
CRank: 4Score: 27510

ME sure looks like its going to be a great game, I happen to think Mass Effect will be the GOTY, if not then it will come very, very close to winning IMO, this thread after all IS about Mass Effect so theres no need to make what looks like a silly comparison between ME and MGS4, both games will be great and a term like "re-play value" is very subjective since basicly it depends on how much you like the gameplay, there are games with plenty of content but sometimes its just plenty of...

6263d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If true its only one review, is it possible that they just didn't like the game, its like having 10 friends with 1 of them hating a game everyone else including you think is great. Opinions vary, and this is just one (if true) I totally agree with you everyone should buy the game if they believe its good regardless of what reviews say. However I usually read 4 or 5 reviews to get a general impression of a game, typically if the majority(avg) of the reviews turn out to be subpar, then in gen...

6264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Alot of questionable Pro-Sony news is hitting the front page, yet a story directly in reference to the same news is reported. Looks like a double standard to me and I've noticed a growing trend lately, one tactic seems to be labeling anything slightly related to other 360 news as "duplicate" or old, while at the same time allowing PS news that the same news from a different site to be posted again. Honestly I enjoy most news and I rarely ever report news myself because ultimately ...

6264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All the games scored pretty low, hey can we grade all the games on a curve......add +2.0 to all the scores. [shrugs shoulders, looks around] Wow! BD got a 8.5 9.5 8.5 it must be a great game. -lol

This is from a forum so he could have easily pulled these scores out of his @ss, we'll see.

6264d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like how everyday we see a story about how Blu-ray has won the format war already then the next day we see something that indicates thats not the case since HD DVD stuff is selling. Yeah I know this is videogame related news since Blu-ray is in the PS3 and M$ "sort of" supports HD DVD, but honestly I could care less because if one of them failed tommorrow I could still play my 360 and PS3 games. OK, I'm not stupid I know Sony has alot at stake, but seriously IMO its not going to...

6264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So the answer is Xbox owners are not crazy. I wonder why Sony fans don't believe M$ is actually working on fixing a problem that would cost them more money in the future if they don't fix it?

Is it that Sony fans REALLY don't believe M$ is fixing it, or is it that they hope and pray M$ doesn't fix the problem? I would say the latter is definitely true for fanboys with an agenda.

rowdy1 You clearly hate the 360 so why would you even care whether M$ has "cr...

6264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did fans of the PS2 just bash the 360 for having another SKU because its a different color?....well I tell you what Nintendo needs to get their sh!t together and stick with one SKU for the DS.

6264d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

OK, I understand that you think the PS3 has been unfairly judged prior to launch and for along time after, but honestly I could say the same thing about the 360 and I would actually say its been alot worse from my point of view, so maybe the fact that we favor different consoles has alot to do with our "perception", one example is that I really blame this whole attitude in this "war" on Sony, I mean don't get me wrong of course fans of both consoles have always "smack...

6264d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why are Xbox guys so crazy?

-Is it because those who 360's have broken, want it fixed because the still want to play 360 games?

-Is it because people like me who never had a problem since launch should still hate their 360 because others peoples console had have had problems?

-Are Xbox guys crazy because we actually believe M$ has made changes to fix the "suppose" 30% failure rate?

-Are Xbox guys crazy cause they think the ...

6265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why can't good news for Sony just be good news, you say you are not "bashing" the xbox, just your comments are Pro Sony.....well you can call it what you want but you could say alot of positive stuff about Sony without mentioning 360 or M$ in the manner in which you do. We all have our opinions and of course somethings are expected by extreme fanboys so biased viewpoints are common on this site but I just expected a little less bias statements from you.

"I'm so ...

6265d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why post something on N4G you need to sign up for in order to view? Can you link to the actual review news article?

6265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

followed by laughter....

6265d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

For some reason the link only gives me an error message on the playstation blog????? Any alternative source for this news????

[Edit] OK, try the other link folks it works. I'm interested to hear what this new IP will be.

6265d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Normally I would just say ignore fanboys or whatever, but this guy is clearly only here to spew hate and not just about consoles.....if the MOD's tolerate and I know they don't condone user names like his but if this is allowed to pass for any reasonable amount of time it just ruins this site....this is beyond fanyboyism, for all we know he could be a Sony or Wii fan trying to make 360 fans look bad....I like both consoles but I don't think this idiot represents gamers from either them.

6265d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

There just so much to love about Halo3.

@#5 VirusE, bro that was one hell of a comment, its like you explained exactly how most Halo3 fans feel. I can understand some feeling that that some of the sales are due to hype, but then I would ask "naysayers" to explain why it has so much longevity compared to the vast majority of other games long after release? -That says alot about its fun factor. Now I'm not suggesting anyone has to like Halo because its popular, Gamer...

6265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"After the segment finishes the tech guy quickly corrects the "recall" error, but Roker ain't havin' none of that. Roker restates it as a "recall"

"On the bright side for Microsoft, the Today tech guy does say the Xbox 360 is the one to own."

"He says the PS3 is the most "high-tech" because of the Blu-ray player and calls it the "Trojan horse," which has Roker asking if people will jump out of it and kil...

6265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why would someone be allowed to create and use a name like this on N4G, seriously the MOD's could at least screen the names for accounts before allowing them to have access to N4G. I'm ashamed that people like this are apart of the gaming community. I ask the MOD's WHY is this user account not banned already from N4G....if this kind of stuff keeps happening, I for one will lose my all interest in this site and I think it will have a very negative affect on N4G's reputation.

6265d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Like most of you I thought the demo was too short but at least it was a small taste of the game. Now honestly this game does need some work on the visual side, for instance even the initial cutscene of her talking to the little girl the closeup of her hand on the little girls face wasn't the sort of detail I expect, not mention her hair, basicly sort of blocky, seriously it looks good but compared to say the NG:Sigma demo, IMO at least its not up to par.....but even though Iam being critical...

6265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't get enough of watching anything that shows Mass Effect.

6266d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is exactly why I rarely read fanboy sites. Why did they only report a small portion of the Nielsen Gameplay Report? Actually the PS3 was played the least amount vs all other consoles, which makes the title of this news very misleading.


6266d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment