
CRank: 5Score: 25080

We seriously need to re-post this on Twitter, the PS Blog, etc. Sony has already shown that if we talk they'll listen.

3703d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Way back when they bought Gaikai it seemed like the obvious answer would be subscriptions, perhaps based on a number of hours a month, but definitely not limited to one title. And then for someone who really enjoyed a game an option to pay that $25 or whatever and just buy it so it would always be available to stream.

I think there's gonna be a lot of contract negotiation that needs to happen, but if they can get it together like Netflix (even if it's more, like $15 ...

3704d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Truthfully we aren't gonna really know whether this was a good decision or not until a few months after it releases. I will say I didn't think of what the author said though, and while I imagine it's not a deal breaker it is true. I have friends that are "hardcore" gamers with headsets and the like, and they always ask me who makes what game and I have to explain to them how because company/publisher/developer* A or B is making a game impacts my feelings on how well it w...

3706d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or maybe since it just came out and it's a smaller area it's just DLC?

3707d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can understand some of these misgivings, I played both the Alpha and Beta and explored as much as I could of the world. I found lots of chests, ran through areas we weren't supposed to be in, and even found a few chests/ghosts in some of those areas. I can admit that I think there's a lot of empty space for the sake of it being a large expanse, and then only a handful or grouped enemies to fight. Obviously I also recognize this was only the Alpha/Beta, so it's possible they'...

3707d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This just seems so horribly unnecessary. Not to mention I think I'd feel like a major dick hanging in a tent playing a videogame on some special console while the people around me are either:

A) risking their lives to either help me or climb higher

B) Native to the area and potentially unable to ever afford a game console

So I'd much rather it be a prize pack. Or, since they're making such a big deal about them, an opportunity to g...

3712d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was about to reply "Translation: Our beta data sucked, so our execs are making us push it back so it can hopefully actually make money".

The beta was fun and had some good points, but no way was it going to be worth $60 even with the singleplayer and other modes, it was just an expansion

3714d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just gotta say, all the obvious points aside, that I'm really getting sick of developers who make visually stunning but shallow or broken games talking shit. I feel like I'm always seeing articles from Crytek and now this. As far as I'm concerned the only dev that makes visually striking games AND has room to talk based off amazing games is Naughty Dog. Crytek and DICE need to stfo and get off their high horses until they make a game worth a 9 or 10 rating. And that's saying...

3747d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah, the graphics and textures are complete crap, next-gen needs to really start.

Never mind that one map of Destiny is massive, easily bigger than entire levels or areas of other games, but requires no loading. Or that it's constantly repopulating with enemies and random events. And there are missions everywhere. And it's multiplayer online. And loot is stashed around.

Or you know, that this is an Alpha.

Get your head out of your...

3749d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not that I won't buy or enjoy them, but I gotta say that No Man's Sky put all the AAA titles like Destiny, GTA V, CoD, etc. to shame. Very possible that when it comes out there could be limitations or issues, and obviously it's not as graphically detailed as a lot of those other games, but DAMN did it feel like the end-all for video games.

3749d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bought a white PS3 controller and I'll never be doing that again. Grime shows up more clearly on the white controllers, and even after cleaning thoroughly with q-tips and such I still felt bad handing them to friends. Might be able to handle the camo one though.

3749d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It seems everyone's forgetting it's also going to include a single player campaign with voice actors and all that, which is likely why it'll be $60 instead of just a $20 mutliplayer mod DLC. That said, I don't think the single player looks interesting at all (especially compared to Payday's co-op awesomeness). So Beta or not I'm in the camp of people only getting it if it's $20 or less, and then just maybe.

Thankful I got to try it though, otherwi...

3749d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

For me the issue with the SF multiplayer was that it felt too generic, Call of Duty esque. I understand that argument sound generic and lame, but what I mean was it really FELT like it. The old Killzone games felt heavy & brutal, the maps had a lot of variation in topography, and the weapons felt distinct from each other. Personally I felt a lot of that was washed out for Call of Duty style maps and gunplay. Further the guns felt less distinct than any shooter I had played in awhile with ...

3762d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This already exists...you can buy it on Amazon:


So he might not become that rich

3856d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I also played this on a demo station and my friend and I were really impressed with it. I thought that this was a generic tech-demo launch title when it was first announced, but it was pretty fun. It is deceptively simple, and when you get killed or injured it really is because you messed up the mechanics which was reminiscent of Demon's Souls. I can't really comment on story, but for a break in the shooters/sports games that fill the launch window I would definitely recommend checkin...

3972d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Although this is a far cry (haha) from a well-written review, and the author makes no mention of the multiplayer modes I can't help but feel 7 or 8 is the score the game really deserves to get. When I first purchased the game I felt it was definitely worth a 9 or 10, much like many of the first reviews. I was enthralled by the world, Vaas, and the gameplay. However, as I started to get to the second half of the game I just didn't really feel the same thrill. Not to say I didn't en...

4278d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Oh my gosh, if that's true then multiplayer will be awful. All of those killstreaks are so overpowered, and with iron sights available on the sniper rifle it's going to be a mega camp fest.

4427d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Didn't this release right behind Call of Duty? It's never smart to release a game after CoD that doesn't have it's own hype train. I mean, it's not even that it's not a good game it's just retailers know CoD sells like hotcakes and keeps it's value so they advertise it everywhere.

Just as well, to anyone who gives the "This is why developers don't do new creative IP's!" line, Rayman has been around for quite awhile, so it'...

4554d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I haven't played it in ages, but I concur. The 20th is the perfect time to try out the new maps haha!

Really I don't care either way, I was only into the Modern Warfare games so it doesn't really matter to me if they change things in the next game. Of all the issues listed the only one that really bothers me is the dual-wield machine pistol nerf, but even then a skilled player can kill those people. What everyone says is true though: you want change, do it with yo...

4559d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It makes sense for Nintendo if you think about it. They still make a ton of money because DS owners can play, and they're able to release a Pokemon game to pit against the Vita. Seriously, has no one else realized that's what they're doing? It allows them to use all the assets left over from B&W to make the game a lot faster.

I'm curious to see how much interest there is for these though. I'm sure they'll sell but I'm curious if anyone else th...

4587d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment