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OK I have no problem with him or anybody else liking Haze more but how that translates into Haze deserving more attention from Halo fans and the media seems rather odd to me. Why? the only thing he mentioned was Haze does 4 player "offline" co-op= 4 split screens on 1 TV, uhmm Wow, really is that the amazing feature everybody wants.

If I recall correctly tons of gaming sites ran with the story and made a big deal about it when Bungie mentioned that it was hard work i...

6261d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I always read articles before I comment but when I read "selecting the best partners for you first time through Halo 3", I stopped right there. There's no way in Hell I would play Halo3's campaign for the first time with 4, 3, or 2 player Co-op. Maybe thats just me and you but personally I'm waaaaay to selfish to share my first time with Halo3 with anybody. -Hell I'm already trying to convince my wife to take the kids and go spend some quality time with her Mom for a day or two. ...

6261d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does anyone get their gaming news from the "Today Show" or the "BBC", well its not a bad thing, I'm glad mainstream press is willing to cover our industry for other than sensational violence news stories about gaming.....still its kind of like gettin financial investment advice from a Priest, he may have good intentions but I'd feel more comfortable with an professional in the industry.

I don't know what build of the game they were playing, but I and many ot...

6261d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not a huge fan of DoA or Tekken,(NG is definitely more to my liking) still I prefer when dev's only talk about their own games, saying a competing title sucks just sounds weak to me, comments like that usually "backfire" so I don't think its wise but Itagaki has indeed always been an outspoken guy and I'm sure a few beers didn't help much with a "loaded" question.

6262d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll give it a try. Yeah, I wish I knew why alot of stuff ends up being US and Japan only. Is it industry red-tape....I know some things like movies DL's especially have restrictions. -I'm curious to know exactly "why" this happens so often.

6262d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm American but I hate when they treat our European and Australian brothers like this. It's really a slap in the face, I think M$ should go the extra mile and do everything possible to make sure our friends across the water get as much support as their homebase here in the the good old US of A does, there a plenty of great 360 fans over in the UK and Australia and a showing a little more dedication I'm sure would build some lasting bridges.

6262d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is sort of strange, I thought it went gold already, hmmm I highly doubt that this delay has anything to do with implementing analog controls, thats a major task and I would think that takes much longer, and I'm sure they don't want to do a rush job, also its not one of the reasons they listed for the delay, then you add in what the dev's said about giving the controls a chance and I think that theory is dead.

I think the "natural challenges" comment says it all w...

6262d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a report about a old story, its very tragic no matter what happened a child is dead, why anyone would bring a situation like this up in something as petty as the videogame console "wars"? its so childish.

I mean seriously if you first thought was to defend or convict M$ in a matter this serious prior to the court case being resolved then you are simply a delusional fanboy with an agenda. -Both companies get sued all the time, in fact the US is a lawyers par...

6262d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360 is great, aside from its past hardware problems I think its the best gaming platform hands down, but IMO M$ definitely made a mistake not to include HDD in all SKU's, I know some believe they should have included one of the HD formats but I believe DVD9 will be fine for games for quite some time, AAA games like ME and Halo3 are all the proof I need to see but HDD in all SKU's would have been another option that dev's could have used for games, space is definitely a benefit of HD mediu...

6262d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think some of my fellow Halo fans should relax a bit, I'm a huge Halo fan, hell its probably the single biggest reason I became a fan of the original xbox, but I can completely understand that it may not be one of the best games ever in some peoples eyes. -Thats fine. I can dig that, but my comments were directed at the fanboys who don't like Halo and try to downplay everything about it,(vvvvJCity) again its OK to have a negative opinion about the game and as a Halo fan I don't mind heari...

6263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sky diving without a parachute.

#1 Why?
#2 Yeah you can try it, but everybody with even an ounce of common sense will just laugh at you becuase the outcome is obvious.
#3 Its useless and you have zero chance of changing anyones mind about the situation.

I've always been excited about Halo3, and all the news and screenshots lately are just adding to my desire to "Finish the Fight!" -I always love that line. -lol

6263d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah Bro, seriously I actually did tell my wife right after typing that comment, and she gave me that "You're such a nerd look" for a second and then she said "So co-op is how you play games online?", I simply smiled from ear to ear and said in a calm voice: "Yeah Babe, yeah thats how games should be played online." -lmfao, she has no clue what this means but I bet she will on Sept 25th. -I got a strange feeling she won't like it but hey Bungie can't please eve...

6263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow!....did I say Wow! yet? -Damm, Halo has always been one of my favorite games of all time, now this news and all the details is like the sweetest music to my ears. -I'm just f-kin lovin it! Seriously I always knew Bungie would deliver something amazing, but its always great when you recieve confirmation of things you wished would happen so many times. Wow! ooops, I said it again, you guys have to forgive me, I'm just so happy right now. [runs off to tell the wife, who doesn't even care...

6263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, I feel like its my Birthday......I thought 2 player co-op would do just fine but 4 is just the icing on the cake and you get to "eat it" too, oh boy I'm so happy Im seriously considering purchasing the Legendary Edition now. Bungie is my mofo!

6263d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This will be all over the internet so since Mr. Tanaka didn't say it or he meant the "Franchise" and not MGS4 then I'm sure we will get clarification or a statement calling the rumor false. Which will make this just another BS story created for hits.

6263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Calm down, yeah as I and many other gamers have said before I wish this rumor would just die already....but why don't we wait for some clarification from Konami about exactly what they meant....because apparently Kotaku is just reporting a quote from President Tanaka himself. Therefore it would be wise not to shoot the messenger. Hey wasn't it Kotaku who put out the 10 reasons why MGS4 won't go to the 360 just a few days ago?....I didn't see anybody "bashing" them then.

6263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well its not surprising that it sounds like he may be having a change of heart, consoles are where the big money is especially for this type of game. I have no doubt this game will end up on consoles eventually.

Iam by no means a developer and obviously they have much more intimate knowledge of the PC's and console archetecture, but I also have been around long enough to know that when a dev says a particular game can't be done on a particular platform then its most likely mor...

6264d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played the demo 5 or 6 times, and it was very, very similiar to God of War to me.......actually almost all games are similiar to another game that we've played before and GOW is a great game so thats not a bad thing, of course as he said it does some things to differentiate itself, like having different combat stances, and obviously its much better looking. Yes the demo was obviously very short but I enjoyed what little gameplay it offered, I did think it could use a bit more polish in som...

6264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The rumor seems pretty dead to me......I don't even think this is really a rumor at all, sure he's right about it making economical sense to bring it to the 360, thats the same for any game, but sometimes companies make a descision to go "exclusive" based off past relationships and of course some compensation up front and I for one think its good for each brand to have some exclusive's otherwise why buy both? I don't even think this is a rumor he even admits that MGS4 is the only b...

6264d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Obviously scans are never the best representation of what a game truly looks like but Halo3 looks great either way.

Its a shame some people like "WaggleLOL" just seem so intimidated by Halo3, you can almost smell the fear on the haters breath with every envious comment......sometimes its kind of sad sort of like listening to a small child with tears in his eyes, as he stutters in an unconvincing, half-hearted attempt to explain why he wet the bed again.
-You kn...

6265d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment