
CRank: 5Score: 25080

If you keep getting killed at your spawn, there's something called a riot shield. Use it folks, it'll save your life.

4552d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

To be frank (and it's something I believe reviewers have unconsciously ignored), I think the problem is the game itself. I love Battlefield, especially when my teammates are working together, but DICE needs to work on finding a way to better encourage cohesion. I believe I read that Brink had a system that led to better teamwork, so maybe that's something to look into? Developers, if they truly love their game, should want a fair review rather than a fluff piece, and so I think review...

4561d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't care regardless because I'm loving CoD already, but I do think that's totally lame. I would see no problem with him posting a second impression, but changing the original review score is just weak. How are we supposed to trust a site that doesn't even stand behind it's beliefs?

I get that in retrospect of Skyrim he could post a second impression saying if he now believes the score should be lower, that's fine. However the Batman and Battlefiel...

4601d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I've read their reviews before from the Onion newspaper (which is hilarious btw), but this was awful, and he drops spoilers which is the cardinal sin of a review. Will not be reading AV Club reviews anymore.

4617d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

One thing to keep in mind, besides the lack of concrete figures, is the sales that were lost due to people holding out on getting it because it comes free with the 3D Display Sony is releasing in November. A lot of the core games who would buy R3 are the same core gamers who are waiting for the 3D Display (myself included)

4658d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I played the demo and the two things that stuck out to me were that the characters annoyed me to no end and the gameplay was mundane. That said, I can't honestly speak one way or another to the quality of the story or character development. However, from my time with the demo I could definitely see why many would be turned off from the game because of the gameplay. Personally I was bored, and with Uncharted 3 coming out this year (along with many other titles I knew would be worth my mone...

4705d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with you, Reach is my favorite of the series, followed by ODST, Halo, Halo 2, and then Halo 3. Master Chief is cool, and Halo 4 looks interesting (343 rules) but it was nice having a few different, interacting characters that felt human with their emotions and such. My two cents

4727d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think CoD will be on it, but EA will push for it first because of their recent increased ties with Sony in response to Activision's ties to the 360. Just as well, CoD definitely has the greater potential on it since a lot of Battlefields key features would have to be toned down for the system, where CoD can take a hit on the graphics and still very similarly

4747d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@craddock: Yep, it will still work for all your 2D needs

4757d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's hackers like this that are going to get more and more restrictions put on the internet, computers, and gaming.

It's been said a hundred times, but we're gamers too, so JUST STOP ALREADY!

4769d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Eh, I guess the best way to describe it is certain textures look very..bland I guess? Like the rocket launcher above, or inside houses and the XM8 in Bad Company 2. I mean when you count in the huge scale of Battlefield games it gets more bearable, but Crysis 2 it is not (course, neither is CoD haha)

4775d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Parts of Battlefield 3 look better in terms of quality, but texture wise I prefer CoD because there are textures instead of everything being seemingly made out of hard plastic.

Also, I know the cool thing is to hate on CoD right now, but personally the CoD trailer looked cooler to me. Honestly. I know you're all going to hate on me, but while Battlefield 3 looks good and all, it was just regular shooter action. "WTH!?" you all say, "CoD is the most generic...

4776d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I disagree, but that's because I actually think the changes they made to the assault rifles and shotguns fix the shotgun fest issues I had before. I think now it's better balanced (since you can kill people with an assault rifle now without being 2ft in front of them), and a lot more fast paced.

However, the tropical island is kinda weird now that you mention it. Makes it a little less sad when you die though : )

4801d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really? You take away the medic (the barrack one you could get early on) from Terran and now this? Don't get me wrong, I love the game and there are other strategies to use, but those were both two great parts of the game, especially when it came to stopping a zerg rush

4804d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I knew this was false the moment they said, "According to yesterday's flurry of reports, Nintendo's new console will be 'significantly more powerful than the PlayStation 3'".

No way. Nintendo prides itself on making a cheap, affordable console. Whether or not it's for the hardcore crowd isn't the issue, it's that making it as powerful or more powerful than the PS3 will mean a price equal to or greater than the PS3, and then Nintendo would...

4815d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good news everybody, Microsoft has answered the call for new games and IP's by releasing a title made 10 years ago! Best part is, now that it's been copied a bunch of times and you've all played it's sequels for hours and hours, you've already gotten to play it too! Yay for super early access!

No but seriously, why do I still have a 360?

4820d ago 6 agree14 disagreeView comment

I can still connect, and it's not slow at all. What a poor job...

Also it's kinda bad they're doing this as Sony is one of the big corporations with a way to donate to tsunami relief on their site. Thanks Anon, for helping prevent people from helping others

4826d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I thought this looked better than DC Universe, but at least they're focusing on improving

4829d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I completely agree (although I see CoD as tactical and Battlefield as arcade, but I mean you get my thinking). That's basically what I tried to say on my comment on the article, they're different. Let them be.

4830d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank you for your reply, which just used my explanation of why I wanted to play the Beta and as an excuse to post a useless comment to this thread. Last I checked this site was a place to share thoughts on games and news. As it turns out, that is my thought on the Beta so it is totally justifiable that I would post that to highlight both my belief that Gears 3 will be good enough to keep my 360, as well as my discontent that Microsoft has not announced any titles. It takes a lot of brain pow...

4833d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment