
CRank: 5Score: 25080

The whole point of the PSP is that it's portable and is able to play almost full-fledged console games. This is basically just an iPad with the same limited gaming technology that Apple claims is the future. My guess is the device pictured is an e-reader and that it will be allowed to connect to the PS Store to download Minis and MAYBE PS titles

5036d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally I thought the Beta blew, but now I'm tempted to go buy it to show support for a medium that is entirely misunderstood by the public. Do I see why people would be upset? Yes. Do I think that they should do a little more investigating into the issue and remember that it's a fictional medium based around real-world events targeted at adults? Definitely. She's so childish in her argument, basically trying to call EA a bunch of winnies or something and just makes her cause s...

5038d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mass Effect 2 will probably get it, it's such a good game overall and it made such a big impact.

5042d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Personally I saw the article as satire to express why Kinect isn't that great, but if those people were actually serious then wow they're dumb, especially for the "Eyetoy doesn't count because it failed" thing

5042d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah I definitely downloaded and installed that update in like 10 minutes total, so whatever download speed he claims he has is not true. Additionally if it's such a big issue he could just get Playstation Plus and get a ton of free content pushed to his system whenever.

5064d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Having once owned a DS, I find the PSP to be a better system overall, but it seems like people are too turned off by the one analog stick. Additionally Nintendo has constantly rehashed Pokemon, and until Sony gets an addicting franchise like that the PSP won't get a lot of extra hype. I mean, honestly, when I got my Gameboy it was really only for Pokemon. All the other games I owned were ports of older games as they upgraded technology and were able to finally fit them onto a GB cartridge...

5068d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Maybe they've realized they should stop running their mouths and actually work on the game. No but really, I'm glad because I don't have the money to get this. In fact, I barely have enough to pick up the games I've already pre-ordered.

For those talking about it being pushed back because of Halo, let's not forget how much was pushed back because of Call of Duty. Halo is good (although I really hope they work harder on Reach, Halo 3 was overrated to me) b...

5070d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If they're insinuating that AA, a shallow, repetitive game that got by mostly on it's solid controls and atmosphere is better than Uncharted 2 or ODST that has those things with even more then they are just plain silly.

For the record, I personally think ODST was better than Halo 3. I mean, I didn't really feel attachment to the characters of either, but ODST's haunting dream-like flow and the real desperate struggle was much more intense and related to the o...

5070d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've definitely wanted this for a long time. When I first made my account I was so excited I was actually online (we had a lot of trouble with our wi-fi originally and I thought I had finally figured it out, I found out awhile later that I was connected to the neighbors account...sigh) that I just went with a random nickname a friend had given me. Now I use Flare for everything so it would be nice to make it match my other various accounts

5072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

First of all, if the AI in Crysis one is anything to go by, it's not going to be THAT impressive. Second, even if it is good, they keep hyping their game up to massive proportions and when it comes out and it's good, but not as astronomically, impossibly good as most people are expecting people are going to be let down and the game will get a lot of bad press

5084d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, because XBL is bigger than PSN and PC gaming combined. Heck, PCs alone would completely dominate seeing as a lot of people with consoles still prefer PCs for FPS and it's FREE.

Anyway, the Beta really isn't that great, it's like a demo for Battlefield Bad Company 2. I can see why people would be interested in the single player, but recent footage of Black Ops has got my money going their way since I know I'll get more bang for my buck.

5087d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nice try, but in reality it means it really can't because the whole point of saying that is it can't be replicated in it's entire form on the 360, and even the writer said parts of the game would have to be stripped away in order to make it. THAT IS THE POINT, it can't be made as complete as the PS3 version, meaning the full product "can't be done on 360". It's funny, the author point out the flaw in his own argument using the phrase incorrectly, and I didn&#...

5091d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think it's really up the the player on preference, but that said I really thought KZ2 was better with the heavier controls. THey emphasized the uniqueness and weight of each gun while also promoting that KZ2 was a game more about shooting from the hip when in close range than always aiming, which to me is more realistic that bullets automatically flying all over the place just because you aren't looking down the sights.

If there was one thing I'd change, it wou...

5091d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know that's the teaser poster they gave out at Gamestop, but that's really crappy cover art, especially after World at War. Hopefully this isn't real or it's just in the UK

5094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really didn't think this game was good at all, in fact I completely agreed with the Zero Punctuation review because it was just so dull and shallow. I can see why people would enjoy it for the shooting but to me it felt really repetative. Idk, Borderlands is one of my top gaming peeves because I disliked it so much. Just my opinion though

5095d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I don't really think the ACR or AA-12 are an issue seeing as one is really the most accurate gun in the world (if he's complaining about damage then he's an idiot because three bullets from just about any gun kills you) and the AA-12 is an auto-shotgun, so it's not like they could make it semi-auto...

5108d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the game is fun, and I know this is obvious since DICE made the multi-player but it is the EXACT same thing as Bad Company except the rocket launchers don't kill anyone, there's limited destructibility, and there's a limited number of classes. Yes, the killstreak EXP thing is kinda cool (although it really doesn't prevent against camping) but by the time this comes out Battlefield will be even cheaper and a much greater multi-player experience as a whole unless they ad...

5108d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Samus represents a break in the female stereotype of a girly, narrow minded, overly sexual bimbo in the video game world to a strong, driven character with depth that has become a great gaming icon for female characters and in general, and they chose Jessica Simpson to act her? I couldn't possibly think of a worse actress to portray Samus. So much for female empowerment, and this is coming from a guy

5109d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

First of all, it doesn't appear any smaller or slimmer (in fact, the back is longer obviously) and the picture doesn't even incorporate memory card slots of the 360 logo. Unless MS wants to make the console completely unbranded (c'mon, MS would have XBOX 260 plastered all over it) and they're completely dropping memory card support for internal memory (which would make little difference since the Arcade was already made and it's already a pain in the ass for developers) th...

5120d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

She even highlights the flaw in her argument in her argument, a few years ago it was comparable to HD (which many actually still think is no different than regular tv) and look how well HD gaming is doing. 3D gaming on the other hand has the backing of millions of people watching 3D movies who are really interested in the tech and are seeing it more and more, thus making it even more viable of an outlet through which games can be shown

5122d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment