
CRank: 4Score: 27510

Well as I said before $50 is a nice price cut but I don't think it would have a huge impact on sales, $100 price cut would have been the "sweet spot" for a console thats been out for almost 2 yrs....still $50 is better than nothing. Also has anybody considered that the 360 has 2 different sku's ranking #11 and #12 atm on Amazon, which means if you actually combine them both for total sales I'm sure it would rank much better, obviously theres no way of knowing exactly where it would...

6255d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

28-Jul 4-Aug
PS3 43,498 38,852
360 34,174 35,005

It seems pretty simple to me, PS3 sales increased due to the temporary price cut, 360 sales seem to be holding pretty steady although they are down overall from earlier in the year. IMO I think Sony should be a little more concerned with these #'s because I would hope that they at least thought that the $100 price cut would lead to even a bigger sales margin over the 360 so far and it looks like its decreas...

6255d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I guess the speculation over GTA4 delay will continue until the game is released. Tommorrow there will be another story about it hurting the PS3 more, then another about who's fault it is, hey is there a post right now on N4G calling analyst Micheal Patcher and idiot of the week for his predictions?, really who knows whats going on with GTA4, but does it really matter since is "delayed" for both consoles.....why so much speculation?, I know its a huge game but both consoles have be...

6257d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

I respect your comments alot, you seem to always make a good point, although its usually depends on how you look at it, which is why alot of your posts catch my interest. I wasn't disagreeing with you, I just want to give you my take on the whole "hype" concept....and basicly IMO nothing lives up to the "hype" but from time to time some games that everyone expected to be great, actually turn out to be great.= What more can a gamer ask for?....so yeah we basicly are in agr...

6257d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It depends....on what your expectations are, if you are realistic and expect to play a great game that does so many things better than most games and therefore will deliver countless hrs of entertainment both offline and online then from everything I have seen and read, including having a blast on the Beta test myself, then there's no doubt in my mind Halo3 won't "suck"....it will be a great game.

Obviously from a sales perspective with the amount of pre-orders its ...

6258d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe I missed something, but I didn't hear anything about them going PS3 exclusive after GTA4, and if they are going Sony exclusive why make Bully for 360/Wii, why not just stop with GTA4, give M$ the extra content they paid for and then wash their hands completely of M$. -Highly unlikely they seem to love money too much.

6258d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

OK, first off stop trying to make me out to be a anti-Blu-ray guy, you know it is possible to think Blu-ray is great for gaming but at the same time NOT believe its a neccessity, -hell you even basicly admit the same thing, so why do you keep calling my name? -oh I know because I'm not joining the Blu-ray parade?....well thats too bad, sometimes you just have to agree to disagree and feel confident in your beliefs if you know there's valid reasoning behind your statements.

Now ...

6258d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"less space for musicians means less songs on tape,less songs on disc,less songs on records.the quality of the music suffered because of the medium."

-Or the musician can make all the songs he wants, on multiple tapes, or multiple discs, but nah, they've never done that BEFORE?

"less space on disc,less space on tape,less space hurt movies."

-Name one movie available that was "hurt" by less space, hell doesn't HD DVD of...

6258d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That explanation makes alot of sense and I understand your point of view a little better now. I definitely know there are some gamers who only think of Halo when they mention 360, but I don't think they are the norm, 360 fans this gen in particular seem to flock to great games and I'm willing to bet that this game is going to be a huge hit.

6258d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I appreciate the valid response, and yes sandbox games do pose the most significant challenge, however there a sensible work arounds that can be done, one of which it is possible for to create sandbox games that allow you to install or save a certain amount of a game to the HDD, so that you don't have to swap discs often when going back and forth, those who don't own a HDD can still play the same games too but of course if they have to buy a HDD or change the disc, also there are other soluti...

6258d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's funny how some who accuse those who don't think that Blu-ray is absolutely neccessary for gaming anytime soon resort to name calling but completely MISS or AVOID the fact that great next gen games of all kinds can and will still be created on DVD9, so I don't get the logic of trying to tell someone its only possible with Blu-ray when they are staring at games like Mass Effect.

Listen I'll try to say it slowly.....Blu-rays storage space is better for game developers, howeve...

6258d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see your point, but there are many games that sold quite well so far on the 360 also I think 360 fans can be accused of alot of things but not buying other games besides Halo3 isn't one of them. 360 has the highest attach ratio of any console available, criticism of 360 fans in general only liking Halo is un-justified, seriously just reading the threads on N4G everyday, I always hear many different games 360 fans are looking forward to besides Halo3, in fact Bioshock is one of the games so...

6258d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Those same friends don't have to drive to your house, one phonecall, hop online and play with your bud's sounds much more convenient to me, really I don't know many people who favor splitting their TV into 4 screens vs. having their TV all to themselves while playing with 3 friends. Also with Live even when your friends are busy with their hectic schedule (like me) there's always some "friends" online just waiting for you to join that particular game, no lie for some reason day or ...

6259d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"More reasons why PS3 Blu-ray is needed for gaming."

"The PS3 version of Rage will be on 1 Bluray whereas the Xbox 360 and PC version will take up 2 DVDs."

-Well apparently its only NEEDED in this case if YOU find changing a disc (to continue playing the SAME game) unbearable.

-Apparently this is one of the few games so far from a 3rd party dev that cannot fit on 1 DVD9, yet for some reason we are still getting a 360 version on ...

6259d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

He has a right to his opinion but I don't see the need to "bash" other games. NG is indeed great(one of my favorites) but I don't care who it is, his comments sound childish. Now if he had just gave constructive criticism and said he doesn't like gameplay with button timing sequences then I guess you just have to say OK, I can understand his thinking since some gamers also don't like or prefer that type of gameplay style, but calling a different style "half assed" sounds...

6259d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

BAMMM!!!..........lol, nice Perk!

6259d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here are a few highlights from the article:

"You can play two player split-screen co-op for a single Xbox 360 – and yes, you can play online or System Link co-op against another split-screen setup for a total of four players, two Xbox systems. You can also combine a split-screen with two single players over Live or System Link."

In reference to the "AV calibration tool"

"Well, simply put, it’s a 360 app that helps you tune ...

6259d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"They said they would have a gold master candidate ready by our ship date, so I wrote the review on the assumptions that their promises would be kept, got the gold master candidate right before we went to press, and played that version for a few hours to confirm that they had addressed the issues. That gold master candidate was dated roughly a month ago, and as far as I know represents the game's final optimization."

-Yeah, I know many times journalists preview games ...

6260d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I Agree!.......in fact a made similiar comment on another Halo3 thread a few hours ago when I said this;

"I'm a huge Halo fan like many others but I never understood why some people think that means we don't care about other games,[[Edit 360 attach rate is proof otherwise too]] I see alot of 360 fans excited about Mass Effect and many other games, including PS3 games, but I've been playing games for over 20+ yrs and its one of my favorite games and I'm not going act as if ...

6260d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know some don't care for online, but I think it adds alot to gaming in general. I'm not a big fan of regular split screen of course it was great when it was all we had before online and now I think 4 player split screen is a nice option, but given a choice I would much rather play with 3 of my buds in co-op over Live so that I don't have my screen broken up into 4 sections, which I find a little annoying, I do have a 50" plasma so I guess it wouldn't be so bad, but hell its so much be...

6260d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment