
CRank: 10Score: 29180

360 gets 50million dollars worth of content, and this douche is making a big deal about a retail bundle being exclusive to ps3? lol...seriously?

6013d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Battlefront 3 all the way.

6024d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's 8:30 in the morning and I still haven't wiped the sleep from my eyes or had a cup of joe, but you just made me laugh my f*ckin a** off with that video. Thanks for the good morning ; )

6024d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although I want to agree with you, I can't help but have a "wait and see" attitude. I've seen alot of innovative multi-player modes not ever really catch on. Saint's Row comes to mind, somewhat fun but a little dry. I really hope the multi-player in GTA IV is solid though. Because I'll be getting the game as well as the dlc on 360.

6025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree. And just think with multi-player, now you can f*ck off with friends.

6025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GTA IV will join Oblivion and The Orange Box, on the "get your money's worth" list. Also if Michael "fudge" Pachter is correct about the 360 dlc costing $15, going by how content is priced on the marketplace, then each dlc episode will be huge in size. I am officially excited for GTA IV.

Also if you haven't read this yet, you should check it out. It's easily the most in depth GTA IV interview/info on the web. Warning it's a long read.

A consoles present hardware performance, and the sales history of a last gen console are in no way related. I think that your grasping for straws.

6026d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

All I know is that for over a year now, I have watched delusional Sony fans claim the Ps3 version of game X has better graphics than it's 360 counterpart, only to be proven otherwise when the game is released. Until the games are released, and a comparison is made, My assumptions will go with what history has shown, and not what some person in the comments section of a social news site says.

6026d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

If the ps3 version is in any way better graphically, why does R* use 360 videos to show off the game? Also, with approx. 95% of multi-plats either looking or running better on 360, why should anyone believe GTA will somehow be different?

6026d ago 10 agree11 disagreeView comment


6026d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

The only point that I was trying to make is that VGchartz is not an accurate source for hardware numbers, therefore they should be taken with a grain of salt. Nothing more, nothing less.

6027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow. Yes, the achievement bubble has burst because less than 1% of 360 owners had their gamerscore reset for cheating. I see GamingNexus needs webhits. Lame.

6027d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I agree P4Y. My launch 360 ringed out (18 monthes old), and when I received my replacement 360 (now 7 monthes old) I had no problems getting my content.

Whoever wrote this article didn't know what they are talking about. The people that are having trouble recovering their content are people who buy a new 360, not people who have had a console replaced by the warranty. MS licenses the content from your gamertag to the console before you get it back.

6027d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Bubbles to you for well thought out intelligent and informed posts, no fanboyism or delusions of grandeur, nice posts.

I would like to add regarding Forza 2. Turn 10 reveals in an early dev interview vid that licensing the cars in Forza 2 put them in the red. The Forza 360 bundle was obviously MS stepping in and helping Turn 10 get a return on their investment. I imagine the exact same thing is happening with MGS4 and Sony.

6027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

NPD gets approx. 60-65% of the retail channel data in the U.S., VGchartz gets approx. 2-3% of the retail channel hardware data worldwide. And that's coming from VGchartz.

It just a matter of time til VG gets it severly wrong (assuming they aren't already). Also Europe doesn't have and has never had a numbers tracker. So with 2-3% of worldwide data from retail and no ...

6027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think it would be a stretch to say VGchartz pulls European numbers out of their a**, as there is no sales data for Europe, never has been.

6028d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I think most people trust meta scores more than a bunch of brainwashed fanboys, like the people that disagree with my OP.

6028d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This isn't opinion it's fact.

Software quality & Library Size



note- If you don't know how Metacritic works, then don't open your trap until you do.

If some of you people like ps3, t...

6028d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment