
CRank: 5Score: 25080

Am I the only one who thinks it looks pretty good, but still not quite as good as Driveclub or Project cars? Especially when you add in all the environment detail.

Won't take offense if no one agrees, just curious if I'm the only one

3047d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll admit the melee system is flawed, but besides that it is fun. I would really like to see a Classic mode that plays more like the Uncharted 2 multiplayer, without mysticals and minions and with more quick, brutal stealth melee takedowns. That would be gold.

3053d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This argument is very foolish. The essence of our capitalist society is based on product integrity and consumer trust. Is it something I feel I want and do I have faith in the brand and/or product to chose it over an alternative? I am speaking personally, as I would much rather play a non-AAA game I know I could play efficiently and with full connectivity with friends than spend the same $60 and get a AAA, likely more engaging experience but worry that I won't be able to have a reliable c...

3055d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The wallet is the big telling point. Every year it's cooler and cooler to hate on CoD, but come release time it still gets huge sales even if it declined from previous CoD numbers.

Further I've got to think that a number of people are frustrated not only at IW, but that they want the MW:Remaster and it's not available standalone. Just as well, with the internet backlash Activision has received it's likely only solidified their resolve to keep it bundled in ...

3056d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm open to this, and think it could get better reception with people getting experience with Battleborn and Overwatch (because I imagine it will play differently than previous Battlefield or CoD, since a lot of the weaponry will have more specific uses, so it will really be class oriented). However I do think that DICE has to earn some trust back after the issues that plagued Battlefield 4 and Battlefront's lack of content. Admittedly I enjoyed BF4 a lot and played it longer than my ...

3060d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The author suggests the poor idea that they're bundling it with Infinite Warfare because they are worried that Modern Warfare Remastered won't be well done. It's obvious by the bundle that they're doing this to sell more copies of IW, not the other way around. Even if it wasn't very well done plenty of people would buy it for $20 stand-alone, just for the general experience. By bundling it with IW they can pad those sales numbers and earn a good extra $20 for a downloadabl...

3063d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It definitely just looks like a computer error since the game was originally supposed to be out today. I would honestly be amazed if Amazon dropped the ball on this one for even a single copy, it's too big a street date mishap to make

3070d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gameplay. From what I can tell it looks like downing someone with the Lancer is about the midpoint between the time it took in Gears and Gears 3. Anyone have access to the Beta that can provide firsthand experience?

Personally that was a big game changer between why I played Gears 3 PVP a lot and why I wasn't too into Gears. Obviously not everyone liked the difference, but I appreciated that the Lancer could be used effectively in Gears 3, whereas I definitely remember e...

3084d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ironically I feel like now it looks more sexual. The first pose was normal. Yeah it showed her butt, but she was just standing there. This pose doesn't look comfortable at all and looks like she's expressly trying to flex and show it off. Bahaha, this whole issue is so ridiculous. There are much bigger fish to fry in the sexism fight.

3090d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very glad this is finally out, never got to finish it on the PS2

3103d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It looks like a thinner, smaller version of a Vita. It appears to have shoulder buttons, but I wonder if it has any others on the backside. Anyway, I imagine it feeling like a Vita. Could be cool, definitely appreciate the actual thumb sticks as opposed to what Valve tried with the Steam controller. My primary concern would be price. Shelling out $60 for a controller is manageable but still a hit. I've got to think this would run at least $100. And if Nintendo goes for the welcoming/easy ...

3104d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Honestly I think my eyes hurt more after trying to find differences than I bet they would if I played in on low. I feel like we're reaching the point where games either look great or stunning, but there's nothing really bad anymore.

3118d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know this will be interpreted as a fanboy comment but I've never had a game take two hours to install before play on the PS4. Maybe it's just because Microsoft didn't make their install and play feature as adaptable.

3118d ago 19 agree3 disagreeView comment

I really hope they make additional improvements and release a second. Just as many have said it made sense the game was on the list originally, but now it's very good. Incidentally for those who stuck through it's almost like a cult hit now. Hopefully if they improve off what they have and make a second with a beta and stable launch it could really take off.

3127d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


Godzilla definitely deserves to be on this list. So disappointed in how it turned out. They literally could've ported Godzilla Unleashed with Gamecube quality visuals and it would've been better

3127d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because if you play it like I do and are constantly adding newly caught Pokemon to your lineup it takes an eternity? Thank goodness for EXP share in the later games haha

3127d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure you can have PS3 quality graphics on a phone, but for now it's never going to have more depth than Infinity Blade

3135d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know there's another circuit breaker east of Sanctuary, by the water on part of a giant pump. Maybe you're supposed to deactivate them all for something to happen.

***Gear Location Spoiler*** (Is that a thing?)

Also for you folks who lost your power armor, there's another suit over that way as well. In general that area northeast of sanctuary (between sanctuary and the next town) has some interesting stuff.

3236d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Separately. Still skillful, but definitely thought it was all four with one round. That would've been really impressive.

3238d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reading these comments I'm not surprised that their sales are declining. Not that that was a surprise to begin with since they're milking the series crazy, but I'm pretty blown away by the disparity in fan interest. Among my group of friends it's just widely accepted that the Inifinity Ward games (not counting Ghosts) are better, because glitches be damned they still play smoother and are more visceral. Conversely we're all mixed on the Treyarch ones, with zombies being th...

3452d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment