
CRank: 4Score: 27510

What people don't understand is that M$ does not have to "win"(sell the most consoles) in Japan(impossible really)....all they need to do is have a decent market share in Japan. I don't think they are quite at a respectable level yet....but hey its Japan, and all it takes is that one title, that one game that may sell a decent amount of hardware and it will indeed propel the 360 into a respectable market share in Japan. Every console sold in a region where M$ is all but garuanteed...

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice vid, I just think M$ was trying to showcase every game they had instead of focusing on the hottest games coming. It was good and bad, it showed there's going to be alot in store for 360 owners in 2007, but we already knew that, I wanted to see more Halo3, more Mass Effect, more Too Human, Bioshock etc and maybe just a little glimpse of whats coming in 2008, but hell it was a relatively short show vs. past E3 shows.

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no matter which one looks better, PS3 only fans should be happy since they are BOTH on the PS3!....and if you own both consoles then you will be blessed by the gaming gods with the option to play any game released on either console. [looks to the sky, smiling] -lol

6178d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Two great looking games, I think COD4 nails the realistic look just a bit better than KZ2 but barely. I like the blood in KZ and the animations when you shoot the enemy. The lighting in COD4 with all the shadows from the trees on the characters is just spooky good, all I could say was damm.....niether game is finished so I expect the finish product should be hot!, its pretty amazing though that COD4 looks so good so quickly. There are just too many great shooters these days, (I'm not compla...

6178d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never had a problem with my 360, and from what I've read from those who took the survey on the 360 fanboy site and most every other poll with comments about defects, almost all of them only complained about the red rings failure problem. I'm sure there are some who've had disc scratches, and other defects too but the vast majority of defective 360's were related to the infamous "PROD" defect. Oh, I know since they are offering a warranty to cover the biggest problem with the con...

6179d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Peter has been handling himself well, a little humility goes along way, but don't talk to much Peter, just keep working on fixing the damm things.

It goes without saying that everybody hates buying something only to have it turn out to be faulty or defective in a short time period. What I find amazing is while this is definitely a sore issue for M$ and obviously there has been alot of legitimate scrutiny over this issue, IMO there has also been plenty of public ridicul...

6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess you could call it damage control but under the circumstances I think it logical to say that its just a bad batch of HDD's since none have ever complained of problems with the HDD before to my knowledge. I think M$ would be fools not to have Quality Control measures in place but it is possible to produce a bad batch, sort of like the bad laptop batteries Sony made, everybody knows they make quality laptops and batteries but mistakes do happen in a huge company, all it takes is one guy...

6180d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

If true that would be sweeet for Halo3, I would be able to play through the campaign with my two cousins and my friend from back home, which would be awesome because we are all big Halo fans since the original back in the day,(a long, long, long time ago) I have great memories of us fighting each other about who's turn it is.....all the b!tchin 'n complaining, oh it was great I tell you.

6181d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think this is a tough comparison other than them both being FPS. Halo3 textures, lighting, and beautiful artistic style makes it look great but not like a modern day "realistic" shooter. Look at Halo3 screenshot pics, it shows some amazing detail vs KZ2 but its very different from KZ. KZ looks great, I like the weapons and the realism going on with blood and toe to toe fighting that game does look great.

IMO KZ looks great but not much better than many other r...

6182d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bro, I don't think you even like the 360 so why would you care if they fix it or not? Also they are fixing them, they've implemented changes to the board, adding heatsinks for those that need to be repaired, and have a 3 yr warranty. So yeah they're addressing the problem just like Sony fixed the PS2's drives that were defective. The question still remains, why do you care?

6183d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony has some momentum after E3, I like both consoles and I wish exec's what just shut up and let the games do the talking, Sony was starting to shake the bad PR label so please Dille just talk about how great Sony's product is....I have no problem with him commenting on the competition thats part of the game but the whole re-furbishing comment is just lame, because its not like they didn't have any issues with PS2, yet the public stayed with them and they survived....a little humility goes a...

6183d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, he got this one all wrong, I don't think M$ ever planned on the 360 being their only console for the next ten yrs, in fact I hope not....I want to see their next console in 3, 4 yrs from now. The only difference is M$ has said they will support the 360 much longer than the original xbox which didn't make much money from software due to all the modding and not ever making a profit on the hardware since it wasn't cost effective.

In just 2 yrs both consoles will be pretty ...

6183d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I like DMC, although I always thought NG was better IMO, oh sorry this is about DMC, well its a cool game, and the more cool games the better, when does it come out because theres so much coming, I'm going to have to spread out the games that I can wait for.

6183d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, Mass Effect is absolutely jaw dropping. It also has some kick@ss gameplay going on. Then the whole "Star Wars" like story/traveling the universe gives it that depth you want in a game like this. No disrespect to those who love JRPG type games, but I think western RPG's are surpassing what we have seen from JRPG's recently. One area where they definitely shine is "combat", don't get me wrong I think LO, BD, and FF are great but western ideas and gameplay style has ...

6183d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought C & C was awesome on 360, so being a huge Halo fan, I think this game will be even better with the familiar Halo universe added appeal.

6183d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just finished playing the demo for about the last hr. I really like it, it looks great and its alot of fun trying to shoot down the enemy jets....it does have a bit of a learning curve but its not hard at all once you get use to the controls. I definitely like it, the planes are top notch. I think it will be a great buy for me.

6183d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. Sony
2. Microsoft
3. Nintendo

Sony won because KZ2 was impressive and quite frankly they had a great attitude, the arrogance seems to have faded somewhat, I'm sorry Sony fans but Ken was dead weight. Sony showed games without all the usual visionary talk about alien technology.

M$ was pretty good, its pretty amazing that almost everything they showed will be here before Christmas, they really are setting themselves up for a great Holiday season a...

6183d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Demos are great, its always nice to play a bit of the game before you actually buy it.

6183d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I feel like I've been trying to say that niether console is better than the other it just depends on what games you like for a long time. Honestly though I think its most of the 12 yr olds who try to scream and yell that their console of choice is the best because.......well basicly what they read on a forum re-gurgitated in their own words or sometimes even a cut & paste. The thing is it doesn't bother me so much because people over-estimate a site of this nature anyway.....NO one...

6184d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment