
CRank: 10Score: 29180

I didn't realize how much I enjoy achievements until I played a game that didn't have them. I'm not an achievement whore either, but I would certainly rather they be there than not.

6045d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

From the screens it doesn't look like it's going to be one of those steep, craggy mountaneous maps (thank God).

6045d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This generation of gaming will be remembered as the generation that online console gaming became mainstream.

6045d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Sony Protection Group (fanboy nazi's) like to use N4G to spread silly garbage about the 360 and MS. Last time I looked, around 20 of the top 100 contributers here are members of SPG. Also N4G gives out a cash prize to the top contributers each month. The only way to get top contributer is to submit as many flamebait articles as you can find. This site reminds me of a grocery store tabloid at times.

6045d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

If the childrens mother had used the parental control features of the 360, this could have likely been avoided. I use them with my little boy. He can't recieve voice, picture, or text messages from anyone, except the people on his friends list. Another layer to that is that before anyone can be added to his friends list, I have to input a passcode, this gives me time to take look at this person. I can't blame this woman for how she handled things after the incident, but if she had been a litt...

6046d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree. I'm a 360 fan, but after reading the interview VG had with a former NPD employee, I just don't see how their numbers could be very accurate. The guy from VG said that they only get 5% of retail data, the guy from NPD said that NPD gets over 60% of retail data.

6048d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look I enjoy reading about the drama in the gaming world as much as anybody, when I read the headline of this story, I literally sprayed orange juice out of my nose in amusement. Lol, the headline on this story is why this site can't be taken seriously.

If R* is horrified by what they released to the public after 4 years of having the IP, just imagine how they view the people that actually believe this garbage. Lol, horrified...yeah,me too...

6048d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Lost Odyssey could have just as easily been named FF.

6052d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You could be right, but everything that I have read it doesn't seem like BC is straying from the Battlefield formula much if any. Here are a couple links if you want to check them out.

I'm a COD4 fan too, but Battlefield does alot more gameplaywise. The maps are gianormous, with driveable tanks, humvees, helis, and fighting vehicles. You actually snipe people that are farther than 100yds away. Teamwork is not just an option in Battlefield, it's a necessity (fly off in a heli without picking up teammates and you'll hear about it)

6052d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well good for you. But your taste in rpg's has nothing to do with what I prefer. Pushing one button then watching an elaborate attack script is not what I define as good gameplay. I just can't stay awake long enough to repeat that process for 30-40 hours.

6052d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Yeah Jade Empire was another good one. I thought they did a great job of giving it a Black Belt Theatre (old karate shows) kind of feel. Plus Jade Empire is about the smoothest running Bioware game that I have played. lol

6052d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Mass Effect has some annoying bugs, that will hopefully be ironed out by the next sequal. But the depth of the gameplay and story are hard to dismiss. I'm on my fourth playthrough (going for the Extreme Power Gamer achievement), and I just now feel like I have seen everything in the game. Also, the Insanity difficulty makes the gameplay alot more cerebral.

The depth and scale of Oblivion almost makes me weep with joy. It had it's bugs too though. I couldn't even finish the ass...

6052d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Turn based rpg's like FF and Lost Odyssey are boring imo. No amount of graphics or cgi cutscenes can change the fact that they are linear slogfests that you end up watching more than actually playing. I would take games like Oblivion, Zelda, Fable, Kotor or Mass Effect over the worn out jrpg genre anyday.

6052d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

I disagree. Halo 3 is the pinnacle of the series. I question whether or not you've even played the game. If you got no enjoyment whatsoever out of the variations of large vehicle battles, taking down scarabs, 4-player co-op, theatre... Your either playing at a difficulty that doesn't challenge you or your not much of a shooter fan. Either way, I question your views of what a fps should be, that's assuming you actually have views on the subject.

6052d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't think that Left 4 Dead will win any awards for phenomonal graphics (atleast not in it's current state), but the premise,4 player co-op, and intensity of gameplay has me sold. Also it still has 6 monthes worth of dev time, surely they will polish it up a bit.

6052d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

How many accounts does this make you?

6052d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The speed and number of enemies in the gameplay puts me in mind of the Library level of Halo, when you first encounter the Flood. I get that "can't shoot fast enough" feeling just from watching the trailers. This game is a must buy on my list.

6052d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

The stupidity in the comments and disagree/agree part of this story should be submitted as news. The problems you people are complaining about has little to nothing to do with online gaming service you use, and it has everything to do with the human condition. N4G is just as bad if not worse than any online gaming experience I've had, as far as a-holes and idiots go. It's simple really, anyone, anywhere, at anytime can be a jerk and the internet is just a door people can hide behind while the...

6053d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment