreeView comment

For a pro gaming media site, Gamepro must let just anyone write for them. Anyway, COD4 wasn't a port on any system. It was built from the ground up for PC, 360, and ps3 using separate teams with the same game assets.
I also think dedicated servers are a double-edged sword. The reason being, it puts a shelf life on the online capabilities of a game. What happens to your favorite game if a publisher goes under, or if they decide to divert their server space to a newer more popular game...

6056d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

Actually, it's more like I'm in a room full of sony pr fed idiots, and I don't want their stupidity touching me.

6060d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Welcome to my "List of Ignored Delusional Sony Underlings" Gambare.

6061d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

Your absolutely right POG. If devs start using the ps3 as the lead platform, 360 owners will be getting screwed, just like Xbox owners were last gen with the ps2. 360 owners need to make their voice loud and clear to devs "If you port to the 360 from the ps3, we are not buying your gimped game."

6061d ago 6 agree19 disagreeView comment

Mullet and heyheyhey both of you are on my Ignore List for being delusional Sony Underlings, so you might want to spew your anti-360 garbage to someone who's listening.

6061d ago 6 agree15 disagreeView comment

Harmonix dev spells it out:

Aswell as the top unbiased 3rd party devs:

Here is an unbiased 3rd party game developer that says it best:

Here are some unbiased 3rd party devs that just think the ps3 sucks:

Here is an unbiased 3rd party game developer that says it best:

It's the same for me POG, just about the only thing that I see on my screen are the delusional sony underlings that are on my ignore list.

6061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Fallout 3, GTA IV, Left 4 Dead, Ninja Gaiden 2, Too Human, Alan Wake, Halo Wars....

You should check more often.

6061d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Heyheyhey your on my ignore list for being a moronic Sony underling, so you might want to spew your rehashed anti-360 bs in someone's elses direction. I'm not listening.

6061d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

I knew this story was false as soon as I read 9 360's. 360 might have had some hardware problems, but if you've had 9 360's, your either lying or your breaking them on purpose.

6061d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

I owned a ps3 Chug, and it wasn't even a shadow of the 360.

If I had been smart, I never would have wasted $600 on it in the first place

6062d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

The 360 is a better game machine than the ps3. 360 has over 212 more titles than ps3, Xbox Live shames PSN, and the 360 is built for gaming not in-house movie formats. I know that alot of you are brainwashed anti-american Sony trolls that have been trained to put sony on a pedestal. But you and all of the people like you are wrong, and that's assuming that you call yourself a gamer.

6062d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment